- You will do a leadership project either by yourself or with one to two partners. You can also work with
FCCLA leaders on a current project. See below.
- Your project should impact your home, school or community and take at least 4-6 hours to complete. This project could count towards your graduation if you complete all 12 hours and do an excellent job of documenting and presenting.
- Please use theattached planning process form to map out a plan or method to accomplish your goal. You will also need to prepare a power point review of your project that includes visuals to document your progress.
- This Project is due: ______
Some ideas might be:
- Participate in FCCLA designated group project such as HOPES Helping Others Prevent Everyday Struggles- April 25- Game Night AMHS on our track 5-9 PM. Sign up with Dr. Baglien.
- Adopt one or two senior citizens in an advanced care facility. Visit at least once or twice a week. Plan activities and things that can brighten their day.
- Contact AYR: Auburn Youth Resources and see what they might need to assist families and teens.
- Sponsor a summerclothing drive for Auburn Community Fund. Contact a local person to assess needs.This could involve several people.Kelly Jensen at ARHS would be a good resource.
- Improve your relationship with someone near to you like a friend or family member that you are currently having some difficulty.
- Work with a local organization to improve the life of servicemen and women serving our country.Operation GratitudeorGive2TheTroops
- Volunteer to weed a local park and clean up the garbage.
Offer to rake leaves, shovel the walk, or do housework for an elderly neighbor.
- Tutor someone in a subject you excel at like Math, Science, Language Arts.
- Offer to rake leaves, shovel the walk, or do housework for an elderly neighbor.
- Do a research project presentation on a career of interest to you. Include job qualifications, natural talents, pay rate, benefits, pluses, minuses, training needed and job outlook for employment in the future. Include a strong statement why this career interests you. This choice will result in a C grade for the project.
- Other ideas? Only limited by your imagination, but do try to make a difference or choose something of quality. Okay to involve others.
- Any other quality project that requires planning, engagement with others and does something for the common good of others. Google- “volunteering projects for teens.” Get approval 1st from Dr. Baglien.
Planning Process
First three steps due Monday ______
/ Identify your concerns~ What are some projects you could do?/ Set a Goal~ Identify a goal from above list. This should be measurable by time, product, effort etc.
/ Form a Plan~ How will you achieve your goal? This is a detailed “how to” list of the steps to get the goal done. Who and how will do each task
/ Act~ Put the plan into action! This is a record of what you actually did. List should be detailed. Think of it as a journal of your efforts. Must have at least 10 entries.
/ Follow up~ Did your plan work? Were you able to achieve your goal? This is a written evaluation and should be represented by a comprehensive couple of paragraphs or a visual summary in power point.
Grading Rubric:
- Project benefited home, school or community and was a quality
project that would require a minimum of 4-6 hours to complete._____/20
- Goal was measurable and could be accomplished in the given amount of time.._____/20
- Form a Plan portion of the project was detailed enough to show that the plan_____/20
had enough secure and thoughtful steps to ensure adequate progress
- Evidence of good planning was apparent by the use of the planning process _____/20
and visually was summarized in power point or write –up.
- Project had visual documentation through use of digital pictures _____/10
or thoughtful clip art and documentation.
- Summary outlined what you accomplished and took from this experience.
How did you grow in your appreciation of giving time to others?
What went well and what would you change?______10