We use the simple present to describe general facts, repeated actions and habits, facts that are always true.

v General facts

I like milk. They speak Italian.

Maria plays basketball. We live in Argentina.

v Repeated actions and habits

Harry often arrives late. I usually get up at 7.30

v Things that always true

The sun rises in the east. The earth goes round the sun.


I walk to school every day. My brother usually walks with me.

I walk we walk
you walk they walk
BUT he walks she walks it walks

go → goes

miss → misses

watch → watches

wash → washes

relax → relaxes


always 100% Tim always wears jeans.
usually 80% I usually go to bed at 9.30.
often 60% Sue often goes to the cinema.
sometimes 40% Sam sometimes walks to school.
never 0% It never rains here in January.

The frequency adverb goes between subject and verb.

Monday always comes after Sunday.


But when we use the verb to be it comes after the verb.

I am always late on Mondays.



1)  Choose the correct word underlined in each sentence.

a)  Juan and Carmen live/lives in Madrid.

b)  Harry watch/watches television at night.

c)  I usually go/goes to school by bus.

d)  It never snow/snows in this city.

e)  Sam live/lives in that house.

f)  You never clean/cleans your teeth!.

g)  Carol get/gets up early every day.

h)  All the buses leave/leaves from this bus-stop.

2)  Complete each sentence. Use the verb and frequency adverb in brackets.

a)  Tina (miss, sometimes) …sometimes misses…. the bus to school.

b)  I (never, get up) …………………………… before 6.00.

c)  We (have, usually) ………………………. a holiday in August.

d)  Jim and Helen (often, go) ……………….. to the theatre.

e)  I (sing, often) ……………………………… in the shower.

f)  Pat (play, sometimes) …………………….. football on Sunday.

g)  You (finish, never) …………………….. your homework!.

h)  Our teacher (wear, always) ……………… a sweater.

3)  Use the pictures to complete each sentence. Use a verb form the box.


I don’t like ice-cream. She doesn’t eat chocolate.

I do not walk. He does not walk. We do not walk.
I don’t walk. He doesn’t walk. We don’t walk.
You do not walk. She does not walk. They do not walk.
You don’t walk. She doesn’t walk. They don’t walk.
It does not walk.
It doesn’t walk.

Examples I don’t drink coffee. They don’t speak Italian.

Tom doesn’t play tennis. We don’t live in France.


Do you walk to school or do you take the bus?

I usually walk.

Do I walk? Does he walk? Do we walk?
Do you walk? Does she walk? Do they walk?
Does it walk?

Examples Do you like ice-cream? Do they speak Italian?

Does Ana play basketball? Do you live in Australia?

Does Harry often arrive late? Do you usually get up at 7.30?

Careful!!! I walk, you walk, we walk BUT he walks, she walks, it walks

He walks Does he walk?


1)  Make questions and negative sentences.

a) Jack – get up at 7.00 …………………………………………….?

b) Alice and Mike – walk to work …………………………………………….?

c) Jack – leave home at 8.00 …………………………………………….?

d) Alice and Mike – relax at night …………………………………………….?

e) Jack – watch TV …………………………………………….?

f) Alice and Mike – not/ like basketball …………………………………………….?

g) Jack – not/ wear school uniform …………………………………………….?

h) Jack and Mike – not/ use computers …………………………………………….?

i) Jack – not/ do his homework …………………………………………….?

j) Alice and Mike – not/ drink coffee …………………………………………….?

2)  Put words in brackets into correct order.

a)  Our (smoke, not, teacher, do) ….teachers do not smoke.... at school.

b)  Where (Helen, live, does) ………………………………..?

c)  (do, not, go, we) …………………………… to the cinema on Friday.

d)  Pedro and Sara (not, do, eat) ……………………. fish.

e)  (David, does, ride) ………………………. a bike?

f)  (play, do, you) …………………….. football after school?

g)  Kate (like, does, not) ……………………… oranges.

h)  What (you, do, want) ……………………. ?

i)  I (lunch, usually, have) ……………………….. at 1.30.

j)  (not, Ali, does, go) …………………………….. to school on Friday.

3)  Complete each sentence. Use the verb in brackets.

a)  Mary (like, not) … does not like…… baseball.

b)  (wash, Peter) ……………………. his face every morning?

c)  (watch, you) ………………………. television every day?

d)  I (eat, not, often) ……………………. fruit.

e)  (have, we) ……………………… homework today?

f)  My father (work, not, usually) …………………….. in the evening.

g)  (come, Bob) ……………………………. to school on his bike?

h)  Alex’s brothers (not, play) ……………………… football on Sunday.

i)  (go, Jane, often) ……………………………. to the mountains?

j)  My friends (live, not) ………………………. near my house.


1)  This is Mary and these pictures refer to her daily routine. Match the picture with the corresponding phrase and then order them.

2)  According to Mary’s daily routine, say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

a)  Mary wakes up at 8 o’clock. ______

b)  She goes to school in the morning. ______

c)  She usually goes out with her friends at night. ______

d)  She watches TV before she goes to bed. ______

e)  She goes to bed late. ______

3)  And you? Answer the following questions:

a)  What time do you wake up? ______-

b)  What time do you have breakfast? ______

c)  Do you go to school in the morning? ______

d)  What time do you have lunch? ______

e)  Do you go out with your friends before dinner? ______

f)  Do you go to bed late? ______