Curriculum Vitae

Name: Yuji Aoki Date of Birth: April 13th, 1955

Gender: Male Nationality: Japanese

Address: 24-20 Matsubara, Matsumoto, Nagano 399-0022, Japan



Present Director of Outpatient Department, Matsumoto Hospital and Head of Lifestyle Disease Laboratory, Clinical Research Center, National Hospital Organization Matsumoto Medical Center, Matsumoto, Japan

Visiting Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine (Diabetology & Endocrinology), Matsumoto Dental University Hospital, Shiojiri, Japan

2003~ Department of Internal Medicine (Diabetology & Endocrinology), Matsumoto Hospital, National Hospital Organization Matsumoto Medical Center (formerly National Matsumoto Hospital), Matsumoto, Japan

~2003 Assistant Professor, 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan

(1987) Department of Internal Medicine, Japanese Red Cross Nagano Hospital, Nagano, Japan

(1984) Department of Internal Medicine, National Matsumoto Hospital, Matsumoto Japan

(1982) Department of Internal Medicine, Japanese Red Cross Suwa Hospital, Suwa, Japan

1981~ 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan


1993 Ph.D. at Shinshu University School of Medicine, Japan

1981 MD at Shinshu University School of Medicine, Japan

Research Fellow:

1995 Division of Nephrology, Georgetown University Medical Center, 1993~ Washington, D.C., U.S.A.


1995 The Mamie Doud Eisenhower Memorial Fellowship Award, American Heart Association, Washington, D.C., USA


1. Aoki Y, Aoki M, Jenkins DJA. Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors could improve the bioavailability of vitamin C at the kidney in diabetes treatment. Cell Mol Med: Open access 3 (2): 7, 2017.

2. Aoki Y, Aoki M, Yamada K. Leukocyte telomere length and serum levels of high-molecular-weight adiponectin and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate could reflect distinct aspects of longevity in Japanese centenarians. Gerontol Geriat Med 3: 1-6, 2017.

3. Aoki Y. High serum levels of amyloid beta peptides decreased and their low levels increased after 6-month treatment with pioglitazone in Japanese elderly patients with type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Treat (2016): 110, 2016.

4. Aoki Y. Comparison of diuretic effects between empagliflozin, a sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor with osmotic diuresis, and tolvaptan, a water diuretic, in two type 2 diabetic patients taking sodium diuretics. Diabetes Res Open J 1 (3): 72-74, 2016.

5. Aoki Y. Surprising results of the EMPA-REG OUTCOME study have brought a new insight into use of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors in patients with type 2 diabetes. Trop Med Surg 3: 199, 2015.

6. Aoki Y, Onzuka M. Glycemic variations after ingestion of different carbohydrate-containing foods assessed by continuous glucose monitoring in healthy and diabetic individuals in daily life. Diabetes Res Open J 1 (2): 41-47, 2015.

7. Aoki Y. Effects of low-dose pioglitazone on serum levels of adiponection, dehydroepiandrosterone, amyloid beta peptide, and lipid profile in elderly Japanese people with type 2 diabetes. Adv Endocrinol (2015): 782530, 2015.

8. Aoki Y, Shimizu M, Watanabe N. The blood glucose level increased in parallel with the heart rate following cilostazol administration in three diabetic patients. Intern Med 53 (8): 859-863, 2014.

9. Aoki Y. Increased concentrations of breath hydrogen gas in Japanese centenarians. Anti-Aging Medicine 10 (5): 101-105, 2013.

10. Kamiya J, Aoki Y. Associations between hyperglycaemia and somatic transversion mutations in mitochondrial DNA of people with diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia 46: 1559-1566, 2003.

11. Aoki Y, Cioca DP, Oidaira H, Kamiya J, Kiyosawa K. RNA interference may be more potent than antisense RNA in human cancer cell lines. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 30: 96-102, 2003.

12. Hosaka S, Aoki Y, Akamatsu T, Nakamura N, Hosaka N, Kiyosawa K. Detection of genetic alterations in p53 suppressor gene and K-ras oncogene among different grades of dysplasia of colorectal adenomas. Cancer 94: 219-227, 2002.

12. Aoki Y, Hosaka S, Kiyosawa K. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction in a diabetic man: role of the mitochondrial A3243G mutation. Ann Intern Med 137: 703-704, 2002.

13. Aoki Y, Hosaka S, Kawa S, Kiyosawa K. Potential tumor-targeting peptide vector of histidylated oligolysine conjugated to a tumor-homing RGD motif. Cancer Gene Ther 8: 783-787, 2001.

14. Aoki Y, Hosaka S, Tachibana N, Karasawa Y, Kawa S, Kiyosawa K. Reassessment of K-ras mutations at codon 12 by direct PCR and sequencing from tissue microdissection in human pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Pancreas 21: 152-157, 2000.

15. Aoki Y, Aviles DH, Jose PA. Biphasic effects of dopamine on 86Rubidium uptake in rat renal proximal tubule. Clin Exp Hypertens 22: 289-301, 2000.

16. Aoki Y, Kawa S, Karasawa Y, Horiuchi A, Kiyosawa K. Anti-proliferative effects of unmodified antisense oligodeoxynucleotides targeted against c-raf mRNA: use of poly (lysine/serine) copolymers or cationic lipopolyamines. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 25: 702-705, 1998.

17. Aoki Y, Albrecht FE, Bergman KR, Jose PA. Stimulation of Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport in rat medullary thick ascending limb by dopamine. Am J Physiol 271: R279-R284, 1996.

18. Slobodyansky E, Aoki Y, Gaznabi AKM, Aviles DH, Fildes RD, Jose PA. Dopamine and protein phosphatase activity in renal proximal tubules. Am J Physiol 268: F279-F284, 1995.

19. Aoki Y, Yazaki K, Shirotori K, Yanagisawa Y, Oguchi H, Kiyosawa K, Furuta S. Stiffening of connective tissue in elderly diabetic patients: relevance to diabetic nephropathy and oxidative stress. Diabetologia 36: 79-83, 1993.

20. Aoki Y, Yanagisawa Y, Yazaki K, Oguchi H, Kiyosawa K, Furuta S. Protective effect of vitamin E supplementation on increased thermal stability of collagen in diabetic rats. Diabetologia 35: 913-916, 1992.

21. Aoki Y, Yanagisawa Y, Oguchi H, Furuta S. No significant effect of vitamin E deficiency or supplementation on collagen-linked fluorescence in skin of diabetic rats. Metabolism 41: 1025-1027, 1992.

22. Aoki Y. Variation of endogenous insulin secretion in association with treatment status: assessment by serum C-peptide and modified urinary C-peptide. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 14: 165-174, 1991.


Dr. Yuji Aoki is the Director of the Outpatient Department, and head of the Lifestyle Disease Laboratory, National Hospital Organization Matsumoto Medical Center, Matsumoto, Japan. He is a Visiting Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine, Matsumoto Dental University Hospital, Shiojiri, Japan. He got his Medical Doctor in 1981 and Ph.D.-medicine in 1993 at Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan.

Research Interests:

Diabetes Care, Nutrition, Anti-Aging Medicine, Molecular Biology
