Check one: ___ Undergraduate paper contest ___ Postgraduate paper contest



(as it should appear on the cheque and certificate) / Department/University / IEEE Membership No.*

Contact Author Address:

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*If any of the authors is not an IEEE student member, they must sign the following:

I/We qualify for IEEE Student Membership and agree to join the IEEE if my/our paper is judged to be eligible for a prize.

The following must be read and signed by all authors:

I/We declare that this paper has been completely compiled and prepared by myself/ourselves and that the work reported was done soley by myself/ourselves, except where propery cited.

Hong Kong Section of the IEEE Student Paper Contest

Rules and Formatting Instructions

The Hong Kong Section of the IEEE organizes the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student Paper Contests to encourage IEEE student members in Hong Kong to apply their engineering knowledge to research projects in electrical and electronic engineering and to present their work concisely and coherently. The best papers submitted may be selected to join the IEEE Region 10 Student Paper Contests if they meet the contest criteria.

General Rules

•   All authors must be IEEE Student Members or must qualify for IEEE Student Membership.

•   All authors must be students at a tertiary institute in Hong Kong.

•   The papers may be on any engineering field of interest of IEEE.

•   Each author is limited to one submission.

•   The number of authors for each paper is limited to three. Supervisors are not allowed to participate in the contest.

•   Except where properly cited, the work reported in the paper should reflect work done solely by the authors.

•   All authors/contributors to paper entries to the undergraduate contest must be undergraduate students.

•   Papers submitted to this Contest should not have been published in any other publications yet. If already published, papers will be withdrawn from the contest.

Formatting Instructions

The paper should be typewritten on one side of A4 size paper only. It should not exceed 20 pages.

An abstract of approximately 100 words should precede the main text of the paper.

Headings and subheadings should be numbered as in any of the IEEE journals.

Equations should be consecutively numbered with the number in parenthesis, opposite the equations.

References suitably numbered, should be provided at the end with their reference numbers given within square brackets at the appropriate places in the main text.

Appendices: Detailed mathematical proofs, development of equations, etc. which are subordinate to the main argument in the text should be given in the appendices with references in the main text


Undergraduate Contest

First Prize: HK$2000 Certificate of Merit and Trophy

Second Prize: HK$1000 Certificate of Merit

Third Prize: HK$500 Certificate of Merit

Postgraduate Contest

First Prize: HK$2000 Certificate of Merit and Trophy

Second Prize: HK$1000 Certificate of Merit

Third Prize: HK$500 Certificate of Merit

Author’s Schedule

Deadline for submission of paper to contest organizer: September 30, 2007

(1 electronic copy in pdf format in a diskette, 1 hardcopy, 1 cover sheet)

Announcement of awards: January 2008

Contest Organizer

Dr. Wilson Hon-Wai CHU

School of Science & Technology

The Open University of Hong Kong

30 Good Shepherd St., Kowloon, HONG KONG

Tel: 2768 6817 Fax: 2789 1170 Email:

URL: http://stlinux.ouhk.edu.hk/~wchu/IEEE_SPC/