Performance Reviews

Descriptions for Rankings and Expectations

As drafted by TRC students 8/31/09

Office Assistant

5 Outstanding

·  All of 3 and 4 plus…

·  Identifies work that needs to be done; takes initiative doing it

·  Creates his/her own projects to “leave a legacy” in the TRC

·  Pursues professional development outside of the TRC

·  Goes out of his/her way to help new people/others

·  Is willing to change/adapt set procedures and workshops to accommodate specific needs

4 Very Good

·  All of 3 plus…

·  Asks for projects

·  Clarifies and updates procedures to make it easier for others

·  Helps others when needed

·  Consistently demonstrates professional office conduct (dress, language, behavior)

·  Takes a personalized approach to 1-1s---uses the person’s name, applies info to where he/she works, goes the extra mile to make students feel welcome in the TRC

3 Satisfactory

·  Meets WU’s 4 basic customer service standards with all int. and ext. customers

·  Arrives on time and ready to work for all scheduled shifts

·  Finds a substitute when he/she cannot work a scheduled shift

·  Completes all regular daily tasks (see Office Binder)

·  Prepares for live workshops as indicated on task list

·  Represents the TRC in a positive, professional manner

·  Identifies work that needs to be done and uses all time productively

·  Clearly communicates to other office personnel the work that has been completed and the work that still needs to be done

Examples Identified by Students of “Very Good” and “Outstanding”

July 2009

Satisfactory (3) is demonstrated by meeting the basic expectations listed on the performance evaluation.

Very Good (4) Examples:


·  Identifies potential workshop improvements, communicates them and assists in making them

·  Welcomes and acts on feedback

·  Manages surprises well

·  Is completely comfortable with material

·  Follows up and takes care of any facilitator issues and materials

Office Assistant

·  Asks for projects and follows projects through to completion

·  Clarifies instructions/assignments

·  Helps others when needed

·  Consistently presents self professionally in the office

·  Offers a personalized approach when checking out employees for online trainings

Outstanding (5) Examples:


·  Trains and coaches other facilitators

·  Makes authentic connections with learners

·  Adapts facilitation to audience

·  Makes every workshop an interesting and lively learning experience for participants

·  Presents self as knowledgeable, confident, committed to the Union and easy to approach

Office Assistant

·  Takes initiative with projects, frequently volunteers for assignments

·  Builds his/her own project to “leave a legacy”

·  Seeks professional development outside of work

·  Goes out of the way to help new people/others

·  Adapts/is willing to change procedures

·  Brings enthusiasm and passion for the work we do in Staff Ed

Wisconsin Union Merit Raise Guidelines for 2010/11

< 21 = No raise

21-23 = 5 cent raise

24-26 = 10 cent raise

27-29 = 15 cent raise

30-32 = 20 cent raise

33-35 = 25 cent raise