Meeting Minutes for 9 Apr. 2009

I.  Call to Order

SUFAC Chair Tania Galligan called the meeting to order at 5:18pm.

II.  Roll Call

a.  Members Present: Lynsy Beckett, Andy Locke, Sheila Schroeder, Lindsay Acterberg, John Lee, Yue Yang, OFO, Ricky Staley, Ron Ronnenberg, Tessa Pieper, Matt Kehl, Tania Galligan

III.  Recognition of Guests – none present

IV.  Approval of Agenda- Tania entertained a motion to approve. Lindsay motioned. Ricky seconded. Matt called the question. Yue acclimated.

V.  Approval of Minutes- Tania entertained a motion to approve. Matt motioned. Lindsay seconded. Ricky called the question. Yue acclimated.

VI.  Reports

a.  OFO: Contingency is $15,873.68 and small org is $1100.00

b.  Senate: Meeting Monday

c.  SGA Exec: First spring election ever on campus. RHAA and SGA debate Mac 109 at 6.

d.  Good Time Programming: NACA was amazing! WE booked a lot and saved even more. Blizzard football April 10. Ben Bailey April 25. Get free tickets from UTIC with ID.

e.  Vice Secretary: Guidelines revision from Senate that directly affect SUFAC. They propose removing section 10 saying that Senate must submit budget to the president. It is similar to what the ad-hoc committee proposed.

f.  Secretary: Thanks to Matt for finding this. Appreciate SUFAC members at the Senate Meeting.

VII.  Discussion Items

a.  Ballroom Dance Club: Lynsy motioned to table. Ricky seconded. Lindsay called the question. Lynsy acclimated. Tabled to next Thursday.

VIII.  Action Items

a.  SGA Green Roof- Tania entertained a motion to approve. Matt motioned. Sheila seconded. Matt stated that this will require a 2/3 vote. Matt motioned to enter committee of the whole for 10 minutes. Andy seconded. Ricky called the question. Matt acclimated. Enter at 5:27. Andy motioned to exit. Ricky seconded. Lindsay called the question. Matt acclimated. Exit at 5:36. Yue called the question. Roll call vote 7-0-3.

IX.  Announcements- 6pm debate in Mac 109. We will have things to discuss next week.

X.  Adjournment- Tania entertained a motion to adjourn. Lindsay motioned. Andy seconded. Ricky called the question. Lindsay acclimated. Adjourn at 5:37.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Amanda Hart

SUFAC Administrative Assistant