Compass Disability Services

11-12 Belvedere Trading Estate, Taunton, TA1 1BH


Finance Team Meeting 6th April 2010

Present: Sharren Elliott (SE), Pam Powell (PP), Amy Irvine (AI), Nikki Watson (NW)

What’s new for Payroll / To be completed by who/when
Penalties (fines) are now being given to all employers who fail to complete their returns on time – this includes NIL returns. SE to check with Alison Mawhood (AM) regarding the scope of Banking Service responsibilities if funding not received etc.
Details to be included in next issue of Horses Mouth / SE/AM
Apr 10
Fit Notes to replace sick notes – payroll must be vigilant to check that SSP is payable
SE to check WDPSS obligations under fit note rules
Self Funder’s – holiday records to be kept (via Sage Payroll), may look to introduce this for all WDPSS payroll / PP/AI
Payroll to register all new employers with HMRC, this is to be added to the new employer checklist
AI to write procedure for registering new employers / PP/AI Apr 10
AI – May 10
SAGE updates to be opened and marked if Year End can be done
Year End back up to be done during processing / PP/AI May 10
What’s new for Banking Service
New audit process – SE to authorise invoice payments, AM to spot check authorisation to pay on 1:10 invoices
Paul White to audit banking service quarterly in 2010 / From June 2010
Personal contributions – shortfall in funding can occur when personal contributions are not made, ‘sense check’ to be carried out against remittance advice. / SE Apr 2010
Suggestions needed – as banking service is growing steadily, new method of producing bank statements is needed as the current process is proving long winded with so many users
SE has spoken to AM and we cannot alter existing set up on SAGE – I am currently looking on line for suitable alternative software – maybe even free software that will improve the banking service recording systems / All
Banking Service responsibilities to be checked e.g. letters to go out if insufficient funding to pay payroll etc. / SE/AI/AM
Apr 10
Banking Service User Satisfaction Survey to be constructed and sent out / SE/AI/NW/AM
July 2010
Designed, but now being sent out with November Horse’s Mouth per ME/AM
What’s new for Finance
New timesheet spreadsheet completed – TOIL carry over to be entered from 09/10 spreadsheet
Postage, printing, freepost now being allocated as per usage not set %.
Expense forms to be standardised and expenses over £10 to be paid through payroll
SE requests help with formatting documents / SE –Apr 10
NW – Apr 10
This will now happen in April 2011, forms to be sorted by Sep 2010
Budget reports produced to help budget holders to take more responsibility (not saying ‘well, it’s a support cost so I can’t do anything about that’ / SE – Apr 10 ongoing
Training for budget holders on invoice coding to happen later in the year / SE
May 2010
Unity bank – transfer should be straightforward once trustee has appropriate proof/id.
Payroll Year End - Resources
313 Employers x C4 envelopes required
313 x 12 pages of A4 paper required
PP & AI to check that replacement toner cartridges are available
SE to help shield phone calls and process simple payroll (eg automatics) during year end / SE – Apr/May 10
TOIL has been agreed to be carried over / SE – Apr/May 10
Email to be sent out to all staff to ensure that payroll are supported through the year end process / SE – Apr 10
New Project – Local Offer Payment
Families with children will be able to receive £600 (£400 + £200), this would be paid to CDS, who would then pay out the monies on behalf on the individuals. Returns would be sent direct to CDS not council. If no returns received for first payment – 1 chase letter then if still no returns – no second payment.
CDS to collate returns information and report – more information should be available from AM / Starts May 10
Second payment due Nov 10
First payments made – monitoring form to go out shortly (when validated) to enable second payments
Introduction of Finance Work Plan – SE introduced first finance work plan and gave explanation of some areas, further update at Sept meeting / Sept 10
NW to help with Red, Amber, Blue formatting / NW Apr 10
SE to report back to finance team from Senior Team Review meeting / SE
Any other business
PP to go on Shadowing day during summer with DPA / June 10
Until further news about Wiltshire contract, shadowing has been postponed
NW/SE looking into available funding sources to that AI can continue with AAT study / Sept 10
Sharren to undertake her Charity Accounting Cert / Sept 10
September meeting PP to give payroll update / Sept 10
September meeting AI to give Banking Service update / Sept 10