The Friendship Central School Board of Education held its regular meeting on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 in the Board Conference Room. The meeting was called to order by Board President William Ritchie at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by roll call.

William Ritchie Present

Jody Collins Present

Robert Cummins Present

James Lewis Absent

Craig Plaisted Present

Also Present:

Maureen Donahue, Superintendent

Donald Putnam, Building Principal

Donna Howard, Business Official

Alfreda Weart, Coord of Non Instructional Services

Jon Morris, CSE Chairperson

Laurie Butts, District Clerk

Presentation: Presentation by the following on upcoming senior trip itinerary.

Gayle Pavone – Senior Class Advisor

Casey Pearsall, Student

Marissa Szucs, Student

Emma Wolf, Student

Presentation on RTI (Response To Intervention) by Teresa MacNaughton.

Communication / Commendation:

·  Thank You / Shirley Levernier

Superintendent Report:

·  Race to the Top MOA Update

Principal Report:

·  National Honor Society Senior Citizen Wii Lunch Challenge

Business Official:

·  Draft Budget Figures

Jon Morris gave an update on QIP and Transition Goals

Robert Cummins moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 15, 2009 as submitted by District Clerk Laurie Butts.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by Jody Collins to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the period of December 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 as presented.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Jody Collins moved, seconded by Robert Cummins to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the warrant reports for the month of December for General, School Lunch, Special Aid, Capital and Pay roll as presented.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Robert Cummins moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept with regrets the resignation of Lawrence M Riehle as Bus Driver effective January 6, 2010.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by Jody Collins to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following 2010 Spring Coaching assignments as presented:

Boys Varsity Baseball – Jarrod Bell

Girls Modified Softball – Tracey Brinkmann

Girls Varsity Softball – Dennis Amore – Non Paid Assistant – Stanley Harris

Scorekeeper for Softball – Debra Kane and Shirley Levernier

Scorekeeper for Baseball – Robert Ellsworth

Motion was unanimously approved.

Jody Collins moved, seconded by Robert Cummins to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve Justin Gould who holds an Initial New York State Teaching Certificate permitting him to teach in the Physical Education Certification area in the public schools of New York State, is hereby appointed to a non-probationary position of term substitute as a Teacher Assistant to replace Kelly Hint effective January 7, 2010 through May 5, 2010, or upon the return from leave of absence of Kelly Hint. Salary will be $100.00 per day.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Robert Cummins moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve Yvonne Mooney to a non-probationary position of term substitute as a Fifth Grade Teacher to replace Jaymie Marble effective February 22, 2010 through June 7, 2010, or upon the return from leave of absence of Jaymie Marble. Salary will be based on Step 1.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Jody Collins moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following substitutes as presented for the 2009-2010 school year:


Maureen Harris – PreK – 12 Kyle Munzert

Lindsey Miller – Nurse – PreK – 12 Lucas Marino

Christina Scott – PreK – 12

Kelly Sisson – PreK – 12 SUPPORT STAFF:

Maria R Stewart – Bus Monitor

Sub Driver

Motion was unanimously approved.

Robert Cummins moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the CSE, 504 and CSE recommendation s as presented:

December 4, 2009: December 8, 2009 December 9, 2009

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December 22, 2009:



Motion was unanimously approved.

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by Robert Cummins to table the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the Richardson & Pullen, P.C. Retainer Agreement for 2010 as presented.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Jody Collins moved, seconded by Robert Cummins to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the Senior Trip to Walt Disney World March 8, 2010 through Thursday March 11, 2010 as presented.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by Jody Collins to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the Quit (Indenture) Claim Deed for a portion of property located at 46 West Main Street for a total amount of $1,400 as presented in attached document.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Items of Information / Discussion

·  Extra-Curricular Balance Sheets

·  Enrollment

·  2010-2011 Budget Calendar Information

·  ACSBA Calendar Dates to Remember

Jody Collins moved, seconded by Robert Cummins to move into executive session for the purpose of a particular personnel matter at 8:21 p.m.

Motion was unanimously approved.

The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:59 p.m.

Robert Cummins moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to adjourn at 9:00 p.m.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Laurie Butts

District Clerk