Spanish I

Campbell County High School


Instructor: Sra. Toni Schneller

Email: (Google Voice) Phone contact (call/text): 859-474-1097

Grade level: 9-12 5th period (lunch) plan period

Credit: 1 credit Weight: Regular High School Scale


During the first year of language study, students will begin using the basic, foundationalgrammar structures and vocabulary that comprise written and spoken language. Students begin to speak and write about current actions (present tense) and will be able to describe themselves and others, talk about their school day, express likes and dislikes, and discuss leisure activities. Because of the essential and rich resources available online, CCHS has embraced a: Bring Your Own Device policy. If you have one, bring in a tablet, smartphone, laptop, or iPod Touch to join in the fun learning that will take place.

Course Standards:

Students will be able to:

·  Introduce themselves and others

·  Describe themselves and others

·  Discuss what they like and don’t like to do

·  Describe school life

·  Talk about family and friends

·  Describe activities to do and places to visit around town

·  Order food in a restaurant

·  Shop for clothes

·  Make cultural comparisons between the US culture and that of the Spanish-speaking world!

Textbooks and Resources:

See our class learning environment for easy access to our useful websites:

·  Avancemos I by McDougall Littell online version:


will be referenced throughout the year

·  Voces by Teacher Discovery

Use an updated browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox

Choose: Spanish I textbook

Class ID: VOCES17356
User ID: 88138




o  online vocabulary list, flashcards and skill building games

o  Search for class flashcards with our room number: A156 + subject needed

Grading: In order to have an accurate view of a student’s ability to communicate in the language…

50% of a student’s grade will be earned through:

o  Classwork

o  Participation & speaking

o  Projects

o  Homework

50% of the student’s grade will be earned on:

o  Tests, quizzes and other formal assessments

Extra credit is available for:

o  Extra vocabulary building activities on

o  Extra grammar mastery activities on

o  Culture enrichment presentations such as: a movie, play or community event review or authentic food preparation and tasting

Note: All extra credit must be pre-approved by Sra. Schneller and point values/limits will be set in advance.


o  Students may request to re-take a quiz; however, the request must be submitted in advance with a

Request to Re-take Form documenting what approved activities the student has done to improve his/her learning. No re-take will be granted without proof of additional practice such as a recorded grade on or ***Sra. Schneller reserves the right to refuse a retake

o  Camel Learning Community (CLC) time provides a great opportunity to make up absent work. If this is not convenient, a student will need to set up an appointment with me (Sra. Schneller) before or after school.

No quizzes will be made up during class time!


Tutoring is available after school by appointment. Often members of the CCHS National Spanish Honor Society serve as tutors under the guidance of one of the Spanish teachers.

Participation & Attendance:

Daily participation is required and vital to success in language acquisition. Many of the previously mentioned activities such as the “Agenda Diaria (Daily Agenda)” and other in-class activities are instrumental both in aiding and assessing learning. Our ultimate goal is to be able to speak, read, write and understand Spanish! Hopefully, we will have fun along the way!

Cell Phones and electronic Devices:

Will be used in class; however, they will be used for learning purposes only! They will remain on the corner of student’s desks when not in use (or go to cell phone jail!)

General Outline (subject to change):

There are 8 major units and two ongoing activities referenced in the Course Standards above. These include:

o  Making introductions

o  Describing self and others

o  Discussing likes and dislikes

o  Describing school life

o  Talking about family and friends

o  Describing activities and places around town

o  Ordering in a restaurant

o  Shopping for clothes

In addition, the ongoing activities will include:

o  Making cultural comparisons between US and Spanish-speaking cultures and

o  Dialoging about one’s day (weather, new words & phrases learned, celebrations, etc…)

Keep this page at the front of your binder!

A156 Classroom rules/ “reglas” are:

Respect self and others by:

Ø  Keeping your hands, feet & objects to yourself

Ø  Leaving others’ property alone (especially cell phones and backpacks!)

Ø  Listening and following directions the 1st time given

Ø  Using school appropriate language only

Ø  Keeping desks and aisles clear

Hand signals:

To cut down on distractions we will use these signals (vs. shouting out). You are expected to remain seated at your desk unless permission is given to leave it. Keep in mind, there is a limited number of times a student is allowed to leave the room per quarter. If there is a medical condition that dictates additional restroom or drink breaks, please contact the school nurse: Diana Taylor (859-635-4161)

Necesito (I need…)

Necesito agua

Necesito un

Necesito ir al baño

Necesito usar el sacapuntas

Necesito ayuda (or) I know the answer!

Noise expecations:

The noise level of speaking will follow these guidelines unless otherwise directed (Grita!):

Ruido (Noise)

0 Only the teacher talks

1 Whisper with partner

2 Quiet conversations

3 Class discussion

4 Outside voice (Outside!)

Returned papers:

Ø  Papers to be passed back (by early finishers) are located by class in the file folders at the front of the board. (Take a candy from the jar or enter a prize ticket for helping return student workJ)

Ø  Keep all returned papers in your binder. If a grading error occurs, you will have proof of completion vs. having to re-do your assignment.

Turning in work:

Ø  Papers are turned into the white boxes in the front of the room when Sra. Schneller gives the signal or upon leaving the room.

Absent work:

Ø  Black trays on the front table will contain make-up work according to the day of the week the assignment was completed.

Ø  For credit you must turn work in the top black tray with an “absent work slip” that includes your name, period, and the date missed. (See folder.)

Tear the bottom of this page to turn in!


A huge key to student success is his/her ability to organize time and study materials; therefore, each student will be required to bring and maintain a 3-ring binder throughout the year dedicated to language study. These will be checked periodically throughout the year.

In addition to the 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder, students will need to bring:

o  5 tab dividers (labeled: notes & handouts, vocabulary, stamp sheets, returned assignments & agenda diaria log sheets)

o  Pencil or pen (blue or black ink)

o  1 pack of colored markers or colored pencils

o  Pouch for pencils, pens and markers/colored pencils

o  Optional items: box of tissues, dry erase markers, paper towel roll or individually wrapped candy for class prizes

Please read the following statements and sign below:

(Be sure and keep this section for future reference though!)

Ø  I have read and understand the class rules and procedures for Sra. Schneller’s Spanish I course.

Ø  I know if I have questions or comments I can call or text her Google Voice Phone: 859-474-1097

Or…I can e-mail her at:

Ø  I can read about upcoming events, find links to important class documents, or see pictures of the fun learning activities happening in A156 at Sra. Schneller’s class website:

Ø  Even better, I can sign up for text or e-mail reminders by:

Texting the message: @156 to (803) 675-7986

Or by e-mailing: (leave the subject blank)

***This service is a safe way for teachers to communicate with students and parents.

Actual cell phone numbers are not seen by either party


Tear off and turn in only this portion!

I have read and understand the expectations for Sra. Schneller’s Spanish I course.

Date: ______

Student signature: ______

Parent signature: ______

Best contact method: (Please, check preferred method and provide the needed contact Information)

_____ Call at phone # ______

_____ Text at phone # ______

_____ e-mail at the following address: ______

Signed syllabus and school supplies are due by: August 19th

Please contact Sra. Schneller or the CCHS Youth Service Center if help is needed