16815 park hill dr. • Dallas, texas75248

214-994-6976 • 469- 737-5325 •


Bachelor of Arts in SpanishBarryUniversity, Miami Shores, FLGraduation Date: May 2008

♦ Graduated Magna Cum Laude.

Spanish Translation/Interpretation Certification from Barry University 2008

Probationary Alternative Teaching Certification Texas Teachers, Dallas, TX 2010


♦ Provide linguistic services to the Spanish/English speaking community.

♦Able to work independently, while demonstrating leadership, organizational and good work-ethic skills.

♦ Excellent oral and written communication skills and trained in translation/interpretation services.


Spanish/ English InterpreterManglaralto Hospital, Ecuador05/2009 – 03/2010

♦ Served the rural Ecuadorian community as a volunteer interpreter in the hospital setting to the tourists and

volunteers of the area.

♦ Translated hospital documents from Spanish to English for the foreigners of the sector.

♦ Assisted the rural hospital by being an on-call volunteer interpreter.

Freelance TranslatorIndependent Contractor, USA & South America05/2008 – 07/2010

♦ Independently provided Spanish/English translation services to businesses and individuals by accurately

transferring confidential information from the source language to the target language.

♦ Organize, plan, and deliver translation projects independently and on a timely manner.

♦ Simultaneously managed more than one translation project at a time, and actively sought out translation projects

and maintained a professional report with clients.

Translator/TranscriberTelemundo Studios, Hialeah, FL06/2007 – 04/2008

♦ Accurately translated Spanish network television programming into idiomatic English captions done in a timely

fashion to be aired nationally, so foreign language programming could be read in English by home viewers.

♦ Actively implemented company’s quality assurance policies by understanding translation techniques, such as

being well-versed in both languages and being familiar with program content, highly technical dialogue,

Spanish/English slang, language semantics, and grammar structure to create viewer appeal and higher ratings.

♦ Performed exegesis in both languages to determine usage of word connotation and expressions.

♦ Edited own material for proper grammar, cohesiveness, and conciseness.


English TeacherUnidad Educativa Santa Maria del Fiat, Ecuador02/2010 – 04/2010

♦ Implemented English instruction to the Spanish speaking students of the sanctuary, many of whom were at risk

youth, orphans, and of rural communities.

♦ Taught 7 grades, all varying in education level, and made my unique English speaking culture accessible to

students who had never been exposed to a native English speaking teacher.

♦ Developed and executed lesson plans, quizzes, games, and tests to further their knowledge of the English


English TeacherUniversalBusinessCenter, Salinas – Ecuador05/2009 – 08/2009

♦Instructed Spanish – speaking children, teens, adults, and professionals in the area of the English language.

♦Managed, on average, 10 English classes daily.

♦Met weekly deadlines pertaining to the students’ English advancement.