Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 15th April 2014 at 7.30pm at the Bishop Beveridge Club, South Street


Councillors and Representatives
J Spence – Chairman / P Ranson (Parish/Borough Cllr)
T Burton / EJ Rodgers
PCantle / S Rodgers
H Fryer (Parish/Borough Cllr) / D Watson
K Pepper / W Woodhouse
A Kershaw – County Councillor
Sergeant D Hearnshaw and PC R Gerwal
Electors listed on the attendance record
A Childs / J Noon
C Gilchrist / K Smith
S F Hobbs / A Willcocks
P Needham / M Willett

In Attendance

Mrs G Newcombe– Deputy Clerk

Mrs H Duxbury – Administrative Assistant


Apologies were noted as follows:

Cllr A Goater

Cllr J Rodgers

Cllr L Smith

G Hobbs – Elector

323. Welcome – Chairman to the Parish Council Cllr. Judith Spence – Councillors sitting in the audience will be introduced

Cllr Spence welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced those members of the Parish Council in attendance.

324. Confirmation of Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 16th April 2013 and Parish Meeting held on6thJune 2013

RESOLVEDthe minutes of both meetings referred to above were otherwise signed as a true record by Chairman, Cllr Judith Spence.

325. Defibrillators – Community Heartbeat Trust – A presentation

Mr Whitehead representative ofSouth Nottingham Community First Responders Groupwas welcomed to the meeting and advised as follows:

There are currently 165 defibrillators in use around the East Midlands each is housed in a coded, temperature controlledsteel cabinet. The defibrillators are easy to use. In an emergency and on dialling 999 East Midlands Ambulance Service provide the cabinet access code. Once opened the defibrillator “talks” the user through the process. The cabinet also contains a razor, scissors, cloth and mouth mask and disposable equipment, including ‘shock pads’ is replaced after each use.

Cost of a single unit is approximately £2,000,annual running costsare approximately £15.

The CHT offers advice on suitable installation sites. To date there is no record of any liable action against anyone using a defibrillator.

Possible funding opportunities and an information sheet with FAQs were provided for information.

326. Policing Issues

Sergeant Hearnshaw was welcomed and briefed the meeting in regard to budget savings to be made and advised thatPolicing is to be streamlined resulting in quite dramatic changes to the existing ‘Beats’, ‘Safer Neighbourhood Teams’ will be introduced. Safety/Being Responsible sessions have been delivered to schools in the area.

PCSO James Johnson will be moving from the Barrow Beat and will be replaced by PCSO Rob Dignam.

Over the last year there were 75 crimesof note in Barrow upon Soar which ranged from assault and harassment, burglary of dwellings, burglary other than dwellings, criminal damage to vehicles and theft from vehicles.

Yearly crime comparison was reported as follows:

Burglariesreduced by 14%

Theft from cars reduced by 4%

J Noon- asked why drug crimes were not mentioned and if they had decreased or increased.

Sgt Hearnshaw advised that drug crime is difficult to police, beingreliant on information supplied by local residents. Drug crime in Barrow is low in comparison to other villages.

Cllr Kershaw enquired as to the current status of ‘Operation Dynamo’

Sgt Hearnshaw advised the operation exists however the process takes time. The Local beat team visits victims, follows lines of inquiries and carries out leaflet drops etc.

Cllr Fryer reiterated that it is residents’ responsibility to secure personal belongings.

327. County Council matters – Cllr Kershaw will be in attendance to report and will endeavour to answer any questions

Cllr Kershaw reported as follows:

Improvements to The Slabs footpath between Barrow and Quorn are complete, funded by LCC and various grants. He has heard only positive comments so far.

The inner relief road at Loughborough is now complete. Buses will be prohibited through the town centre from autumn 2014 for a trial period, subject to review in 18 months. LCC would appreciate any comments.

LCC must achieve savings of £27m from the libraries’ budget and is currently in public consultation which runs from 7th April to 7th July 2014. Not all libraries are being closed but residents are encouraged to respond with comments to LCC.

The amenity site will be open 9am – 7pm, 7 days a week from 1st April to 30th September 2014.

Mountsorrel Quarry has applied to widen the development area and to relocate the primary crusher. LCC has received 120 letters of objection. A public meeting will be held 31st May 2014 at Rawlins College. Cllr Kershawpledged his support to those villages concerned in regard to the SSSi

Resident’s questions are indicated in italic/Cllr Kershaw’s response as detailed below:

J Noon commented that not everyone is supportive of the improvements at the Slabs. Cyclists do not always dismount when crossing the bridge which puts pedestrians at risk. Though it is accepted that this may be a Police matter LCC should also be involved.

It is impossible to police the route at all times.

J Noon advised that she considered that surrounding villages were poorly represented in the consultation exercise, the majority of responses were from Loughborough residents.

K Smith commented that he is unhappy with the improvements to “the Slabs” and raised issue in regard to perceived dangers due to the location of the taxi rank at Biggin Street, Loughborough.

The location of the taxi rank had not been included in the public consultation. The nearby crossing may be removed on completion of works.

Cllr S Rodgers requested confirmation of any planned maintenance works at Slash Lane. The verges/boundaries are becoming very overgrown so as to restrict access.

There is a schedule for carriageway repairs. Hedges/vegetation are the responsibility of the landowner. He will ensure issues raised are brought to the attention of the Director of Highways.

Cllr Fryer advised that this subject had been the matter of some discussion at a recent meeting of the Joint Soar Valley Parish Council Liaison Committee where it was suggested that the ditches are properly maintained.

A Willcocksasked if Cllr Kershaw was aware of any planning applications for shale gas extraction.

None have been notified.

C Gilchrist requested an update on the very lengthy legal procedures in regard to the Bridge Street to Proctors Park Road footpath.

This will be referred to the Development Control Board soon. Proceedings had been delayed due to a list of queries presented to LCC by the objector’s legal representative.

328. Borough Council matters – Cllrs Fryer and Ranson will be in attendance to report and will endeavour to answer any questions

Cllrs Fryer and Ranson:

Cllr Ranson as a member of CBC Plans Committee has dealt with local and council wide issues in regard to applications for new housing developments and the progression of CBC’s Core Strategy.

Cllr Fryer a member of the Cabinet with responsibilities for Cleansing and Open Spaces, sheis also CBC Armed Forces Champion, Deputy Chair of the Leicestershire Rural Partnership and a Trustee of the Rural Communities Council (Leicestershire and Rutland).

Flooding and measures taken to improve the situation locally is under review.Cllr Ranson sits on the panel which is reviewing current practices and how they may be upgraded to the benefit of all residents and assist with an advanced flood warning system.

Cllr Ransonsits on the Overview & Scrutiny Committee which ensures accountability, is Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Committee.

As you may be aware access to Loughborough Hospital from the town centre has been improved with the number 5 bus now going into the Hospital grounds, of benefit to all Barrow upon Soar residents travelling into Loughborough by bus.

Both are long serving Governors of the local schools, supporting all the children in the village in a positive manner, Cllr Fryer at Humphrey Perkins and Cllr Ranson at Hall Orchard and Rawlins, academies.

Both Cllrs Fryer and Ranson have been/are involved with MP Nicky Morgan in carrying out residents’ surveys to assess local needs and issues and are addressing local concerns raised. Both are really appreciative of the feedback,positive and negative, received so far.

Both are concerned in regard to LCC proposals to save £800k by transferring 30 libraries includingthat at Barrow upon Soar to communities. Consultation commences in April all residents are encouraged to respond to the consultation with their views.

CBC is fortunate that it has not been necessary to impose cuts to services, and, for the 4th year running has not increased Council tax.

Cllr Fryer and Ranson enjoy their role as your Borough Councillors and are available to help and assist with any queries as appropriate.

EJ Rodgers requested that Borough Councillors investigate the state of the area near the cottages at Slash Lane which is very messy and in a poor state of repair.

329. Report of Chairman to the Parish Council – Cllr Judith Spence

Cllr Spence reported on an incredibly busy year for the PC and its14 committees and extended thanks to theoffice staff, Councillors and Caretaker and paid tribute to Peter Clark who took care of The Culverts for us and has sadly passed away.

A summary of Parish Council achievements/undertakings

  • The High Court challenge to the Secretary of State concluded in January, the results now publishedare available on the Parish Council website or from the office. Conditions imposed include the site must be shown to be deliverable within a 5 year period and no building should commence until the drainage/sewerage issue is addressed. The need for vigilance is essential
  • A Neighbourhood Plan is in progress, this will, essentially, shape the future of the village, protect and preserve green spaces, conservation and heritage, it must be endorsed by CBC.
  • Aconsidered response has been submitted to CBC Core Strategy consultation.
  • Consultation relating to installation of a bus shelter at Babington Road is to be widened as we previously failed to reach agreement.
  • Provision/installation of a temporary public toilet facility and ways in which to retain a Library facility for the village are in progress. King George V restoration consultation response date is looming, resident’s views are important.
  • The issue of dog fouling and out of control dogs continues to be a concern for many andThe Parish Council is investigating the possibility of sharing Dog Warden services with others.
  • A dietician is booked for the Annual Speaker to the Village event which will be promoted in due course. A review of the “Who Cares, We Care” booklet is in progress. Greetings cards to acknowledge milestone birthdays and anniversaries have been sent and have been well received
  • Funding is secured funding for installation of a sculpture at Sileby Road
  • 6 July sees the first Summer Street Market, High Street will be closed to vehicular traffic for the duration.
  • Parish Walks with confirmed dates will be promoted via the website, window, noticeboards and Loughborough Echo new leaders are needed.
  • The War Memorial underwent complete restoration in time for the Remembrance Day service and parade which was again well attended
  • Christmas Lights event was as successful as ever and enjoyed by all
  • The Annual Youth Achievement Awards,sponsored byBoots the Chemist and Odeon Cinemawere presented at a PC meeting
  • The Detached Youth Project has usedfacilities at Humphrey Perkins during the winter months and now meet at KGV and Willow Road playing fields again. There has been an increase in numbers and a more even gender balance
  • The cemetery chapel was opened on Mothering Sunday and Father’s Day.
  • Several grit bins have been installed in the village and we purchased a grit spreader which arrived just in time for the mild winter!
  • Bollards have been installed at High Street in an effort to restrict vehicles driving along the pavement
  • The issue of the Bridge St/Proctors park footpath is in process
  • Further to numerous calls/comments repair to the granite wall at Barrow Road has been re done
  • Installation of cycle lockers at the station is being chased up
  • The grounds maintenance has improved greatly under a new contractor and has been extended for another year
  • The exterior of the Parish office was painted
  • A new website with access to Twitter will be launched soon
  • Parish Council members also sit on a number of external committees

Residents comment and responses were noted as follows:

M Willett requested clarification in regard to installation of a bridge over the railway atSileby Road.

Cllr Kershaw advised that discussion between LCC and Network Rail is ongoing.

S Hobbs extended her thanks for the time and effort the Parish Council is allocating to preparing the Neighbourhood Plan.

A Childs commented that the Parish Council is doing more and more for the village and residents should appreciate how much is done on their behalf. It is such a shame there are so few residents at the Parish Meeting.

330. Financial Report of the Parish Council – Cllr Wendy Woodhousewill, present a summary of Parish Council expenditure during the year and that projected – Audited accounts for the preceding year (31st March 2012) will be available for inspection

Time, effort and money, almost £35,000,has been spent in fighting the proposed Jelson development. Unfortunately as you will be aware we were unsuccessful.

The parish element of the council tax band D has increased by £6.25 due to general increases including;staff costs (increased staffing), general maintenance, playing fields and open spaces repair and maintenance, Christmas lights, dog fouling, Detached Youth Project, public toilet facilities, play equipment renewal and a small contingency fund.

The Methodist Church, BUSCA, Barrow Town Cricket Club, BOSCAPS, the Twinning Association and Charnwood Orchestra have received grant funding from the Parish Council and it has also funded the Detached Youth Project.

Thanks are extended to all members of the Policy and Finance committee for their hard work in setting the precept and to Lesley in her absence for her efforts in dealing with all things financial.

331. Attendance Record of Parish Council Members – displayed

Record of Parish Councillors attendance through the year 2013/14is displayed for inspection if required.

332. Townlands Charity Receipts & Payments Accounts for the year end 31st December 2013– tabled and available for inspection

Accounts detailed above are available for inspection at the parish office if required.

333. Jelson Development of land at Melton Road – update High Court Challenge

Cllr Burton advised in regard to the hearing held on 27/28 January 2014. The Parish Council challenge to the Inspector who, it believed, had not considered sufficiently evidence presented. Though the Judge expressed sympathy to the Parish Council the decision was upheld. Condition 9 of the decision relates to the sewage system a matter which it is believed couldnot possibly be achieved in 5 years.

A Willcocks commented that there are in excess of 500 new builds anticipated; Orchard Kennels, Strancliffe, Cotes Road and other smaller developments around the village. The Parish Council needs to see the bigger picture and put pressure on the planning system to change.

Cllr Spence advised that the Planning Committee has issued request for meetings with the various agencies and awaits response.

334. Neighbourhood Plan – Consultation and Cllr Cantle to report on progress

The Parish Council is keen to obtain the views and approval of residents for any future development in the village through the Neighbourhood Plan process. There will be a display at the BUSCA launch evening to be held on 20th May at Humphrey Perkins High School and at the Street Market Event on 6th July. A questionnaire is in progress and will be delivered to each household.

AChilds asked how long Neighbourhood Plans generally take to complete.

Cllr Cantle responded approximately 18 months.

M Willett asked if the concerns of residents relating to issues at KGV had been noted by the Parish Council?

Cllr Woodhouse advised that all issues and responses relating to KGV will be recorded in Playing Field Committee minutes.

335. Local issues

C Gilchrist commented that HGV’s are regularly seen driving through the village,particularly at Sileby Road. Signs deterring drivers are obviously not working.

Cllr Spence suggested, if possible, a note of the vehicle registration number and company name is taken and reported to the Parish office in order that it is forwarded to the relevant authority.

Cllr Burton suggested residents could advise the Police of their concern at the Police Surgeries.

D Lockwood commented in regard to parking at Church Street which is a real problem. A Fire Engine was unable to gain access recently and when people are asked to move their cars they are generally abusive

Cllr Spence again suggested a note of the vehicle registration number is taken and forwarded to the Parish Office.

The meeting was closed at 9.40pm.

SIGNED……………………………………. DATE………………………………..



Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 15th April 2014