Night Self-Directed Unit

Your study of Elie Wiesel’s Holocaust memoir, Night, will be self-directed. This means that you will be given all the assignments at the beginning of the unit, and then you can determine a schedule for completion that works for you. You are required to complete all formative assessments, and you will choose one of three writing assignments for the summative assessment. You will have class time to work on the unit (including time in the computer lab), but you will have to complete work outside of class as well. Below are brief descriptions of each assignment; detailed assignment directions and rubrics will be provided.

Formative assessments:

1.  Quote journal: Read the memoir and keep a two column quote journal. In the left column, document significant quotes from the memoir (with proper citations); in the right column, record the context of the quote (what is occurring in the text at that time) and your thoughts, comments, reactions (This will be useful for other formative assessments and for your summative assessment.). The quote journal will be checked for a completion grade during the week of January 21st-24th.

2.  Wiki posts: Write and post 3 wiki responses to assigned prompts on our class wiki. Then, for each wiki prompt, reply to two classmates’ posts. The window for completing all 3 wiki posts and replies is Monday, January 6th-Monday, January 13th.

3.  Research and response journals: You will conduct research about various topics pertaining to the Holocaust, summarize what you learn and include direct quotes from sources, and connect it to the memoir in a research and response journal entry. You will complete 2 journal entries. One entry will be graded for accuracy; the other entry will be graded for completion (teacher’s choice). During the week of January 21st-24th, both research and response journals will be assessed.

4.  Film viewing and response: Choose a film that portrays the Holocaust; the recommended films are The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Life is Beautiful (both rated PG-13). Write a response to the film that is at least a page in length and includes your reaction/comments/thoughts. Make connections between the film and Night. Which was more moving, in your opinion- Night or the film? Which portrayal of the Holocaust did you prefer? (This should be done only AFTER you have read the memoir.) The film viewing and response will occur outside of class. The latest date to submit the film response is Tuesday, January 21st.

Summative assessment options:

1.  Narrative options: Choose one of the following writing prompts, or create your own (with teacher approval).

a)  Rewrite a chapter of the memoir from Wiesel’s father’s perspective. Include a reflection that provides a “behind the scenes” look at your writing process and that includes at least three pieces of evidence from the memoir which influenced your writing.

b)  Rewrite the ending of the memoir so that it conveys a different message. Include a reflection that provides a “behind the scenes” look at your writing process and that includes at least three pieces of evidence from the memoir which influenced your writing.

2.  Informative/research options:

a)  The Holocaust is the most well-known genocide, but there have been other genocides throughout the world. Research another genocide, such as the ones that occurred in Armenia, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, or Darfur. Then they write an essay comparing and contrasting the genocide to the Holocaust, concentrating on the following points: description of the genocide, motives for the genocide, related events leading up to the genocide, essential individuals involved in the genocide, cause of the genocide, and effects of the genocide on the society.

b)  Elie Wiesel is a Holocaust survivor, but he has spent most of his life writing, speaking, and teaching about humanitarian issues. Research another humanitarian, perhaps one who also played a role in the Holocaust, such as Oskar Schindler, or a more modern individual such as Princess Diana. Compare and contrast his or her humanitarian efforts to Elie Wiesel’s.

3.  Argumentative option: Write a critic’s review of the book. Try to separate your emotional reactions from your literary analysis as you write the review. Give a brief summary of the memoir and discuss why the piece is so effective. Do you think the power of one voice has a greater impact than a listing of statistics? Also, include your feelings about the impact of reading about individuals struggling to survive with the barest means. Use valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence to support your claims.

The summative assessment is due by Friday, January 24th.