Bibliografia Instrumentação

A. L. Window, Strain Gauge Technology, 2nd ed, London, England: Elsevier Applied Science, 1992.

ASME- American Society for Mechanical Engineering, part-3 : Temperature measurement. ASME. PTC 19.3, New York 1974.164 p.

Andrew, W.G. Apllied Instrumentation in the Process Industries, Houston, Gulf Pub. 1974 3v.

British Standart Institution. Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits; velocity area methods, method using pitot static tubes. BS 1042London , Sept. 1983 .2.1, 42p.

Bega et al. instrumentação industrial 2a ed. Ed. Interciência 584p. 2006

C. S. Smith, "Piezoresistance Effect in Germanium and Silicon," Phys. Rev., vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 42-49, 1954.

Considine, D.M. – Process Instrument and Controls Handbook , McGraw Hill, 1957.

Demorest, Jr.Willian, J. Pressure Measurement. Chemical Engineering. (30 ) Sep. 1985 p.56-68.

Dresser, M. Manual para dimensionamento de válvulas de controle- Catálogo - 2a ed.

Page, G.W. Simplified Valve Sizing for Laminar Flows. Chemical Engineering , Oct. 1998, p.195-198.

Ginesi ,D. Choice Flow. Chemical Engineering, Apr. 1991, p.88-100.

Ginesi,D., Grebe, G. Flowmeter, A Performance review, Chemical Engineering, (22) Jun. 1987, p.102-118.

Harrison, P. Flow Measurement: A state of the Art Revew, Chemical Engineering (14) Jan. 1980, p. 97-104.

INSTITUTO de PESQUISAS TECNOLÓGICAS do ESTADO de SÃO PAULO- IPT Conservação de energia na indústria de celulose e papel- Manual de recomendações – vol. 2 – São Paulo, 1985- apêndice 6 – Instrumentos de medição- p.461-482.

J. Bartholomeyczik, S. Brugger, P. Ruther, and O. Paul, "Multidimensional CMOS In-Plane Stress Sensor," IEEE Sensors J., vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 872-882, 2005.

J. L loureiro Alves, Instrumentação, controle e automação de Processos.286. Ed. LTD

Johnson, C.D. Process Control Instrumentation Technology, 2a ed. Jonh Wiley & Sons , 1982, 499 p.

Kenenedy, R.H. Selecting Temperature Sensor, Chemical Engineering, ( 8 ) :, Aug. 1983. pag. 54-71.

Lazenby, B. Level Monitoring and Control. Chemical Engineering, (14 ) Jan. 1980, p. 88-96.

Matley, J. Practical Process Instrumentation & Control, Vol. II McGrawHill , 1986.

Perry, R.H. , Chilton, C.H. –Chemical Engineering Handbook, 5th ed. McGraw Hill , 1973.

Pomroy, J. , Selecting the right flowmeter. Chemical Engineering, May. 1996. P. 94-102.

Smithline, H. , Pratical Guidlines for Temperature Measurement., Chemical Engineering. Dec. 1993, pag. 78-84.

S. M. Sze, Semiconductor Sensors, New York: Wiley, 1994.

S. Middelhoek and S. A. Audet, Silicon Sensors, Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University Press, 1994.

Stephanopoulos, G. Chemical Process Control: Na Introdution to Theory and Pratic. Prentic Hall, 1984.

Taking the measuring of mass flow. Chemical Engineering , Sep. 1998 p.125-......

( obs. Perdi a as últimas pags, daí não ter o nome do autor).

Thomasini/albuquerque, Sensores Industriais – fundamentos e aplicações, 224p Ed. ÉricaY. Kanda, "Piezoresistance Effect of Silicon," Sens. Actuators, vol. A28, no. 2, pp. 83-91, 1991.


Geral, instrumentação, automação, máquinas, etc(sites relacionados àárea industrial)

(evolução da maquina a vapor)

(medidores de vazão)

: Acessórios de conexão)

(Juntasde expansão)

(Suportes , juntas de expansão)
