City of Old Ad’Diriyah

Ad’Diriyah is the city where history has made the glory of fathers and grandfathers, since the city has witnessed the highest reformatory religious movement in the Islamic World. In 1158H, corresponding to 1745. Ad’Diriyah convention was agreed upon, between the Prince of Ad’Diriyah, Imam Mohammed bin Saud and Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab. The two Imams agreed to call for the correction of the faith of people and to clear it from heresy, polytheism and superstition by returning to the way of the Prophet (PBUH), his companions, the righteous ancestors and to reform the duty of calling for kindness, refrain from atrocity and call for Jihad in the cause of Allah.

That agreement has led Ad’Diriyah to enter into history and thus the reformation call has started, the ancestors’ call has spread and has acquired a wide influence and followers across the Arab Peninsula as well as abroad. By the advent of the Twelfth Hijra century Ad’Diriyah had become the biggest city in the Arab Peninsula, headed by Arabs from Yemen, Oman, Hijaz, Iraq and Sham at a time when the Islamic World was in deep sleep, ignorance and poverty.

Ad’Diriyah - Struggle and Sacrifice

Since the rise of the first Saudi State in 1158H, under the leadership of Imam Mohammed bin Saud, who died in 1175H. and was followed by Imam Abdulaziz bin Mohammed bin Saud the elements of the state including the army, logistics, weaponry, manpower, wide productive areas, the treasury, education facilities and security personnel for the stability of security.

Ad’Diriyah - Men of War

After the fall of Ad’Diriyah, many thought that it was the end and that the call had come to an end. Contrary to that Imam Turki bin Abdullah, a hero from whom Saudis were able to make glory and defend the faith by establishing the second Saudi State in 1240H.

Ad’Diriyah - Today

Following the transfer of the capital to Riyadh, Ad’Diriyah has returned to stillness, which is the stillness of dignity, grandeur and sublimity, which is derived from the bright glorious past. A visit to the remains of Ad’Diriyah is a useful and entertaining picnic to families where they see that the environment and the splendid city that has witnessed the reformation call and the rise of the Saudi State.

Ad’Diriyah - The City Location

Ad’Diriyah lies 20 KM North West of Riyadh (11 KM from city center). Now, joined with Riyadh due to the residential extension of the city however, it enjoys an independent administration within the Riyadh Emirate.

Old Ad’Diriyah lies on the banks of Wadi Hanifah that divides Ad’Diriyah into two parts. There are a number of quarters most important of which are:

Turaif Quarter: It is the main quarter of Ad’Diriyah, where Al Saud house exists. It lies on the South Western mountain. It is surrounded by a wall overlooking all other quarters.

Ghusaiba Quarter: This was the first capital up to 1100H(1683).

Bujairy Quarter: It lies on the Eastern bank of Wadi Hanifa. There you find the mosque, school and home of Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab.

Visiting Hours
Friday / 3:00 am – 6:00 pm
Other days of the week / 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Entry Fees / Free