Performance Improvement Plan

SUBJECT: Performance Improvement Plan
During the past month [specify dates if available], it has become increasingly evident to your [team leader or supervisor] and me that you have not been performing your assigned work in accordance with what is expected of a[n] [job title]. On [dates of all counseling and verbal warning sessions], you were counseled about this unacceptable performance. To date, there has not been any significant improvement. Company XYZ values you as an employee, and it is your leadership team's intent to make you fully aware of this situation and to assist you in improving your work performance. However, it is important that you realize the responsibility to improve is yours alone.
You are being placed on a written improvement plan.. For the next [30,60, or 90] days, [date, 200__] to [date, 200__], your work will be closely monitored by your leadership team. You must demonstrate immediate improvement in the following areas:
[Identify areas of improvement. Be specific about what needs to be improved. If possible, list objectives with specific deadlines on a separate sheet and attach it to the plan.]
[Name the person(s) monitoring the plan] will review your progress on each of the above items requiring improvement every [day or week and time or review]. We trust that in so doing, we can guide you in becoming a contributing employee of Company XYZ.
Improvement must occur immediately and must be maintained. If any portion of this improvement plan is violated at any time during the specified timeframe, disciplinary action to include separation from the company may occur. A decrease in performance after successfully completing the improvement plan may result in being dismissed from Company XYZ without the issuance of another warning or improvement plan.
As always, the Open Door Policy is available for you to discuss any concerns.
Your signature acknowledges this discussion. It does not indicate agreement or disagreement with this plan.
Employee Signature / ______
Leader Signature / ______
Witness Signature / ______


This form documents a plan for required performance improvement (when an employee's performance does not meet minimum expectations).

Employee Name: / ______/ Date of Hire: / ______
Title: / ______/ Supervisor: / ______

Below is information regarding specific area(s) where performance does not meet expectations and action to be taken. Your performance will be re-assessed at the end of the defined period though improvement will be immediate and sustained to continue employment with the company.

______/ ______
Manager Signature / Date

I have read my Performance Improvement Plan and understand that if there is not an immediate improvement satisfactory to the Manager (and/or Human Resources), further disciplinary action will be taken up to and including discharge. Formal evaluation will take place by the specified date but any problems occurring in the meantime may result in additional action.

______/ ______
Employee Signature / Date


Review period ______Follow-up date ______


[] Employee has achieved the required improvement described above and will be reevaluated again at any point in the future in which performance begins to decline.

[] Employee has not achieved the required improvement described above. The employee has problems in the areas described below:

Suggested Action

[] Termination effective ______

[] Extend improvement plan (see back)

Follow-up Review Signatures:

______/ ______
Manager Signature / Date
______/ ______
Employee Signature / Date

Extension (if appropriate)

Below lists problem area(s) and action to be taken. Your performance will again be re-assessed at the end of the probationary period.

______/ ______
Manager Signature / Date

I have read my extended Performance Improvement Plan and understand that if there is not an improvement satisfactory to the Manager (and/or Human Resources) by the specified date, further disciplinary action will be taken up to and including discharge.

______/ ______
Employee Signature /

DateFollow-up to Extension

Original Probationary period ______to ______
Extension Probationary period ______Follow-up date ______
[] Employee has achieved the required improvement described above.
[] Employee has not achieved the required improvement described above and will be terminated effective ______
Follow-up to Extension Review Signatures:
______/ ______
Manager Signature / Date
______/ ______
Employee Signature / Date
cc: / Employee
Human Resources (Employee File)