Fr. Ken Wasilewski
I.Class Overview
A. Who Do You Say I Am? – Your Image of Jesus
B.Jesus in the Scriptures
C.The Doctrinal Controversies of the First Five Centuries
D.How Does Jesus Save? – The Medieval Questions about Christ
E.Contemporary Issues
II.Class Preparation
A.The subject is immense and our time is short so we have to set some parameters. Christology is crucial for any understanding of Christianity. We will focus particularly strongly on the Scriptural and Early Church view of Jesus since they form the basis for all modern ideas of Christ. The goal of this class is to get you to understand the main issues of Christology so that your own faith in Christ will deepen, and your ability to explain the truth of Jesus will be enhanced. Though intense, the class will not be boring and your participation is strongly encouraged. Remember, during the first centuries of the Christian era, there used to be riots between mobs who had conflicting views of Jesus. We’ll see if we can get as involved and passionate as they did?
B.We will have a much better class if you come prepared. All of the major readings come from The Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is essential that you read #430-483. It is highly recommended that you continue and read $484-682. Also fill out the True/False quiz on page two of this Preview Sheet. This will get you thinking about your own ideas of Christ.
C.Sounds like a lot doesn’t it? Well, you’re right; it is! But Christology is fundamental to any real study of our faith, so we’ve got to do this right. I know you are busy, but burn the midnight oil for this one.
D.You will have many questions. Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the reading. If you understood everything there would be no point to this class. Write those questions down and let’s talk about them at class. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
_____ 1. Jesus was as much a human being as you are.
_____ 2. Jesus right now is no longer a human being.
_____ 3. Jesus is alive today.
_____ 4. Jesus knew all things since he was a child.
_____ 5. Jesus was a political revolutionary.
_____ 6. Jesus still has human consciousness and affectivity.
_____ 7. Jesus taught a morality different from the Ten Commandments.
_____ 8. Jesus had sexuality.
_____ 9. Jesus liked some people more than others.
_____ 10. Jesus looked and acted like a man but he was really God inside.
_____ 11. Jesus primarily is important to us as the greatest Teacher of values and a holy
lifestyle who ever lived.
_____ 12. Jesus set up the positions of Pope and bishops as we have them today.
_____ 13. It is impossible for the bones of Jesus Christ to still be in a tomb somewhere in
_____ 14. Jesus Christ is God, the second Person of the Trinity, who as the Word, took on the
appearance of humanity. Throughout his sojourn on earth, he appeared to suffer
human frailty and emotions, and though he was crucified on the cross, he could not
really suffer and die for who can kill God? He saved us because he is God. Walking
among us as if he was a human being, he showed his love for us by identifying
himself as on our side, but in his essence, he was, is, and remains God.
_____ 15. Jesus Christ is a human being, chosen by God to do his will on earth and lift us
toward salvation. He is called Son of God because he identified so closely with God.
We remember that at his baptism at the Jordan, God chose him as the one through
whom we would be saved: “This is my beloved Son; hear him.” Chosen by God he is
truly human. Because of his cross and resurrection he was raised above humanity;
nonetheless, he is “Son” and so is subordinate to the Father.