North Wales Mental Health and Learning Disability
Research Conference
May 21st, TheWheldonBuilding, BangorUniversity
Lecture Rooms 5 & 6
09:15Arrival and Coffee
09:30Welcome and overview
MHRN / NEURODEM / NISCHR portfolio projects
09:40The UNIQUE study - Making Sense of Unusual Experiences
Dr Mike Jackson, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, BCUHB
09.50REFRAMED - PipThomas, Clinical Psychologist, BCUHB
10:00NEURODEM, CFAS and iCST* – Professor Bob Woods, Bangor University
GREAT, Bilingualism, SMART, Neuroskill –
Professor Linda Clare, Bangor University
10:40The National Centre for Mental Health: What’s it ever done for us -
Dr Ian Jones, Cardiff University
11:00B R E A K
11:30Centre for Mental Health and Society:
Introduction to CFMHAS –Professor Catherine Robinson, Bangor University
‘Understanding spirituality, religion and professional boundaries: developing an empirical approach –ProfessorRob Poole, Bangor University
Does stigma have an impact on service provision for people with mental health and substance misuse problems: A Qualitative Study.
Dr Anne Krayer, Bangor University
‘Does Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation have any noticeable effect?’
Professor Peter Lepping, Glyndwr University
12:20LDAN – Professor Richard Hastings, Bangor University
12.40 Embedding recovery focused practices within mental health services -
DrMarjorie Lloyd, Glyndwyr University
13:00L U N C H and Posters
14:00 InauguralNorth Wales Annual Mental Health Lecture:
Effective psychological treatments for psychosis: from theory to practice to implementation
Professor PhilippaGarety, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London andClinical Director and Joint Leader, Psychosis Clinical Academic Group, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Garety will be introduced by Mark Land, evolutionary artist, Clinical Psychology People’s Panel delegate.
15:30B R E A K
15:45Small group Exercise – research in practice, implications for local services
16.30Summing up and Close –Dr Giles Harborne, BCUHB
**NEURODEM Cymru is the Wales Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Registered Research Group. Funded by NISCHR since 2005 it aims to develop the quantity and quality of research on this theme in Wales. It supports a database of potential research participants
CFAS Wales is funded by the ESRC and is a longitudinal epidemiological study of older people drawn from primary care lists, investigating factors which support well-being in later life and risk factors for the development of cognitive impairment.
iCST is a multi-centred randomised controlled trial, led by UCL, on the effectiveness of training and supporting family care-givers in using cognitive stimulation with people with mild to moderate dementia. It is funded by the NIHR HTA programme.