Sandra Gray

Room 154 CAC


Planning Periods: Blue 4/White 4

Vocational Training: W2 and W3/ B2 and B3


Phone: Office – 785-717-4200 ext4243 Cell 785-223-3060

C LASS DESCRIPTION: This class is designed to assist students who are at least 16 years of age, is a student at Junction City High School, and has a current IEP stating their current transitional needs and goals. Students may enroll in the class for 1 or 2 semesters. The class serves as an elective class toward graduation credit. Students can earn one elective credit per semester or two credits per year. Students are placed on job sites in the community for a semester or year. Transportation is provided to and from the job site by the school.


1. To ensure that all students develop self-advocacy skills and are able to share information concerning any accommodations needed to be successful on a job.

2. Provide work-based learning opportunities based on individual learners’ interest and career goals.

3. Conduct evaluations at the middle of each 6-week grading period.

4. Integrate work-based learning with students’ past and present work experience.

5. Provide skill builder opportunities for students in order to explore careers and skills/talents other than their chosen area.

DRESS CODE: Students are expected to be dressed neat and clean, and pay attention to personal hygiene. If a uniform or shirt is provided by the business the student is expected to wear the shirt. The following will apply to dress code and appearance:

  • No sagging
  • No flawed jeans
  • Clothes are neat and clean
  • No sweatpants or shorts
  • Hair should be combed and neat in appearance
  • If uniform or shirt is provided you are expected to wear it.
  • If you are ask to purchase a type of clothing for the job or certain shoes it will be expected that you follow through

Electronic Devices:

  • Absolutely no headphones on the bus or at the job site
  • Cell phones are allowed but are put away on the bus and at work
  • Only use your cell phone if you have permission from a supervisor. Phones are put away on the bus and at work.

EVALUATIONS: Students are graded according to their attendance and tardies, supervisor job evaluations, spot visits by coordinator and their career portfolio. Assignments in their career portfolio may include thank you letters to businesses, a resume, job application, and reflections papers. Other assignments may be assigned to them by the coordinator concerning their job.

Grading Scale:

100-90 = A

89-80 = B

79-70 = C

69-59 = D

Below 58% = F


1. Be on for class.

2. Remain in your seat until the bus stops.

3. Keep voices at a low volume while on the bus.

4. Keep feet out of the aisles.

5. Demonstrate respect for others.

6. The use of profanity, threats, put downs, and fighting is not tolerated.

7. Be on time and waiting when the bus arrives for pick up.

8. No gum allowed on job sites.

9. Do not leave job site until the bus arrives.

10. No book bags need to be taken to job sites.

TARDIES AND LATE ARRIVALS: If student is late for class they must call the Transition Coordinator at 785-223-3060. It is the students responsibility to call their supervisor and the business. This class is designed to be as relevant as possible to having a job. If a student fails to call the coordinator and their supervisor it is a loss of point for the day to be determined by the instructor. In any job you will have to call appropriate individuals to inform them you will not be coming to work.

DISMISSAL & PROBATIONS: Any student who has been observed stealing, fighting, or accused of sexual harassment on the job will be terminated from the job and dismissed from the program. Students who are consistently absent (5 or more days per six week period) will be placed on probation for 2 weeks before returning to a job site. The studentwill be assigned lessons designed to help him/her refrain from the behavior(s) that led to probation. If the student continues this behavior, he/she will be dismissed from the program.

On-Site Visitations: Students will be observed on their job sites at least threetimes a semester. During one of these visitations, the student may be videoed and/or photographed performing his/her duties. A release notice is provided to the parents, student, and employer before this will take place. Any student choosing not to have their picture taken or videoed will be excused from this part of the visitation.