AIR INDIA Examination paper 2009


Test Battery Number Booklet Series


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Test Form No. Test-Booklet Serial No.


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1.  This Test-Booklet consists of an objective type of test having questions on Intelligence, Reasoning, General Awareness, General English, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Applications, Information technology, Physics. Tele-communication and Mathematics. There are 100 questions in total in the test and duration of the test is two hours.

2.  You have to answer these questions on an Answer-Sheet which is given to you separately. Write your roll number on the Answer-Sheet at the appropriate place and blacken from H.B. Pencil the corresponding circle in it.

3.  On the top right hand corner of the cover page of you Test-Booklet, Booklet series is printed as A. In the Box for Booklet Series in your Answer-Sheet, blacken circle with your HB pencil. Similarly on the left hand corner of the cover pager of your Test-Booklet, Test Form No. is printed, blacken from H.B. pencil the corresponding circles in the Box for Test Form No. in your Answer-Sheet. Please make sure that you do not blacken more than one circle in any column. The three circles blackened by you, one in each column below the Test Form No., in your Answer-Sheet should tally with the Test Form No. as printed to you Test-Booklet.

4.  Don’t forget to mention the Test Battery Number and Test-Booklet Serial Number which are printed on the cover page of your Test-Booklet, at the indicated places in you Answer-Sheet.

5.  You had already written the category to which you belong in your Application From. Therefore leave the rectangle for Category, blank in you Answer-Sheet.

6.  Also leave the Rectangles X1 and X2 blank in you Answer-Sheet.

7.  For each question in you Test-Booklet, four alternative answer numbered as (1), (2), (3) and (4) are given. Of these four alternative answers only one alternative answer is the correct answer to each question. Your task in this test is to find out this correct answer and to show it in SIDE-2 of you Answer-Sheet by blackening with an H.B. pencil, the circle having the alternative number of your choice under the corresponding serial number of the question. If you want to change the answer given by you earlier for a question, then erase the black mark made by you earlier in the alternative for that question, leaving no impression at all and make a fresh mark in the alternative of you new choice. For any question, if more than one circle are found blackened, the machine will allot zero mark to such an answer.

8.  There is a provision to answer 200 questions on SIDE-2 of your Answer-Sheet but as there are only 100 questions in total in the test, use the space for the first hundred questions in SIDE-2 of your Answer-Sheet to mark your answers and leave the remaining space blank.

9.  Before beginning to answer the questions please make sure that all the entries in your Answer-Sheet have been duly completed. Any carelessness in this regard may jeopardize your chances of selection.

10.  Do not spend time on reading all the questions before beginning to answer them. Try the questions one by one and wherever you are not sure of the answer, pass one to the next question. If time permits, you may again try the left out questions.

11.  For rough work, blank space has been provided on pages 2 and 23 of you Test-Booklet. Don’t make any mark elsewhere.

Note: In case of variation of any kind in the English and Hindi version of any question(s). English version will be considered as final.

AAI (ATC)-2009

1.  Which of the following series observes the rule, “skip in between adjacent letter, increasing one letter each time to build a set of letters”?

§  A C F J L Q

§  B D G K P V

§  C E H L Q V

§  H I L P U Z

2.  If in the following alphabet the first four letters are interchanged with the 2nd four letters, 3rd four letters are interchanged with the 4th four letters, 5th four letters are interchanged with the 6th four letters. What will be the 9th letter to the right of 18th letter from your right?


§  M

§  N

§  U

§  V

3.  Three of the following four numbers are alike in a certain but the rest one is different. Find the one which is different from the rest three.

§  7359

§  1593

§  9175

§  3781

4.  A girl moves towards South-east a distance of 7 m, then she moves towards West and travels a distance of 14 m. From there, she moves towards North-west a distance of 7 m and finally she moves a distance of 4 m towards East and stood at that point. How far is the starting point (in metres) from where she stood?

§  3

§  4

§  10

§  11

5.  In this question arithmetical symbols are denoted by capital letters as given below:

A→ , B→>, C→=, D→<, E→Ž, F→¹
Two formulae are given. Find the inference which is drawn from the given Formulae.
Formulae: 3x B 4y, 4y E 3z

§  3x C 3z

§  3x A 3z

§  3x B 3z

§  3x D 3z

6.  Select one alternative in which the third statement is implied by the first two statements.

§  All oranges are black. All figs are oranges. So, all figs are black.

§  No man can fly. No kite can fly. So, all mean are kites.

§  All dogs are mad. All rich persons are mad. So, all rich persons are dogs.

§  All windows are dogs. Some doors are dogs. So, all windows are doors.

7.  There is some relationship between the figures A and B given below. the same relationship exists between the figures C and one of the alternative figure (a), (b), (c) or (d). Choose that alternative figure.

8.  Out of the four figures given below, three are similar in a certain way. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.





9.  State the minimum number of straight lines required to make the figure given below:

1.  15

2.  16

3.  17

4.  18

10.  A father tells his on, “I was of your present age when you were born”. If the father is 36 now, how old was the boy 5 years back?

1.  13

2.  15

3.  17

4.  20

11.  In a certain code language. TRIANGLE is written as RSGBLHJF. How is CROWN written in that code?





12.  Four Youngman, A, B, C and D are friendly with four girls P, Q, R and S. P and R are friends. C’s girl friend does not like P and R. Q does not care for C. B’s girls friend is friendly with P. P does not like A. Who does not like P and R?

1.  A

2.  Q

3.  B

4.  S

13.  Two words given below have a definite relationship. Find out the alternative whose words have the same relationship.

Volcano: Lava

1.  Vegetable : Gravy

2.  Surprise : Wonder

3.  Laugh :Cry

4.  Eyes : Tears

14.  Find out the group of missing letters for the series given below:


1.  babc

2.  bacc

3.  aabc

4.  abca

15.  A story book for children has 8 stories. Each story is told in three more pages than the previous one. If the total number of pages in the book is 124, then in how pages has the sixth story been told?

1.  16

2.  18

3.  20

4.  22

16.  Decide which of the given conclusion logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding commonly know facts.

Statements: All green are blue. All blue are white.

1.  Some blue are green

2.  Some white are green

3.  Some green are not white

4.  All white are blue.

a.  Only 1 and 2 follow

b.  Only 2 and 3 follow

c.  Only 1 and 3 follow

d.  Only 1 and 4 follow.

17.  Three out of four pairs of numbers given in the alternatives below, have similar relationship. Found out the odd-man

1.  1 : 11

2.  7 : 23

3.  11: 31

4.  13: 37

18.  A square transparent sheet with a pattern is given below. Figure out from amongst the four alternatives as to how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.






0.  The set of figures X, Y and Z shows a sequence of folding a piece of paper. Fig (Z) shows the manner in which the folded paper has been cut. These three figures are followed by four answer figures from which you have to choose as figure which would most closely resemble the unfolded form of Fig (Z).








0.  Count the number of cubes in the figure given below:

1.  144

2.  150

3.  158

4.  168

0.  The prominent nationalist write in Marathi was

1.  Lakshminath Bezbarua

2.  Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar

3.  Subrahmanyam Bharti

4.  Altaf Hussain Hali

17.  Three out of four pairs of numbers given in the alternatives below, have similar relationship. Found out the odd-man

1.  1 : 11

2.  7 : 23

3.  11: 31

4.  13: 37

18.  A square transparent sheet with a pattern is given below. Figure out from amongst the four alternatives as to how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.






0.  The set of figures X, Y and Z shows a sequence of folding a piece of paper. Fig (Z) shows the manner in which the folded paper has been cut. These three figures are followed by four answer figures from which you have to choose as figure which would most closely resemble the unfolded form of Fig (Z).








0.  Count the number of cubes in the figure given below:

1.  144

2.  150

3.  158

4.  168

0.  The prominent nationalist write in Marathi was

1.  Lakshminath Bezbarua

2.  Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar

3.  Subrahmanyam Bharti

4.  Altaf Hussain Hali

22.  The highest mountain peak in India is

1.  Nanga Parbat

2.  Nanda Devi

3.  Nilgiri

4.  K-2

23.  The first country-wide agricultural census in India was completed in

1.  June, 1951

2.  June, 1961

3.  June, 1971

4.  June, 1981

24.  Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

1.  Pimpri : Drugs

2.  Sindri : Rubber Goods

3.  Ballarpur : Leather

4.  Shahabad : Fertilizer

25.  Who was the first Indian woman to swim across the English Channel?

1.  Rita Faria

2.  Arti Saha

3.  Shipra Dutta

4.  Shanta Rangaswami

26.  Which one of the following provides constitutional guarantee of personal freedom?

1.  Quo Warranto

2.  Mandamus

3.  Certiorari

4.  Habeas Corpus

27.  The holy book of the Parsis is called

1.  Ahura Mazda

2.  Avestare-Zend

3.  Ahirman

4.  Zarathustra

28.  The most populous of the Nordic countries is

1.  Sweden

2.  Norway

3.  Switzerland

4.  Denmark

29.  ‘White Lily’ is the emblem of

1.  Cyprus

2.  Guinea

3.  Greece

4.  Italy

30.  ‘OPEC’ stands for

1.  Oil Producing European Countries

2.  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

3.  Oil and Petroleum Exploring Countries

4.  Organization of Pacific Exploring Countries

31.  Which of the following cities is situated on the banks of river Tiber?

1.  Rome

2.  Berlin

3.  Peking

4.  Tokyo

32.  Chennai is hotter than Kolkata because

1.  there is no mountain nearby it.

2.  Chennai has sandy region everywhere.

3.  Chennai is closer the sea than Kolkata.

4.  Chennai is nearer to the Equator.

33.  What is the distance of running in a Marathan race?

1.  26 miles

2.  26 miles 180 yards

3.  26 miles 385 yards

4.  26 miles 405 yards

34.  C. Funk’s name has been associated with the research of which of the following?

1.  Vitamins

2.  Minerals

3.  Carbohydrates

4.  Proteins

35.  Dar-es-Salaam is the capital of

1.  Kenya

2.  Tanzania

3.  Libya

4.  United Arab Emirates

Directions (Q. Nos. 36-37): Use the correct form of word given in the brackets from the choices to fill in the blank in the sentences.

36.  The bride’s friends admired the …….. of the embroidery on her wedding dress. (fine)

1.  fine-drawn

2.  finery

3.  fineness

4.  finity

37.  His ………. attitude to the marvels of nature irritates me. (prose)

1.  prosy

2.  prosaic

3.  prosaical

4.  prosing

Directions (Q. Nos. 38-39): From the choice given below, select the correct preposition to fill in the blanks.

38.  The headmaster sent ………….. the two boys who were accused of bullying their classmates.