Migraine Clinic Proforma

Date: ___/___/___

Full Name: ______

Date of Birth: ___/___/___

Address: ______


Sex: Male ♂ Female ♀

Please try to answer all the questions if possible.

History and Symptoms:


Do you work under fluorescent lighting? Yes r No r

If yes, how much time do you typically spend under fluorescent lights?

r more than 4 hours a day

r 1 to 4 hours a day

r 1 to 7 hours a week

r less than a one hour a week

Do you use computer screens? Yes r No r

If yes, how much time do you typically use a computer?

r many hours a day

r a few hours a day

r a few hours a week

r less than a few hours a week

Ophthalmic History

Date of last eye examination:

Were you given glasses Yes r No r

If so, when are they worn? rJust Distance Vision

rJust Near Vision

rAll the Time

Has anyone ever noticed your eye(s) turning inwards or outwards?

Yes r No r

If yes, at what age, how often, and how long did it normally last?

Have you ever had an eye operation?

Yes r No r

Please give any details you can of what the operation was for and how you were at the time

Have you ever received eye exercises, or eye patching for a lazy eye?

Yes r No r

Please give details of the type of treatment and how old you were at the time

Have you ever had an injury to your eyes?

Yes r No r

Please give details of the injury and how you were at the time

Developmental History

Please state whether your mother's pregnancy was full term, or how many months/weeks early or late you were born:

Please state whether the birth was normal, or give details of any complications

(for example, was it a forceps delivery?):

Please list any severe illnesses / operations that you had in your first year, with approximate age at the time:

Visual Symptoms

When you look at writing in the distance (e.g. on a traffic sign), is it normally clear?

Yes r No r

Do things in the distance ever go blurred?

Yes r No r

When you are reading or writing in a book, is it normally clear?

Yes r No r

Do words in a book ever: go blurred? Yes r No r

jump around? Yes r No r

go smaller/ bigger? Yes r No r fade or disappear? Yes r No r

get faint colours round them? Yes r No r


Have you ever experienced double vision? Yes r No r

Do you ever experience sore or tired eyes? Yes r No r

Visual Behaviour

Have you or anyone else ever noted that you ;

Yes No If so, please give details

Hold reading or materials unusually

close or far away: r r

Close or cover one eye: r r

Rub your eyes frequently: r r

Blink your eyes excessively: r r

Tilt your head when reading or writing: r r

Move your head when reading: r r

Use your finger as a marker: r r

Confuse letters or words: r r

Reverse letters or words: r r

Skip, re-read or omit words or lines: r r

Read slowly: r r

Tire easily: r r

Have poor general coordination: r r

Are light sensitive: r r

General Health

Are you in good physical condition and healthy? Yes r No r

If no, please give details:

Please list any pills or medicines that you are currently using excluding any for migraine or headaches, which are detailed below:

Have you ever received hospital treatment as an in-patient? Yesr Nor

If yes, please give brief details

Have you ever suffered from epilepsy, or any fits or convulsions? Yesr Nor

If yes, please give brief details, including age at time

Please give details of any allergies, including hay fever and asthma, that you have ever suffered from. Please say how old you were, how long the problem lasted and how severe it was:


Have you ever been diagnosed as suffering with migraine headache?

Yes r No r

If yes, was the diagnosis made by GP r Neurologist r Other r

Think of the worst headache you have had in the last 12 months. How bad was it? -

r Mild

r Moderate

r Severe

How Long Did The Pain Last: _____Hrs

Description of Pain: r Aching

r Throbbing / Pulsating

r Sharp / Lancing

r Pressure / Squeeze

Associated Symptoms: r Sensitivity to Noise

r Feeling Sick

r Vomiting

r Ringing in the Ears

r Decreased Hearing

r Speech Difficulties

r Stammering

r Dizziness

r Numbness

r Tingling

r Weakness

r Double Vision

r Difficulty with movement

r Decreased level of consciousness

r Blind patches or blindness in one eye lasting

less than one hour

Light Sensitivity:

When you have a headache, how much of a problem do you find pain or discomfort from lights to be in your every day life?

r None

r Slight Problem

r Moderate Problem

r Marked Problem

r Severe Problem

When you have a headache, do lights or light cause your eyes to water?

r Not at all

r Slightly

r Moderately

r Markedly

r A lot

When you DO NOT have a headache, how much of a problem do you find pain or discomfort from lights to be in your every day life?

r None

r Slight Problem

r Moderate Problem

r Marked Problem

r Severe Problem

When you DO NOT have a headache, do lights or light cause your eyes to water?

r Not at all

r Slightly

r Moderately

r Markedly

r A lot
Please think of the headaches you have had over the last month, and whether they have been getting more frequent or less frequent. Use this information to arrive at your best guess as to how many headaches you have had in the last 12 months, and write the number here______

Please name any medications that have been prescribed by your doctor for headaches


Are your headaches aggravated by walking stairs or similar routine physical activity?

Yes r No r

Did you have any medical problems or injuries at or about the time the headaches started?

Yes r No r

If yes, please list; ______

Migraine Aura

Do you get changes before the headache starts (for example zig zag lines in your vision, speech difficulties, weakness or numbness)?

Yes r No r

If yes, please answer the following ;

Do these changes go away when the headache stops?

Yes r No r

Do these changes develop over more than four minutes?

Yes r No r

Do these changes last more than 60 minutes?

Yes r No r

Does the headache start within an hour of the changes starting?

Yes r No r

Headache Triggers

Some people notice that certain activities can start their headache. For the following activities please could you note if the following commonly, occasionally or never cause headaches:

Hormonal factors (females) rCommonly Causes Headache

(time of the month) rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

Stress rCommonly Causes Headache

rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

Noise rCommonly Causes Headache

rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

Tiredness rCommonly Causes Headache

rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

rCommonly Causes Headache

Smells rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

rCommonly Causes Headache

Chocolate rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

rCommonly Causes Headache

Cheese rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

rCommonly Causes Headache

Other foodstuffs rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

rCommonly Causes Headache

Red Wine rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

rCommonly Causes Headache

Other Alcohol rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

rCommonly Causes Headache

Caffiene (Tea, Coffee etc) rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

Flickering Lights rCommonly Causes Headache

rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

Certain Patterns rCommonly Causes Headache

rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

Alternate Light and Shade rCommonly Causes Headache

rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

Other Visual Simuli rCommonly Causes Headache

rOccasionally Causes Headache

rNever Causes Headache

Please describe any of these “other” visual stimuli that may trigger headaches: ______

Location of Pain

When you gat a headache, please could you indicate the usual location of the pain.

(Please see pictures below):

r 1: Occipital

r 2: Parietal

r 3: Vertex

r 4: Temple

r 5: Frontal

r 6: Orbital

Which side of the head was the pain mostly concentrated:

r Only Left

r Mainly Left

r Both Sides

r Mainly Right

r Only Right

Family History

Did your parents or any of the other children in your family have reading problems?

Yes r No r If yes, state who (e.g. father)

Did your parents or any of the other children in your family ever have a turning eye, patching, or eye exercises? Yes r No r If yes, state who

Are your parents or any of the other children in your family colour-blind?

Yes r No r If yes, state who

Are there any other eye conditions that run in the family?

Yes r No r If yes, please list

Did any relatives ever have epilepsy? Yes r No r If yes, state who

Did your parents or any of the other children in your family ever have migraine headaches? Yes r No r If yes, state who

Are there any other general health problems that run in the family?

Yes r No r If yes, please list
General Optometric Examination:

Slit Lamp



Size (Horizontal Diameter): R: mm L: mm (note illumination)

Reactions: Direct



Wolffsohn’s Tests


R: mmHg L: mmHg

Time: ____ Instrument: ______

Visual Fields Medmont

Humphrey Frequency Doubling Fields

Humphrey 24;2

Focimeter Result of own spectacles

R: ______/______x______Add: ______

L: ______/______x______Add: ______

Spectral photometric analysis of Tint
Refractive Correlates:

Visions: R: ______

L: ______

Objective Refraction (Spot retinoscopy):

R: ______/______x______

L: ______/______x______

Subjective Refraction:

R: ______/______x______+1.00:

L: ______/______x______+1.00:

Amplitude of Accommodation:

R: ______D

L: ______D

Binoc: ______D

Visual Acuity:

Distance: R: ______

L: ______

Near: R: ______

L: ______
Binocular Vision Correlates (With habitual correction if worn >50% of the time):

Cover – Uncover Test:

Distance Horizontal Size: ______∆


Recovery: 1 2 3 4 5

Distance Vertical Size: ______∆

r R/L r L/R

Recovery: 1 2 3 4 5

Near Horizontal Size: ______∆


Recovery: 1 2 3 4 5

Near Vertical Size: ______∆

r R/L r L/R

Recovery: 1 2 3 4 5

Alternating Cover Test:

Distance Horizontal Size: ______∆


Recovery: 1 2 3 4 5

Distance Vertical Size: ______∆

r R/L r L/R

Recovery: 1 2 3 4 5

Near Horizontal Size: ______∆


Recovery: 1 2 3 4 5

Near Vertical Size: ______∆

r R/L r L/R

Recovery: 1 2 3 4 5

Mallett Unit:

Right Distance Horizontal Aligning Prism: ______∆

r Base In r Base Out

Left Distance Horizontal Aligning Prism: ______∆

r Base In r Base Out

Right Distance Vertical Aligning Prism: ______∆

r Base Up r Base Down

Left Distance Vertical Aligning Prism: ______∆

r Base Up r Base Down

Right Near Horizontal Aligning Prism: ______∆

r Base In r Base Out

Left Near Horizontal Aligning Prism: ______∆

r Base In r Base Out

Right Near Vertical Aligning Prism: ______∆

r Base Up r Base Down

Left Near Vertical Aligning Prism: ______∆

r Base Up r Base Down

Foveal Suppression Test:

Binocular Right ______Left _____ letters

Monocular Right ______Left _____

Stationary or Moving (reverse if necessary)

Stereopsis: Randot Shapes ______

Randot Circles ______

Maddox Rod (6m) Horizontal Size: ______∆


Vertical Size: ______∆

r R/L r L/R

Maddox Wing Horizontal Size: ______∆ variability ±_____∆


Vertical Size: ______∆ variability ±_____∆

r R/L r L/R

Convergence: Facility ______cycles per minute

Persuit ______cm

Jump r Overconvergence

r Versional movement

r Slow or hesitant movement

r No Movement / movement of one eye only

Fusional Reserves: Distance base out vergence: ______∆ Blur

______∆ Break

______∆ Recovery

Distance base in vergence: ______∆ Blur

______∆ Break

______∆ Recovery

Near base out vergence: ______∆ Blur

______∆ Break

______∆ Recovery

Near base in vergence: ______∆ Blur

______∆ Break

______∆ Recovery


Visual Function Correlates:

Colour Vision: D15

Frequency Doubling Perimetry:

Medmont flicker program:

Colorimetry Correlates:

Overlay assessment:

(Use standard protocol for overlay assessment as used in the SpLD Clinic and attach the results sheet)

Wilkins Rate of Reading Score (where reported benefit from overlay):

Use standard protocol and attach results sheet

Visual Stress Correlates:

Pattern glare tests:

Initial comments:

control experim.

Question / no / mild / sev. / no / mild / sev.
do you see a colour or colours?
do the lines appear to bend?
do the lines seem to blur?
does the pattern flicker?
do the lines wobble or shimmer?
do parts of the pattern disappear and reappear?
any other illusions (please describe) ?