Grants Resource Center
Denver Public Schools
1330 Fox St. 3rd Floor North
1. Provide the following information:
Contact Person: Phone:
Email: Fax:
Name of Grant/Award:
Name of Funder:
Amount to be Requested: Funder’s Submission Due Date:
Project Focus:
Is any District funding, resource, or in-kind commitment required now or in the future? Yes No
If yes, please list by dollar amount and/or in-kind service/support. Be specific:
2. Obtain permission to apply for grant. Must get BOTH Signatures:
(School Principal OR Central Department Head)
(School of Choice Office Representative)
3. Fax or deliver this form to the Grants Resource Center (720-423-8242).
4. Upon receipt of this form, the Grants Resource Center will email a review date. On this date (usually 10 days from the proposal due date) the following is due:
a. The final draft of your grant proposal, to the Grants Resource Center for review and editing
b. The budget and signature page, to the Grants Resource Center to use in obtaining a district-level signature – IF one is required
c. The final draft of your proposal, to the School of Choice Office for final approval
Direct questions on the DPS grant process to Suzanne Simmons, Grants Resource Center at:
Ph: 720-423-8268
Email: Suzanne_Simmons@dpsk12
OR refer to the website at:
Grants Resource Center
Denver Public Schools
1330 Fox St. 3rd Floor North
Charter School
Grant Proposal Approval Process
Charter schools will follow the same grant-approval process as the district schools, with the addition of a review and signature by the School of Choice Office (SOCO). The entire charter school grant-approval process is listed below:
1. Obtain a Charter Intent to Apply (CITA) form posted on the Grants Resource Center (GRC) website. The CITA is accessed through the following steps:$126 (, Departments, Grants Resource Center, Charter School Grants Procedure).
2. Fill out the CITA and obtain the school principal’s signature.
3. Fax or deliver the CITA to a SOCO Liaison (720-423-3841). SOCO will review CITAs for grant appropriateness and possible conflicts with district policy.
4. Fax or deliver the CITA to GRC (720-423-8242).
5. GRC will email an editing due date within 2 days. The final proposal is due to GRC and the SOCO Office for final editing by this date. The date is usually 10 days before the proposal is due.
6. If a district level signature is required, the signature page & budget are also due to GRC 10 days before the proposal due date. GRC will obtain all district signatures.
7. Refer to the Grants Resource Center website for grant writing tips$36.
8. Completed proposals will be edited by the SOCO Office for accuracy and by GRC to improve writing and proposal organization.
9. Each school is responsible for submitting their final proposal to the funder.
10. When awards are received, submit a Grant Award Notification (GAN) form to GRC. Also send a copy of the final grant application to be filed as the official DPS copy.
11. Send a Thank You letter to the funder. An example letter is on the GRC website.
12. Mark the follow-up report due date on your calendar (if follow-up report is required). This report will assess the success of the program and is key to receiving additional funding.
Denver Public Schools
Grant Application Information
A. Legal Name of Denver Public Schools
School District No 1 for the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado
B. Tax Exempt Status
Denver Public Schools is a political subdivision of the state of Colorado and is a tax-exempt educational institution
C. ID numbers frequently required on federal grants
DPS DUNS: 041099334
DPS Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN): 84-6001099
D. Proposal Development Tip
Create a simple Logic Model of your project before you begin to write. This model will assist you in building, streamlining, and evaluating your grant. See example using an aftercare program below:
Community Need / Inputs / Activities / Outputs / Intermediate Outcomes / Long-Term OutcomesToo many students are dropping out of school / Teachers, classroom space, computers, software, grant funding / Out-of-school time intensive tutoring using special software to raise student academic proficiencies / Out-of-school time tutoring sessions / Students are more attentive in class
Students are not truant / Student academic proficiencies increase
Students graduate from high school
Grant Application Information, cont.
A. Benefits must be budgeted for all employees. Contact the Grants Resource Center for assistance with calculations.
B. Estimated 2005 – 2006 Rates
DPS Benefits (may not be applicable to Charters)
Fund / Name / Full Time0110 / Para & Sub
0111 / Long-Term
Sub & Temp
0120 / Salaried
0130 / Extra Duty
25 / State Fund / 37.66% / 14.68% / 14.68% / 4.14% / 4.14%
28 / Federal Fund / 37.66% / 14.68% / 14.68% / 4.14% / 4.14%
29 / Special Revenue Fund / 37.66% / 14.68% / 14.68% / 4.14% / 4.14%
From General Accounting link: Benefit Rates
2005 -2006Indirect
2006 - 2007
From General Accounting link: Indirect Rate
C. (Link to) Complete budget figures, definitions, and guidance. Use to validate and supplement above rates. This file IS okay to open…
Budget Guidance Manual
Grant Application Information, cont.
D. Salary and Benefits Advice
1. Grants use actual salaries and benefits including longevity. If a proposed staff member has not been hired, use an estimated salary. Once the person is hired, a budget adjustment can be requested.
2. When in doubt, estimate high. It is always better to have extra money that can be redirected to another part of the budget than to not have enough to cover the salary and benefits of a new employee.
3. If your grant is a multiple year grant, estimate salary and benefit increases for each additional year, unless the grant gives other directions.
4. DPS Salaries are currently being increased by 2.49% (2005 – 2006).
5. DPS Benefits increase as follows: FT by 2% per year, PT 1% per year and Extra Duty by .5% per year.
6. Be sure that federal grants include indirect costs, even pass through federal grants.
E. (Link To) Extra Duty Compensation Rates from the DCTA Agreement and Partnership. Click on link below – next select Contract on the left, then Article 32…
2005 - 2006 Extra Duty Compensation Rates
F. (Link to) Fee schedule for the use of DPS facilities
Community Use of Facilities Rates
Grant Application Information, cont.
A. Links:
1. Audited Financial Statements
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
B. Contact Suzanne Simmons for:
1. Affirmative Action Statement
2. Certification of federal and Colorado tax-exempt status
3. General Education Provisions Act (GEPA)
4. W9 form
A. Denver neighborhood facts from the Piton Foundation
Denver Neighborhoods
B. Student body demographics from the DPS website
Facts and Figures
A. Make a copy of the entire proposal, with signatures, for the Grants Resource Center (GRC). The GRC is required to keep a copy of all awarded grants on file.
B. Send a thank you letter to the funder.
C. Mark the due date for required follow-up reports (if applicable) on you calendar. Tardy or forgotten reports reduce our chances of receiving future grants.