Pioneer Road, Yarrambat

Special Charge Scheme

Task Group Meeting

18 March 2015



Name / Position & Contact Details / Present
Cr Meralyn Klein / Councillor, Blue Lake Ward / No
Patrick Wood / Design Coordinator, Infrastructure Development (Enquiries: 9433 3193) / Yes
Aashish Pandey / Project Engineer (Enquiries: 9433 3249) / Yes

Table 1 - Council Representatives

Name / Property Address / Contact No./Email Address / Present
Paul West / 90 Pioneer Road / 9436 1078 / Yes
Haydn Faulds / 140-164 Pioneer Road / 0418 347 417 / Yes
Robert Piper / 166-206 Pioneer Road / 9436 1122 / Yes
Jim Jones / 208-218 Pioneer Road / 9436 2129 / Yes
Christina Bennett / 221-223 Pioneer Road / 9436 1595 / Yes
Belinda Clarkson / 4 Felicia Rise / / Yes
Dale Rogers / 235-245 Pioneer Road / No

Table 2 - Task Group Members


Cr Meralyn Klein



3.2Task Group Discussions:

  • Road crossing culvert at the intersection of Ironbark Road and Pioneer Road is dysfunctional. The culvert will be replaced as part of Scheme; the alignment of the culvert will depend on the location of existing underground services in the area. In the meantime a service request will be lodged to clean the culvert.
  • The Task Group raised concerns about vegetation and tree branches causing sight distance issues in Pioneer Road, particularly below the electrical pole at bend near 166-206 Pioneer Road and bend near 90 Pioneer Road. The Task Group also requested to remove tree stump at the bend near 145-195 Pioneer Road. A service request will be lodged to trim the branches and remove the stump. Furthermore, vegetation and tree branches will be trimmed to improve the sight distance as per Council’s Supervising Officer’s assessment during construction.
  • The Task Group raised concerns about road width narrower than 4.5m at some sections. Road width varies at different sections, however a minimum 4.5m width will be maintained, and this will result in some narrow table drains at different locations.
  • Task Group members indicated a preference to increase road widths to 5 metres at different locations. Council officers will attempt to maximise the road width where possible. However, this will need to be balanced with the requirement to keep the scheme costs within the proposed limits.
  • The Task Group raised concerns about water ponding at the crossover of Greenvale School.
  • Some alignments and levels of crossovers will require adjusting to improve drainage and accessibility and restrict water ponding. Crossover culverts will have bluestone rock end walls (subject to availability of material).
  • A new culvert was requested for the crossover that provides access to both 221-233 and 217-219 Pioneer Road.
  • The Task Group raised concerns about lack of centre line marking along the entire length of the road. Council’s traffic engineers will assess the possibility of centre line marking along the entire length and will also assess the locations for installing Road Reflective Pavement Markers (RRPM).
  • A question was asked whether any sign can be installed in Pioneer Road to inform drivers about the school area.
  • It was requested that the table drain depth in front of gate at 238-248 Pioneer Road be kept shallow. While the table drain depth varies depending upon the site condition. Council will attempt to achieve shallow table drains where possible to increase driveable width of road.
  • The Task Group raised concerns about inflow of water to the properties through crossovers which do not have culverts. Crossovers without culverts will be shaped to prevent inflow of water to the properties.
  • The Task Group requested the embankment is cut opposite the crossovers of 234 Pioneer Road to achieve 4.5m wide road. Council officers will investigate this further.
  • Council’s policy is to asphalt the driveway 2.0m from edge of the road, to protect the road seal. Property owners can arrange additional sealing at their own cost.
  • The property owner of 103-143 Pioneer Road will be notified while relocating the letter box.
  • The Task Group requested the water that flows towards Downey Road, from Pioneer Road, be diverted to flow along Pioneer Road. Council officers advised that this is the natural direction of flow and should be maintained. However, any drainage issues downstream could be investigated separately.
  • The Task Group raised questions regarding funding of the road sealing through other funding sources. Council officers advised that a Special Charge Scheme is the only option available to seal Pioneer Road.

4Next meeting

To be confirmed.