VII. Dr. Maricle thanked everyone for their kindness and shared that she will be moving to help with familyhealth needs and will pursue teaching at a college once settled.
VIII. Mary Kenney presented flowers to Kelly Malone, Katy Julich, Karen Alessio and Kathy Siragusa who will be leaving the board at the end of this school year.
IX. Kelly Malone presented Mary Kenney with flowers for her 12 years of her service on the PTA Board of Directors.
X. Thank you to Cathy Lagravenis for being Sunshine coordinator for past few years.
XI. Alita Thomas presented as the BOE Representative
a. Next meeting is June 16that 6:30pm
b. The BOE has extended the search for a superintendent
c. The BOE has posted for Dr. Maricle’s replacement
d. Tom Cannizo has been appointed as Communication Coordinator. Tom will be presenting at the next meeting
e. Anna Cave will put together a note about the June 16th meeting to be distributed to the parents in district
XII. Katy Julich presented the slate of officers for the 2014-2015 School Year
President Stephanie Rauschenberger
VP, RMSLinda Rozek
VP, RMSAlfie Zirpoli
VP, BrooklakeHannah Bayait
VP, BrooklakeTracey Hilden
VP, BriarwoodNicole Raphael
VP, BriarwoodNicole Takla
TreasurerJen Dunphy
Food TreasurerJen Pulice
Recording SecretaryKelly Ewing
Corresponding SecretaryJoan Goss
a. Mary Kenney requested additional nominations and none were received.
b. A vote was taken and the slate was approved.
XIII. Mary Kenney presented the Treasurers Report for Jen Dunphy
XIV. Mary Kenney provided an update for Linda Markey on the 8th grade dance. All is going very well and they are very excited for the evening.
XV. Mary Kenney provided an update for Marta Zeien of the Teacher’s Grant Committee.
a. $9,000 in Grant applications have been received.
b. The committee will be meeting to review the applications and decide which will be granted.
c. Mrs. Chonowski will be the Teacher Representative on the committee.
XVI. Note went out to 7th grade parents looking for Talent Show and 8th Grade Dance volunteers for next school year. The Talent Show provides funds to the 8th Grade Dance.
XVII. Chairperson update for 2014-2015:
a. Kidstuff – have volunteers returning
b. Innisbrook – need chairs
c. Apparel – need chairs
d. Membership – Mary Bill has volunteered
e. Sunshine – have volunteers
f. Teacher Appreciation – need volunteers for Brooklake and Briarwood
g. Brooklake Yearbook – Susan Haemmerle will chair
XVIII. Karen Alessio gave a report on the Track program
a. 60 runners
b. This is the last week for RMS – had 4 away meets and 2 home meets
c. Brooklake has had 2 clinics at HP to get the children used to track
d. Usually begins in early April and ends in late May
e. In the fall, there is cross country at RMS
XIX. Briarwood Update
a. Field day shirts have been distributed
b. Kindergarten 4th of July King/Queen forms will be distributed this week
XX. Brooklake Update
a. Field Day shirts will be distributed tomorrow
b. 5th Grade clap out will be on the last day. Detailed instructions will be sent to parents before that day.
c. For the last full day of school, there will be a dunk tank that Dr. Caponegro man–weather permitting.
XXI. RMS update
a. For picnic, will be having a dunk tank with 8th grade volunteers who will be drawn from a hat.
b. Due to calendar constraints, picnic is rain or shine.
Meeting adjourned 8:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Katy Julich
Recording Secretary