Emotion and I Am

directed by Tom Shadyac

1.  What is the meaning behind the title of the documentary (wait until the end)?


2.  How could (or couldn’t) Shadyac be considered an expert on this topic?


3.  What are the effects of emphasizing separateness from other humans?


4.  According to this documentary, which human trait is most valued in many Native communities? How is this different in European based communities?


5.  What did scientists find when studying herding/flocking animals?


6.  Which aspect of Darwin’s writings is often repeated? Which aspect is often ignored?


7.  What is a mirror neuron? (fun fact: it kicks in when reading)


8.  What proof is given to demonstrate that humans are programmed to feel empathy for one another (your own reactions could provide extra support)?


9.  How do scientists know “positive” emotions biologically benefit humans?


10. The people at HeartMath make several claims about the powers of the human heart and emotions. How might these claims be understood from the emotional WoK? From the reasoning WoK? Explain.


11. Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance.” What do scientists call it now?


12. What is the law of nature that humans break every day?


13. How do some Native cultures see the accumulating of more than one needs? What is the word for this behaviour (from the Ojibwa and related groups)?


14. Based on this film, Native and European cultures seem to value emotion (love & empathy) differently. How might this difference impact the use of emotion as a WoK?


15. According to the filmmaker, how does a change in humanity happen?


16. How did Shadyac change his way of life?


17. Pose and write a Knowledge Question (KQ) that involves emotion and this documentary:


18. Pose and write a KQ that involves any other WoK and this documentary:
