
Ms. DeFranco

Rm: 415

SAP: 1:54-2:25 Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

Daily Procedures:

Do Now: when you walk in you will have 5-10 minutes to complete the task that is on the board. Some will be graded to count towards class participation.

Lesson: there will be a main concept that the students will be responsible to learn which will be taught through a power point, activity, worksheet, lab, etc.

Exit Slip: at the end of the lesson there will be a task required of the students to complete the last 5-10 minutes of the class. Some will be graded to count towards class participation.

Assignment List: This is where you will find every assignment that should be in your binder. If you have all of the assignments COMPLETED, you will pass your notebook check.

Homework: The homework will always be listed on the left side of the dry-erase board.

Hand in Assignments: At the front, by the teachers desk is where you will hand in any assignment. Put any papers in the slot where it designates your class period.

Craft Materials: Markers, colored pencils, crayons, scissors, glue, and calculators are all located in the back of the classroom.


Marking Period 1

Rules, Procedures, Syllabus, and Lab Safety

Unit 1: Matter and Energy Transformations in Ecosystems

Unit 2: Ecosystems Human Activity and Biodiversity

Marking Period 2

Unit 2 (Continued): Ecosystems Human Activity and Biodiversity

Unit 3: Cell Specialization and Homeostasis

Marking Period 3

Unit 4: Genetics/DNA

Marking Period 4

Unit 5: Natural Selection and Evolution


Tests/Labs/Research papers = 70%

Homework/Notebook check/Participation/Worksheets/Activities = 30%

Materials needed for the course:

·  Binder (class notes/assignments)

·  Folder (in binder or separate)

·  Syllabus!! (the first thing in your binder)

·  Loose-leaf paper

·  Pens (black or blue ONLY)

·  Pencils

How to Set Up Binders:

1.  Put your name/class on the front of the binder

2.  Date every entry on the top right margin

3.  Title on the top of the page to the left

4.  Number each “assignment” at the top right corner

5.  Each “assignment” should start on a new page

Classroom Rules:

1.  Follow all directions and rules the first time they are given.

2.  Raise your hand if they have a question, an answer, or need to use the bathroom.

3.  Come to class on time and be seated once to bell rings. If you are late, you will receive a Friday, after-school detention.

4.  Stay in your assigned seats unless directed by the teacher.

5.  Keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times.

6.  RESPECT the teacher, other students, and the classroom environment. This includes language used in the classroom and other peoples’ personal items (classmate’s book bag, teacher’s desk, etc.)

7.  Do not talk when the teacher or other students are talking.

8.  No cell phones! Put your cell phone in the pocket chart, by the teacher’s desk, at the beginning of class so you are not tempted to use it. If you are caught on your cell phone, you will receive detention.

9.  Participate in all classroom activities.

10.  Try your best on all assignments.

Students who choose to break these rules will receive:

1.  1st Offense: Warning from the teacher

2.  2nd Offense: Conference from the teacher

3.  3rd Offense: Detention with teacher

4.  4th Offense: Principal’s office

*Respect not only the teacher but your fellow peers*

I have read the syllabus for Ms. DeFranco’s biology class for the year 2017-2018. I understand I am responsible to abide by all of the rules for the class. I also understand I am responsible of the requirements for the course as well as what the course entails in reference to the curriculum.

Student’s name:______


Student’s signature:______

Parent’s signature:______