The Epistle

Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

600 Mulberry Street, Scottdale, Pennsylvania 15683

Phone: Office - 724-887-6526


The Reverend Daniel Clark, Pastor

Phone: 724-961-3125


JUNE 2015

God’s Work, Our Hands: Stay with; Raise up; Send Out



The Gathering: The Prelude and the Announcements

We continue this newsletter article series on worship with two parts that prepare us for the worship service.

Music has the power to do amazing, diverse things to us during the worship service as we will see in the upcoming months. One of these such ways is found in the prelude as music has the ability to calm our nerves and prepare us for worship. When we arrive to worship we are carrying with us all the cares and concerns of our life. If we carried this to the worship service we would be distracted and hearing the Word of God would be more difficult. As we sit down and the music plays we are able to become calm and reflect on the upcoming service. Often the music is working on us even when we do not realize it. We could think of the prelude as simple background music, but it serves a vital role in centering our spirit as we begin to worship Almighty God.

Announcements also serve a purpose in calming the congregation down in order to center us for worship. There are members who are passionate about the ways they serve the congregation. As they enter the church building they are asking questions to themselves such as: Are people signing up for the event I am helping to plan? Do people know about this week’s meeting? Also, people are bringing pastoral concerns to the worship service. The reassurance that others know about these pastoral concerns and are praying for them can bring comfort and peace.

The announcements also serve the purpose of bridging the service to the previous week’s worship service. Each service concludes with the words, “Go in peace, serve the Lord.” The announcements are a way to give a word of thanks to the ways we have served the Lord during the week, and the announcements provide information as to how we can serve the Lord together as a church in the upcoming weeks. By having announcements at the worship service, we are communicating the truth that the work we do outside of the worship service is important and blessed by God.

Words of Thanksgiving

I would like to thank the congregation in for a smooth transition as I went away on vacation last month. My wife and I had a relaxing time and it was great to see her grandparents in Phoenix.

I would like to thank the property committee for their leadership in arranging to get a new church sign. It looks great and will spread information about the church for years to come. Also a big thanks to the property committee for continued work on the bathroom renovations.

I am amazed by how active our congregation is with Thrivent Financial Services. I would like to thank our members who are active with this organization as they have found ways to serve the church and the community through Thrivent. Even though Thrivent is making organizational changes I am encouraged in believing that our congregation will continue to find ways to be involved with this organization.



Pastor: The Reverend Daniel Clark

Council Members: Vice-President –Becky Zito; Secretary – Linda Keefer;

Ginny Black, Cathy Depta, Charlie Ellis, Sue Kotecki, Cheryl Mains, Cheryl Myers, Jerry Rolla,

Jim Young,

Church Treasurer: Brenda SuterChurch Financial Secretary: Cathy Depta

Church Secretary: Cheryl MainsOrganists: G. Carole Hunker and Nancy McNally

Janitors: Dale and Cheryl Myers

Communion Assistants for 2015: June-Jerry Rolla; July-Jim Young; August-; September-Sue Kotecki; October-; November-; December-Charlie Ellis

June Birthdays: 1-Virginia Black; 6-Kaleb Askey; 7-Barbara Smith; 10-June King, Jason Polcha; 11-Virginia Kochis; 12-Kenneth Bair; 14-Tracy Keefer, Tyler Rollinson, Matthew Welch; 16-Pr.Andrew Dougherty, Jean Myers, Heidi Kuhn, Skylar Rudberg,; 18-James Gearhart, Richard Kriger; 20-Janet Shaulis; 21-Seamus McCance, Diana Skovira; 22-William White; 23-Haley Rollinson; 27-Debra LeJeune; 28-Sara Tomasello; 29-David Lynn, Sr., Gerald Rolla, Donald Zimmerman; 30-Colleen Tomasello

June Anniversary: 3-John and Brandi Askey; 15-Warren and Janet Shaulis; 17-Pastor Daniel and Pastor Kerri Clark; 21-Ed and Linda Polcha; 23-Dale and Cheryl Myers; 24-David and Gail Brown; 26-Matthew and Alexis Welch

Prayer List: Delores Bennett, Gerald Peterson, Betty Rolla, Gladys Clegg, Brian Duffield, BrylieCraun, Liberty Hernley, Jean Leonard, Jerry Younkin, Mabel Rolla, Andrew Laird, Sara Suter, GarySchenck, Sarah Grimm, Bob Pearson, June Bandemer, Art Kolar, Linda and Ron Polcha, John Depta, France Denham, Roy Nelson, Shirley Surrec, Ashlee Preisach, June King, Elsie Cochran, the Hopkins Family, Michelle Hohider, Tammy Kamer, Kim Levendusky, Mark Meals, Anna Mae Hixson, Sue Malik, Frances Echard, Alice Rugg, Darleen Catalina, Jennifer Stern Wright, Pat Walker, Joanne Coffman, Peg Cole, Kristan Carson, Virginia Ridenour



Our condolences are extended to Rose Lindner and family on the loss of their husband and father, Wes Lindner, to the family of Nancy Eicher and to Carol Kelly on the loss of her husband, Bryon Kelly.


STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL- The Strawberry Festival will be held on Friday, June 5 from 4:00 PM till 7:00 PM. The cost will be $5.50 for adults and $2.50 for children under 12. Additional food items will be available to purchase. We will be asking for donations of cakes and help. Look for the signup sheets on the table in the lower narthex shortly.

Lunch in the Park will be held on Tuesday, June 9 from 11:00 AM till 1:00 PM at the Scottdale Gazebo.

RUMMAGE SALE: We will be having a Rummage Sale this year. The proceeds from the sale will go towards St. Paul’s 125th Anniversary celebration. The sale this year will be held Thursday, September 3 from 9:00 AM till 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM till 8:00 PM and on Friday, September 4 from 9:00 AM till Noon. Setup will be done on Monday, August 31 and Tuesday, September 1.

SAVE THE DATE: We will be celebrating St. Paul’s 125th Anniversary on Sunday, October 25 at 1:00 PM. We are planning a dinner at the Masonic Hall on Route 982. More information will be coming.

Pastor Clark and Jim Young will be at ELCA Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod Assembly at Thiel College, Greenville on June 11, 12, and 13.

FISHING FUN DAY is scheduled for June 24 from 5:00 PM till Dusk at Mammoth Park, Pavilion #12. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board for those attending. There will be a free fishing pole for every child registered that attends along with free hot dogs and drinks. Adults welcome to bring side dish, covered dish, snacks, etc. to share.



GreetersWalt and Sue Kotecki

AcolyteJim Young

Ushers-Team #3Ginny Black, Howard Keefer, Linda Keefer and Virginia Ridenour

Lay ReaderWalt Kotecki

Worship AssistantLinda Keefer


GreetersKent and ElinorDusenberyCarole Hunker

AcolyteSara Tomasello

Ushers-Team #4Cheryl Myers, Dale Myers, Nancy Myers and Cathy Depta

Lay ReaderTammy Barber-Kamer


GreetersBecky Brush and Gabe KubaskyPolcha Family

AcolyteSkylar Rudberg

Ushers-Team #1Gail Brown, Charlie Ellis, Dee Graft and Duane Stamm

Lay ReaderBeth Shallenberger

Worship AssistantBrent Shallenberger


GreetersCarole Hunker and Jean Myers

AcolyteJim Young

Ushers-Team #2Cheryl Mains, Larry Mains, Debbie Miller and Jerry Rolla

Lay ReaderMichael Rolla


Jerry RollaJerry Rolla

Charlie Ellis

If you are unable to serve, please let Pastor Daniel or Cheryl Mains know as soon as possible

JUNE, 2015
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 Council
7:00 / 3 Anniversary Meeting 7:00
Fun Bunch Meeting 8:00 / 4 Hearts & Hands Quilt Guild
9:00 / 5 Strawberry
4:00-7:00 / 6
7 Holy Communion
9:00 / 8 / 9Lunch in the Park
11:00-1:00 / 10 / 11 Hearts & Hands Quilt Guild
14Service of the Word
9:00 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 Hearts & Hands Quilt Guild
9:00 / 19 / 20
21Holy Communion
9:00 / 22 / 23 / 24 Fishing Fun Day
5:00 till Dusk / 25Hearts & Hands Quilt Guild
9:00 / 26 / 27
28Service of the Word
9:00 / 29 / 30