Transcription and Translation Internet Activity Name: ______

Go to and then follow the directions. First click on Molecules of Inheritance under the Genetics Tab and then find The Central Dogma on the right-click on Transcribe and translate a gene.

1.  What is the strand of RNA made from the DNA?

2.  What base replaces thymine? What does it complement with?

3.  The human genome (info on you) contains how many genes?

4.  When transcription is complete, what happens to the two strands of DNA?

5.  How many amino acids are in the chain you just made? What are they?

6.  What is the start codon for all proteins?

7.  What are the three possible codons for “stop”?

Now click on Molecules of Inheritance again on the menu bar. Then click on What Makes a Firefly Glow under the Central Dogma? Watch the animation and read what is below the animation.

8.  Name two reasons why fireflies glow-be specific.

9.  What is the name of the nasty tasting chemical made in the firefly’s tail that makes it glow?

10.  One species cannot make the nasty tasting “glow” chemical. But it can glow. How does it accomplish this?

Now click on Molecules of Inheritance again on the menu bar again. Find the Protein Box on the right and then click on What is a Protein? Watch the animation and answer the questions.

11.  What roles do proteins play in sending pain signals?

12.  What kinds of proteins hold nerve cells in place and help to extend their branches?

13.  Each gene in DNA encodes info on how to make what?

14.  Where is RNA made? Where does it go after it is made?

Using your book and notes, answer the following questions on the back of this sheet.

15.  Describe the three main differences between RNA and DNA.

16.  Using the DNA code TAC CAT TTT CCC CGC, make the amino acid sequence.

17.  What is a gene mutation? What is a chromosomal mutation?

18.  What is a point mutation?

19.  What would happen if a point mutation resulted in exactly the same amino acid sequence as the normal DNA?

20.  What are four types of chromosomal mutations?