Job Description:

Fundraising and Communications Assistant

Reports to / Development Manager
Salary scale / £17,858, -£19,902
Hours / 37 hours
Contract / Permanent

Job Purpose

  • To support the development and implementation the Derby Museums Endowment fundraising strategy.
  • To support fundraising communications across the organisation


Supervisory responsibilities: / Development Manager
Managing Individual Performance: / Development Manager
Responsible for: / Occasional support for volunteers and work placements

Specific Responsibilities

  1. Support the delivery the Derby Museums Fundraising Strategy to achieve annual fundraising targets for Endowments from but not limited to:
  • Individual Donations
  • Major Donors
  • Legacies
  • Corporate support and sponsorship
  • Trusts and Foundations
  • Community and events
  1. Support the development and production of marketing and communication materials, including newsletters to inspire donors and to illustrate the benefits of all forms of giving.
  2. Use all marketing channels as appropriate to engage potential donors and supporters, including digital and social media where applicable.
  3. Conduct research into major donors and support the nurturing and management of relationships with high value donors including developing and maintaining a database to provide an effective programme of donor acknowledgement and stewardship.
  4. Support the planning and management and manage fundraising events.
  5. Support all Derby Museum staff and volunteers to maximise their fundraising potential to embed a culture of fundraising within the organisation.
  6. Support and help to sustain existing and the development of new relationships with corporates.
  7. Monitor and report on fundraising income and expenditure budgets throughout the year.
  8. Keep records and generate reports in line with requirements of Derby Museums and of funding bodies.
  9. Lead on administration relating to all fundraising including donor stewardship.
  10. Provide support to fundraising by taking part in challenge events and leading by example.

General Responsibilities

  1. At all times commit to, and evidence, Derby Museums' values -integrity, ownership, discovery, inspiration, innovation and working together.
  2. Interact and cooperate with all Derby Museums employees. This will include managing and developing direct reports in line with the Derby Museums values and with its Managing Individual Performance scheme.
  3. Contribute effectively to the leadership and management of Derby Museums and ensure that the trust is working effectively both internally and with external partners.
  4. Develop and promote equal opportunities in service delivery as well as employment and procurement practices, ensuring the service reflects and provides for the community.
  5. Make best use of technology in the development and delivery of all organisational functions.
  6. Prioritise communication and promotion of Derby Museums, its values and its services, utilising all relevant channels including social media.
  7. Work at evenings and weekends when required.
  8. Actively participate in the wider life of Derby Museums contributing to in inter-disciplinary teamwork and projects from time to time undertake other duties as requested by senior management.
  9. Ensure compliance with all Derby Museums policies including Customer Care, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Derby Museums Safety Policy and Financial Standing Orders.


I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this job description and accept that the responsibilities of the post are as indicated.

Signature...... Date......

Date updated 14/11/2016

Person Specification:

Fundraising and Communications Assistant

Short-listing and selection will be based on the criteria set out here. Do make sure that your application fully demonstrates how you satisfy the points listed, drawing on your personal and work experience, education and training.

Qualities / Essential (E)
Desirable (D) / Identified by:
Application (A), Interview (I), Test (T)
1. Generic skills and experience
Excellent written and verbal communication skills / E / A I T
Excellent numerical and ICT skills / E / A I
Ability to work to tight deadlines and cope with the pressure this can bring / E / A I
Commercial acumen and business awareness / E / A I
2. Job specific skills and experience
Experience in developing communication materials for campaigns, activities and events. / E / A I T
Experience of a range of fundraising tools and techniques / D / A I T
Excellent stewardship skills / E / AI
Experience of using databases / E / AI
Experience of organisingevents that have generated significant net income. / E / AI
Experience of budget management / D / A I
Experience of identifying opportunities for income generation / E / AI
Experience and understanding of the museum sector / D / A I
Experience of Publisher and Indesign / D / A I
3. Qualifications
GCSE or equivalent qualifications in Maths and English / E / A
Relevant fundraising qualification / D / A
Relevant IT qualification / D / A
4. Equalities
Promote understanding of the benefits of diversity and demonstrate how you promote equality of opportunity. / E / A I