Holiday Request Procedure
/ Standards Addressed / Confidential
Internal Use Only
1.0 / Status
Approved / Owner:
Julia Stubblefield
Approval Date
28/01/03 / Part Number
BBC-INT-OPS-GEN-001 / Effective Date
Purpose / Scope
Process to enable Employees to book Annual Leave / This procedure applies to all Internet Operations Employees.
Groups Affected / Decision Makers
Permanent Internet Operations Employees / HR
Head of Internet Operations
Process /
Holiday Request Process
Step / Description / Owner
1.0 / Employee confirms there are sufficient days or hours holiday entitlement remaining in the calendar year for them to take holiday.
Employee determines which days / hours are to be requested for Holiday.
Employee sends email to Internet Operations Administrator requesting dates of holiday providing at least 30 days notice. / Employee
1.1 / Internet Operations Administrator checks holiday form for employee, confirms entitlement remaining.
Internet Operations Administrator checks outlook holiday records for business group colleagues taking holiday at the same time.
Internet Operations Administrator forwards holiday email request to direct Manager of employee detailing remaining entitlement and holiday conflict. / Internet Operations Administrator
1.2 / Employee’s Manager approves Holiday request if possible. Manager sends approval email back to Internet Operations Administrator and employee.
Manager signs Holiday request form.
If Holiday is not possible, Manager sends email to Internet Operations Administrator and employee indication reason why holiday cannot be approved. / Internet Operations Administrator / Manager
Notes / Holiday Request Process
Item / Description
1.0 / Please see BBC Gateway for full details on Annual Leave.
No item below supersedes any items in the normal BBC annual leave policy.
1.1 / Please provide at least 30 days notice for requesting holiday.
Holiday requested at shorter notice will be approved where possible.
1.2 / Employee whose normal work pattern is business days will have holiday measured in days.
Employees whose normal work is shift based will have holiday measured in hours. The hours deducted will be equivalent to the hours that would have been normally work on the days taken as leave.
1.3 / Approval for holiday will not be unreasonably withheld.
1.4 / Holiday, in excess of three weeks, would not normally be considered as normal leave and will require special consideration. Please provide as much notice as possible if extended leave is required.
1.5 / No more than 5 days can normally be carried over into a following calendar year.
Any holiday carried forward must be taken by March 31st of the new holiday year.
1.6 / Any holiday not taken or carried forward will be lost.
Holiday will not normally be bought out.
1.7 / All full time employees are entitled to 5 weeks holiday or 200 hours.
Holiday entitlement increase after 10 years of service.
Documentation / Holiday Request Process
Item / Description / Version / Document
1.0 / Holiday Request Form.
See Appendix A / 1.1 / D005 – Holiday Request Form.Doc
Change History
Revision / Supersedes (Procedure / Rev) / Date Effective / Change
Rev. 1.0 / 24/1/03 / New Process
Rev. 1.0 / 28/1/03 / Approved
Appendices / Appendix A / Holiday Request Form


Holiday Request Process