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Now that you know your task for the rest of this unit, it’s time to get started! You will be learning about the chemical properties of acid precipitation through various lessons to come, but wouldn’t you like to see first hand what acid precipitation does to plants? In this investigation, you will set up an experiment that will model the affects of acid rain on seed germination.
Objective: Students will analyze an investigation in order to construct a model of the affects of acid rain on plants.
Small potting containers, 2
Potting soil
Grass seeds
Tap water
Vinegar Water Solution
Activity 1: 1. Read the poem “The Little Plant.”
“The Little Plant”
In the heart of a seed, buried deep, so deep,
Lay a dear, little plant, fast asleep.
“Awake!” said the sun, “and creep to the light.”
“Awake!” said the voice of the raindrops bright.
The little plant heard and rose to see
What a wonderful, outside world might be.
What happens, way down under the ground?
The roots come out and reach all around
They soak up some water everyday
And keep the plant from blowing away.
by Melissa Shuptrine, taken from Creative Teaching With Puppets'poem%20%20plant%20growth'
2. Identify the two factors that a plant needs to be “awakened” from its sleep inside the seed according to the poem?
a. ______
b. ______
3. How might acid precipitation affect the awakening of this little plant underground? ______
Activity 2: 4. Read the procedures.
5. Reread the procedures and highlight the direction words.
6. Vinegar is an acid. Explain what the vinegar water solution represents.
7. Explain why you will be watering one container with tap water. ______
8. Conduct the investigation.
1. Construct a data chart to record your observations of the effects of the acid solution on the growth rate of the grass seeds.
2. Write the problem question for this investigation.
3. Predict how the growth rate of the grass seeds will be affected by the acid solution. ______
Debate Diary:
Explain how this investigation will help you to better understand the affects of acid precipitation on plants.
Perry Hall Science Writing Conclusion
· The purpose of the …experiment was to determine whether …had an affect on….
· The results of my experiment showed that …
· For example…
· My hypothesis stated that ….
· My data supported/did not support my hypothesis. (pick one)
· ****(pick a statement and elaborate on the idea) The Application-Where is the real life use or where might you use the info in your life? Who could benefit from this data?***