STLP Regional Competition

by: Hannah Gill

On December 8, 2014, I had the pleasure of interviewing 6 different showcase teams at the STLP Regional Competition in Diddle Arena at Western Kentucky University. These 6 teams had very different projects, but they all had great ideas.

The first elementary school students I interviewed were from Bristow Elementary School. The name of their project was “Bristow Tech Tutors.” Their project was about how to login to google and other websites. They decided to do this project to help teachers in their school.

The second elementary school students I spoke withrepresented Allen County Intermediate Center. The name of their project was “The Patriotic Press.” They decided on this project to help inform the students and teachers about events that are happening at their school. They do this through a monthly newsletter that they are currently trying to make weekly.

The first set of middle school I interviewed were from Bowling Green Junior High School. Their project was called “BGJHS Broadcast.” They did this project to make listening to announcements more interesting for students and teachers in their school.

The second middle school students I talked to represented Monroe County Middle School. The name of their project was “Monroe County Community Service.” They worked on this project to give back to the community in which they live. This group has been building this project for 3 years and want to keep this tradition going for generations to come.

The first high school students I interviewed were from Barren County High School. They created a project called “Southern Girls Publishing”. The process involved taking requests from the community to write articles about events that are going on in the area. They wanted to make sure everyone in the community had an opinion and a voice.

The last group of students I spoke to represented Cumberland County High School. Their project was called “Tech Savvy Seniors.” This project consisted of teaching senior citizens to use modern technology. They started when a lady came to them wanting to know how to use technology. The group said that they really enjoyed helping the senior citizens in their community.

Talking with these groups was a once in a lifetime chance. It was also an experience that I will never forget. The following are some pictures I took at the competition.

The Patriotic Press

BGJHS Broadcast

Tech Savvy Seniors

Southern Girls Publishing