Saint Mark Orthodox Church

Archdiocese of Washington DC – Orthodox Church in America

Annual Parish Meeting – Nov. 20, 2016

Semi Annual Parish Meeting Minutes - May 22, 2016

OFFICERS: Father Gregory Safchuk, President Michael Thompson, Vice President Warren Miller, Treasurer Matthew Nimmer, Secretary Paula Zabela

COUNCIL MEMBERS: Justin Barber. Martha Baxtresser, John Bilyeu, Paulina Masick, Skip Mersereau, Michael Mihailov, Karen Phinney, and Debbie Sieff


Father Gregory led the opening prayer at 11:32am.


Motion to accept the November 22, 2015 Semi Annual Meeting was made by Marcella Hydock, seconded by John Ihnat. Motion carried.


Father Gregory noted that his report is written and has been submitted in the Semi Annual report. Father asked if anyone had questions regarding his report? There were none.

IV.  PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Michael Thompson’s report is also in written form and is included in the Semi-Annual Packet.

V.  TREASURER’S REPORT: By Matthew Nimmer

Matthew indicated there were three main issues to review. The first being the 2015 year profit-loss performance and balance sheet.

Secondly, the financial numbers for the Iconography Project. Third, year-to-date report specifically January through April 2016.

Total Income for 2015 - $20,000.00 over budget.

Expense – little over $347,000.00

Interest Mortgage principal payments – roughly $23,000.00

Total operating amounts equal $370,000.00

Other incomes – Bazaar profit and loss - $28,000 which fell slightly below the previous year. Rummage Sale however exceeded previous years and totaled $6,000.00.

We have gained a little over $2,000.00 of the Outreach budget.

Net amount of Iconography gained is roughly $47,000.00 over expenses.

Sanctuary Iconography Report: Total amount raised to date is $172,000.00.

The total spent is $130,000.00. Funds remaining for Iconography total $41,000.00.

Year to Date Financials – Two items brought to our attention, PayPal on the website. Technology questions should be addressed to Sharon Spaulding or Martha Baxtresser.

Flower Budget through April is over-budget but this is only a temporary expense as funds are yet to be collected from other parishes who have ordered flowers through Saint Mark and have yet to repay St Mark. Thank you to David Jefferson for handling the orders and purchasing the flowers.

Joan Mitchum posed a question as to why we have a budget line item for snow removal, which has not been used. The explanation is snow removal has been done by Saint Luke at no charge. Joan made a suggestion that as a thank you we can provide dinners for them at the Bazaar. Father Gregory agreed. See attached financials for details.


VI.  OLD BUSINESS: Iconography Update, Karen Phinney

Karen thanked Matthew Nimmer for categorizing and tracking all the funds for this project.

Amount remaining is $41,491.85 which is a restricted account. Demitri & Co. are working on ideas for our side walls. The next proposed project by Demitri would be on canvas, which is less expensive. There would be two canvases on each side at approximately $12,000 per canvas. Ideas from parishioners are welcomed. She indicated sample colors of paint which were painted upstairs for our review has been a project of Greg Yakubik.

Karen thanked all the parishioners for their generosity. Father Gregory expressed thanks to Karen and committee for dedication and work as the Iconography Committee. A round of applause was given.

Father asked if there were any questions. Michael Hydock asked if the ceiling would be painted? It will be discussed.

An idea forthcoming from the floor was to improve “illumination” of our Iconography.

Barbara Freimann moved to continue the Iconography Project. Discussion on the motion was regarding our mortgage, it was stated it is a 30 year term in five year increments, next term is in 3 years - rate is already set. Tammy Jacobsen seconded. Motion carried.

Review and Update of Parish By-Laws – This report is in progress and will be presented at our Annual Parish Meeting in November.

Security System – Michael Mihailov spoke with his brother who is a professional system installer. He has offered to evaluate our needs and make recommendations to Saint Mark.

VII.  NEW BUSINESS: Painting the Nave – Greg Yakubik

Greg received a deal on the price of paint which is $40% off. So the paint has been purchased but can be returned if necessary. Our painter Spiro has done all our painting work and wants to charge us only $2,500.00 which is a real bargain. Karen spoke on the color - after some discussion it was decided a satin finish entirely in the light gold color on all the walls and columns.

Skip Mersereau moved. Seconded by Michael Hydock.

Michael Lungociu asked regarding maintenance if the “mold/rot” around the windows was going to be addressed. Greg Yakubik indicated it is not mold or rot but dead bugs. Michael also asked what is being done with the lower lot. The issue has been taken care of as it is being mowed professionally.

If anyone has ideas for the use of the land, please come to the council meeting.

Joan Mitchum asked if we were still entertaining thoughts on the pews? At this time it is not.

Mark Phinney spoke on behalf of Deacon Matthew. We have many parishioners who require assistance with the opening of doors. Would it be possible to purchase and install an automatic door opener? This will be referred to the council. Another idea was to put into print a list of names of the Saints that are depicted in our Iconography. Father Gregory said it can be done.


Diana Haverlack moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Joan Mitchum seconded. Motion carried.

Father closed the meeting with prayer at approximately 12:17pm.

Submitted by,

Paula Zabela

Saint Mark Church Secretary