‘Yin’ side [‘by hook’…incr. propa.matrix; ↓ GINI] ‘Yang’ Side [‘by crook’…incr. oligarchy; ↑ GINI]

(rising int/lowering ineq.) (lowering int./rising ineq.)

[dom./rising=spring] [dom./rising=autumn]

1. Aries (card.fire)- 1918.2-1926.6 7. Libra (cardinal air)- 1968.4-1976.6

2. Taurus (stab.earth)- 1926.6-1934.9 8. Scorpio (stab.water)- 1976.7-1984.10

3. Gemini (mut.air)- 1934.9-1943.2 9.Sagitarius (mut.fire)- 1984.11-1993.3

[rec./receding=summer] [rec./receding=winter]

4. Cancer (card.water)- 1943.3-1951.6 10.Capicorn (card.earth)- 1993.3-2001.6

5. Leo (stable fire)- 1951.6-1959.10 11.Acquarius (stable air)- 2001.7-2009.10

6. Virgo (mut.earth)- 1959.10-1968.3 12. Pisces (mut. water)- 2009.10-2018.3

[also]- 1909.9-1918.2

“This rediscovery of Egyptian knowledge is… part of a unified science of Energy… from the French [Jesuit’s, c.1900] texts… take a look at something like a pyramid [scheme]…and see how the 12 energies are propagated, in multiple spectrums, around that object [pyr.scheme] at that particular place…. these 12 energies occurred in a particular spectrum… intentionally created by the Egyptians to encode specific energetic effects.”

-  Robert Gilbert, 2010, “Egyptian Energy Science- BioGeometry Training”, Part 3,



1A. “A statesman... must wait until he hears the steps of God sounding through events, then leap up and grasp the hem of His garment.”- Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898)

2T. “How far would Moses have gone if he had taken a poll in Egypt?”- Harry Truman, 33rd American president (1884-1972)

3G. “All I can do is be me, whoever that is.”- Dylan; “I'm an idealist without illusions.”- JFK

4C. “Sometimes you meet people and you feel like you've known them for a long time.”- John Cusack

5L. "We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more."- Carl Jung, psychologist (1875-1961)

6V. “Perhaps I'm not a good actor, but I would be even worse at doing anything else.”- Sean Connery

7L. “Washington is a place where men praise courage and act on elaborate personal cost-benefit calculations.”- John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006)

8S. “I think ‘destiny’ is just a fancy word for a psychological pattern.”- Jodie Foster; “Speak softly and carry a big stick”- T. Roosevelt (1858-1919)

9S. “My only obligation is to keep myself and other people guessing.”- Jude Law

10C. “Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class.”- Al Capone; “I wish it wasn’t like this. I sit and watch stuff on the television, I think, ‘Why, why, why?”- Phil Collins

11A. “If we lived in a state where virtue was profitable, common sense would make us saintly. But since we see that avarice, anger, pride and stupidity commonly profit far beyond charity, modesty, justice and thought, perhaps we must stand fast a little, even at the risk of being heroes.”- Sir Thomas More in A Man For All Seasons (1966, screenplay by Robert Bolt).

12P. "Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions."- E. Cayce (1877-1945); "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."- A. Einstein (1879-1955)


"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."

- H.P. Lovecraft (August 20, 1890), The Call of Cthulhu, 1926

“Just to know who’s driving, what a help it would be!”

- Moody Blues, “I’m Just a Singer” (July 20, 1945), Seventh Sojourn, 1972

Temporate World Cel.Cal. Matrix (it’s only a [this side] construct/model):

30 years 'Liberal'/progressive (pro-3rdE run)

5. heart 4. breast 3. arms “open renewal”

[Cadillac curve] Leo Cancer[1] Gemini [‘let’s all be liberals’]

6. belly Virgo (hubris/dom.) _ _ (reform 'break') __ (jovial/self-int) Taurus 2. cerbellum

(judgmental) -1964.2 1955.7 1947.4 1939.2 1930.7- (strong/stub)

- -

7.kidneys Libra[2] -1972.4 20 yr. [8.33] 20 yr. 1922.3- Aries[3] 1.cerebrum

(YANG) - trans. trans. - (YIN) (6-8am)

balance - - ebullience

-1980.7 1989.2 1997.4 2005.8 2014.2- Pisces 12. feet

8.generative Scorpio Sagitarius Capricorn[4] Aquarius [1914.1] (emp.spirit/wist)

(poise/passion) (frank,optim/irresp.) (reform 'break') (futurist,friend/distant)_

9. hips 10. knees 11. ankles?

[‘let’s all be 30 years 'Conservative'/regressive (pro-1st/2ndE run) [Nervous curve]


“Closing Time”

Yin side (fem.) Yang Side (masc.)

[dom./rising=spring] [dom./rising=autumn]

1. Aries (card.fire)- 1918.2-1926.6 7. Libra (cardinal air)- 1968.4-1976.6

2. Taurus (stab.earth)- 1926.6-1934.9 8. Scorpio (stab.water)- 1976.7-1984.10

3. Gemini (mut.air)- 1934.9-1943.2 9.Sagitarius (mut.fire)- 1984.11-1993.3

[rec./receding=summer] [rec./receding=winter]

4. Cancer (card.water)- 1943.3-1951.6 10.Capicorn (card.earth)- 1993.3-2001.6

5. Leo (stable fire)- 1951.6-1959.10 11.Acquarius (stable air)- 2001.7-2009.10

6. Virgo (mut.earth)- 1959.10-1968.3 12. Pisces (mut. water)- 2009.10-2018.3

[also]- 1909.9-1918.2


[1] emotional intelligence/moody

[2] judicious/indecisive

[3] confident/impulsive

[4] loyal, sincere/sometimes obstinate