EU - Community Stabilisation Programme III (EU-CSPIII)
Info Sheet
IOM Kosovo will continue to implement the EU Community Stabilisation Programme III (EU-CSPIII) on behalf of the European Union Office in Kosovo. The programme activities will build upon previous efforts of the IOM, the EU and the Government of Kosovo to improve the social and economic conditions of vulnerable non-majority groups in Kosovo. Similar programmes have run from 2002 to 20015 and this new phase of programming builds upon these successes.
The 26-month EUR 2 million programme will target non-majority communities in all 38 municipalities of Kosovo, where non-majority groups are particularly affected by unemployment and poverty. Included are the Albanian communities living in those municipalities with a predominantly Serbian population in Northern Kosovo. Support will also be specifically oriented towards assisting members of the returnee communities, including those from various phases of the EU-RRK programming, as well as members of their communities of return.
To enhance the employment prospects of the targeted communities, the programme will provide technical assistance and productive business assets to aspiring entrepreneurs and will support on-going or start-up ventures. The programme will enhance their sustainability and maximise their potential for growth, contributing to the stabilisation of the socio-economic situation of these communities. Support will also be granted to community based project initiatives that benefit the wider community as well as to local associations, both business and agricultural.
EU-CSP III will continue to be implemented in close coordination with the European Union, Kosovo’s Ministry for Community and Returns, municipal officials and local stakeholders.
Total duration of the action / 26MonthsObjectives of the action / The overall objectiveof the EU-CSP Phase III is to facilitate the creation and growth of an inclusive and robust national economy with full access to all communities in Kosovo ensuring their sustainable (re)integration, promoting community stability and cohesion, and reducing migration push factors.
The specific objective of the action is to create income-generating opportunities for non-majority communities throughout the value chain in key economic sectors in Kosovo thereby enhancing their (re) integration prospects.
Target group(s) / Members of ethnic non-majority communities including Serbian, Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian, Gorani, Bosniaks, Turks and Croats throughout Kosovo including Albanian Communities living in Northern Kosovo who: reside in Kosovo, who may be at risk of displacement due to their economic situation, and/or have returned through the EU-RRK programme.
Final beneficiaries / All residents of Kosovo will benefit from a more inclusive, formalised and stable, economy as well as access to new products, services, and community development supported through the project.
Main Activities / A1.1. Maintain PAC and MSCs; A1.2. Provide mobile outreach to non-majority community beneficiaries; A1.3. Disseminate programme information through leaflets, local media, newsletters, and online presence.
A2.1. Engage with associations and individuals in the target municipalities active in key economic sectors identified; A2.2. Provide support to non-majority and inter-ethnic business associations to leverage economies of scale for groups of producers; A2.3. Facilitate contacts between supported producers and processors as well as majority value chain actors.
A3.1. Launch call for proposals; A3.2. Select new and operational enterprises to be supported; A3.3. Distribute assistance to selected enterprises to upgrade and fill value chain or market gaps; A3.4. Provide regular monitoring, evaluation, and ongoing support of selected enterprises.
A4.1. Coordinate with MOCR and community leaders/representatives to identify needs in their respective communities; A4.2. Select and implement community level projects in coordination with local authorities to ensure ownership and sustainability of intervention.
EUCommunity Stabilisation Programme III (EU-CSP III)
An EU-funded project managed by the EU Office in Kosovo