Trigonometry and Math Functions

Course Description – This pre-calculus course continues students’ study of advanced algebraic functions, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric. Students will be expected to describe and translate among graphic, algebraic, numeric, tabular, and verbal representations of relations and use those representations to solve problems. Emphasis will be placed on practical applications and modeling. Appropriate technology, including calculators and application software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment.

Class Materials - Students must bring the following items to class daily:

·  Paper

·  5 x 8 index cards only – the largest ones

·  pencils (All math work should be done in pencil)

·  colored pencils

·  highlighters for highlighting diagrams and drawings are recommended

·  Calculator

·  3-Ringed Binder (please try to purchase at least a 1-2 inch wide plastic binder) to store

o  Warm-Ups

o  Notes and Classwork

o  Homework

o  Graded Work that is returned

o  Notebook paper

Other supplies that are welcome include tissues, hand sanitizer, 4-pack of AAA batteries, extra index cards.

Calculators - Students will need a Graphing Calculator. If a student should wish to purchase a graphing calculator, which would also be necessary for higher level math courses, the TI-83 Plus or TI-86 from Texas Instruments is strongly recommended. Other brands may not serve as well as these. Some assignments, classwork and tests will be done without the use of a calculator. If the assignment requires “exact” answers, calculator use will not be allowed. If calculators are required the student may “check out” one. If they chose to borrow one, the student will be held liable for any damages to the calculator and/or any missing batteries.

Grades – Grades are a measure of the student’s performance based on standard expectations.

All grades will be saved on Power School.

A (Superior) 94 – 100

B (Good) 87 – 93

C (Average) 77 – 86

D (Below Average) 70 – 76

F (Failing) 0 – 69

Report card grades will be determined each six weeks with the following weights:

Classwork/Homework 1/5 (20%)

Projects/Quizzes 1/5 (20%)

Tests (4) 2/5 (40%)

SIX weeks test 1/5 (20%)

If a student is absent, they are expected to get notes from another student and make immediate arrangements for making up any work for which they expect to earn credit.

Learning Lab – The teacher available every morning beginning at 7:30 am. Students should take advantage of this free tutoring session. Make-up work and tutoring may be done during this time.

Homework - Classwork/Homework is assigned daily. Together they count 20% of your grade. Each assignment is checked for completion and effort. Specific assignments will be also graded for accuracy. All diagrams must be drawn, all problems must be copied, and all work must be shown to receive full credit on any particular homework assignment. If a student is absent, they are responsible for getting the notes from a classmate and looking in the designated section for the missing assignments.

Extra Credit - There will be very few opportunities to earn any extra points throughout the semester.

Expectations – While in the classroom students will be expected to adhere to the following rules:

·  Enter the classroom quietly and be seated before the bell rings.

·  Show full respect to teachers, classmates, and school property.

·  Come to class prepared to stay in class and work. Bring all materials and assignments when you come.

Week / Topic / Week / Topic / Week / Topic
1 / Angles: standard position, positive/negative; reference; radians and degrees
Test 1 / 7 / Functions-graphing, analyzing, evaluating; compositions; end behavior; extrema
Test 6 / 13 / Special functions: Polynomial (including quadratic);
Binomial Theorem and factoring
Test 11
2 / Using the unit circle; special angles; right triangle trig; definitions; and exact values
Test 2 / 8 / Parent functions and transformations; operations; inverses
Test 7 / 14 / Special functions:
Test 12
3 / Graphing trig functions; using inverse functions
Test 3 / 9 / Special functions: Exponential; properties of exponents; e
Test 8 / 15 / Piecewise defined functions
Test 13
4 / Identities; relationships; solving equations
Test 4 / 10 / Special functions: Logarithmic; properties of logarithms; ln
Test 9 / 16 / Conic sections- parabolas, ellipses, circles and hyperbolas
Test 14
5 / Law of Sines; Law of Cosines; vectors / 11 / Solving equations with exps and logs / 17 / Exam Review
6 / Polar Coordinates;
Review / 12 / Practice;
Review / 18 / Exams
Six Weeks Test
Test 5 / Six Weeks Test
Test 10 / Six Weeks Test
Test 15

·  Comply with all school policies and rules.

EXAM – The state does not require a SOL for Trigonometry and Math Functions. There will be the final exam for this course.

Communication - The best way to contact me is via my e-mail address, . If you do not have access to e-mail, I can also be contacted by calling Magna Vista High School.

Agenda – Below is an abbreviated schedule of the topics we will cover this semester:

Trigonometry and Math Functions info sheet

(Return this page only)

Parents and students should review this syllabus, and refer to it to answer questions concerning classroom policies. Both parents and students are to sign this sheet indicating that you have reviewed a copy of the syllabus and are aware of the expectations of this course.

Return the attached page, but keep the syllabus for your reference.

Student’s Name (print) ______

Student’s Signature ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (print) ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Telephone Number ______

Date ______

Parents: I hope that we will be able to communicate as often as possible throughout the year about your student’s progress in my class. E-mail is the best and quickest way to communicate with me. I have provided a space below where you may list your e-mail address or you may simply send me an e-mail at .

Parent/Guardian e-mail address: ______

Do you have access to the internet at home? ______

Student’s schedule: ______


Student’s sports, clubs, hobbies, part-time job, etc:______

Comments or additional information about this student:
