Crisis and Absolutism in Europe (1550-1715):

1. Spain, England, and France in Conflict

-Catholicism vs. Calvinism throughout Europe

(a) King Phillip II

-Family relations to Holy Roman Emperor and territories he controls

-Battle of Lepanto

-Forced conversion of the Netherlands

-William the Silent of Orange and the formation of the United Provinces

(b) Elizabeth Tudor

-Her role as religious leader

-Naval battle with the Spanish Armada under Phillip II

(c) French Wars of Religion

-Catholic Nobles vs. the Huguenots

-St. Bartholomew’s Massacre

-Henry of Navarre

-Edict of Nantes and rise of Huguenots

2. Social Crises, War, and Revolution

-due to economic and political unrest, France will become the dominant country in Europe and England will engage in a civil war

-Increase in pop. will lead to inflation and witchcraft will be used to divert problems into scapegoat

(a) Thirty Years War

-Hapsburgs and the Catholic forces vs. Calvinist nobles in Bohemia

-Peace of Westphalia

(b) Revolution in England

-Parliament vs. The Divine Right of Kings

-Rule of James I and the Gunpowder Plot

-Guy Fawkes

-Reign of Charles I and The Petition of Right

-Parliament’s uprising under Oliver Cromwell

-Cavaliers vs. Roundheads (New Model Army)

-Short lived Rump Parliament

-General George Monk

-Charles II and James II

-Glorious Revolution (William and Mary)

-Toleration Act of 1689

3. Response to Crises in Europe and rise of Absolutism

Absolutism: Ruler holds power all aspects of his region or country

(a) Absolutism in France

-The role of Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin

-Louis 14th “I am the State’

-rescinds the Edict of Nantes

-The Four Articles and its content

-Ultramontane’s (backlash to Louis 14th rule)

-Palace of Versailles and rise of the Bourbon Dynasty

-The vital role of Jean Baptiste Colbert

(b)Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe

-Prussia and Austria will emerge as the dominant city-states after the breakup of the Holy Roman Empire

-Prussia and Absolutism

-Frederick William the Great (Commissariat and Junkers)

-Austria and Absolutism

-Hapsburgs (Shared Titles)

-Russia and Absolutism

-after Ivan the Terrible and the Times of Troubles

-Rise of Romanov’s under Peter I

-visits to Europe and Europeanization of Russia (Parisian)

-Formation of Navy (St. Petersburg)

4. The World of European Culture

(a) Art after the Renaissance


-El Greco

-Baroque period

-Bernini and Caravaggio

(b) Elizabethan Age of Literature

-William Shakespeare (Lord Chamberlains Men)

-Miguel de Cervantes (Don Quixote)

(c) Political Ideologies

-Thomas Hobbes (The Social Contract)

-John Locke (Natural Rights)