Tuesday,January3, 2012

A meeting of the Franconia Board of Selectmen was held at3:00 pm on Tuesday,January3, 2012 at the Franconia Town Hall. Regular members in attendance were,Rich McLeod, John Lachapelle, Rollie Barnaby, Sally Small and Suzy MacDonald.

Guests of the Board –


Rich McLeod called the meeting to order at 3:40pm.

BOS Minutes12/19/2011: Formal readings of the December19, 2011BOS meeting minutes were waived. The minutes were approved with one correction.

Checks and Transaction List for 12/29/11: The Board reviewed and signed the checks and transaction list for12/29/11.

Abatement – Paul Dunham – Abatement for Paul Dunham was signed by the Select Board. A small error was made in the assessment by Avitar. The error has been corrected by them.

Intent to Cut – Carbonaro (Map 24/Lot 37-1) – Intent to Cut for Carbonaro (Map 24/lot 37-1) was signed by the Select Board.

Intent to Cut – Bertolini (Map 24/Lot 37-2) – Intent to Cut for Bertolini (Map 24/Lot 37-2) was signed by the Select Board.

The Select Board discussed the formation of a Police Panel. Currently the Select Board is working on a mission statement for this group. The Select Board would like to appoint 7 community members to this group. The Select Board will meet with the group soon and give them their charge. Next week the Select Board will review and refine the mission statement.

The Board would like for Sally to increase the line item for legal from $3000 to $5000.


2011 Equalization Ratiois at 100%.

Letter to Water Commissionersfrom a resident was reviewed and discussed by the Select Board.

CIP – Public Hearing 7:00 pm – January 4, 2012-

Roberts & Greene – Audit report –Copies are available for the Select Board to review.

Franconia Notch Chamber – 01/10/2012 – Annual Meeting

Selectman McLeodadjourned the meeting at 4:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne MacDonald, Executive Secretary

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