Repaso del examen final

This review sheet will help you to prepare for your final exam. It is intended as a general guide, not as your only source for review. Be sure to look over your final interview questions to prepare for your speaking exam as well.

To be prepared for this exam you should be able to:

  • Describe what people wear (Spanish I- Chapter 9)

¾  Describe what you are going to do (Spanish I- Chapter 9)

¾  Tell what you like or prefer (Spanish I- Chapter 9)

¾  Talk about what you are doing right now (Spanish I- Chapter 10)

¾  Talk about past events (Spanish I- Chapter 10)

¾  Describe how people feel (Spanish I- Chapter 10)

¾  Talk about your daily routine, p.73

¾  Talk about responsibilities, p.77

¾  Complain, p.78

¾  Talk about hobbies and pastimes, p.81

¾  Say how long something has been going on, p.82

¾  Ask for and give opinions, p.100

¾  Give advice, p.101

¾  Talk about things and people you know, p.107

¾  Make comparisons, p.107

¾  Talk about staying fit and healthy, p.134

¾  Tell someone what to do and not to do, p.138

¾  Give explanations, p.143

¾  Ask for and give information, p.164

¾  Relate a series of events, p.168

¾  Order in a restaurant, p.172

¾  Talk about what you used to do, p.196

¾  Say what you used to like and dislike, p.198

¾  Describe what people and things were like, p.202

¾  Use comparisons to describe people, p.206

In order to master these objectives you will need to review the following grammar concepts:

Capítulo Nueve

·  Using ser to talk about what clothes are made of (el sueter es de lana)

·  Colors and adjective agreement (las botas son rojas)

o  La bufanda ______(amarillo)

o  Los calcetines ______(blanco)

·  Talking about what you and others do

o  Present tense ending of regular verbs


·  Say what you like and don’t like, p.21

o  Indirect object pronouns and verbs gustar, encantar, chocar, fascinar, interesar


o  I like red scarves = ______

o  Spanish class fascinates you = ______

o  We hate to run = ______

·  Demonstrative adjectives (this, these, that, those, that (far), those (far))

This/These That/Those

______(these) zapatos ______(this) camiseta

______(that) cinturón ______(those ) flores

Capítulo Diez

·  The present progressive

o  To form the present progressive use…

estar (present tense) + present participle

-for –ar verbs, drop the ending and add ______.

-for –er/-ir verbs, drop the ending and add ______.

-for –er/-ir verbs with stems ending in a vowel (ex: leer, traer), add ______.

-for the verbs pedir/servir/dormir/morir, change the eà_____ and the oà _____.

Ex: Nosotros estamos durmiendo en la clase.

Ex: Ella está ______(servir)comida.

·  Preterit tense –

o  Say if something has already been done (ya, anoche, anteayer, ayer, la semana pasada)

o  Preterite tense of –ar/-er/-ir verbs

-AR preterit endings -ER/-IR preterit endings

o  Preterit tense of the irregular verbs ir, ser, and hacer

Ir- ser- hacer-

·  Present vs. Preterit tenses

o  Look for key words to indicate the present tense:

§  Hoy______, Mañana ______

o  Look for key words/phrases that indicate the preterit (past tense):

§  Ya______, anoche______, ayer______, anteayer______, la semana pasada ______, el lunes/mes/año pasado______


A. Mañana yo (fui/ voy) a correr en el parque.

B. Hoy yo (hago/hice) ejercicio en el gimnasio.

C. Anteayer, nosotros (comemos/comimos) en casa de Ángel.

D. El lunes pasado los amigos (pasaron/pasan) la tarde estudiando las matemáticas.

·  Using estar y sentirse

o  Talk about how you’re feeling:

§  ¿Cómo te sientes?______Me siento…______

Estar- ex: Yo ______deprimido porque suspendí el examen.

ex: Me ______emocionada porque es me cumpleaños.

Capítulo Tres

·  Talk about your daily routine, p.73

o  Reflexive verbs and pronouns, p.72

Reflexive Pronouns

o  ALL PRONOUNS must be placed either 1) in front of the conjugated verb (ex: Me baño.) or 2) attached to the infinitive (ex. Voy a bañarme.)

·  Talk about responsibilities, p.77

o  Direct object pronouns, p.77


·  Complain, p.78

·  Say how long something has been going on, p.82

Hace+ amount of time+ que+(subject and) present tense

Capítulo Cuatro

·  Ask for and give opinions, p.100

Deberías+ infinitive and debes +infinitive, p.101

·  Give advice, p.101

·  Talk about things and people you know, p.107

o  Ser+ adjective to describe nouns, p.105

o  Estar+ adjective to describe location, emotions, states, or conditions, p. 105

How you feel and where you are, always use the verb estar.

o  Present tense of the verb conocer, p.106

·  Make comparisons, p.107

Más…que, menos…que or tan…como

Capítulo Cinco

·  Talk about staying fit and healthy, p.134

o  Review Preterite of –er and –ir verbs, p.136

-er and –ir endings

o  Preterite stem-changers like dormir, p.134


·  Tell someone what to do and not to do, p.138

o  Informal commands, p. 139

Tú sí- use tú form in the present tense and drop the “s”

Ex: hablas habla

Tú no- use tú form in the present tense and change to opposite letter

Ex: hablas no hables

o  Command forms of verbs ending in –gar (g>gu), -car(c>que) and –zar (z>c) when followed by an “e” (in the yo form of the preterit and the negative commands), p.140

o  Irregular informal commands, p.140

§  YO> GO (haz/ no hagas, ten/ no tengas, sal/ no salgas, pon/ no pongas, ven/ no vengas)

§  Ser- se/no seas

§  Ir- ve/no vayas

§  Ver-ve/no veas

Capítulo seis

·  Present tense of SABER and CONOCER, p.164

saber -



SABER vs. CONOCER, p.165 and notes

The verb ______is used for factual knowledge.

The verb ______is used to talk about familiarity.

·  Preterit of PEDIR, SERVIR, and TRAER, p.174







Capítulo siete

·  The imperfect tense of -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs, p.196


-ER/ -IR

  The three irregular verbs in the imperfect tense ______, ______, and ______. (pp.197 and 203)




  Spelling change of O>U and Y>E to avoid vowel repetition with conjunctions, p.201

  The imperfect of the verb HABER (to exist) - ______. p. 204

  Using comparisons, p. 207

  MAS/ MENOS + adj. + QUE

  TAN+ adj. or adv. + COMO


Preterit and imperfect contrasted, p.290 & 296

Pretérito / Imperfecto
1.  Completed actions
Ayer yo fui al supermercado.
2.  Series of completed actions
Esta mañana me desperté, me bañe y salí para la escuela.
3.  Beginning or ending
Comenzamos el proyecto el lunes y terminamos el viernes.
4.  Specific time period/ weather event
En dos mil cinco hubo un huracán muy fuerte en Nueva Orleans.
5.  Physical/ mental/ emotional change
Cuando Sra. Jorge me dio el examen me hizo enfadada.
Words that indicate the preterit include:
ayer (yesterday)
anteayer (the day before yesterday)
anoche (last night)
cuando (when)*
de repente (suddenly)
desde el primer momento (from the first moment)
durante dos siglos (for two centuries)
el otro día (the other day)
en ese momento (at that moment)
entonces (then)
esta mañana (this morning)
esta tarde (this afternoon)
la semana pasada (last week)
el mes pasado (last month)
el año pasado (last year)
hace dos días, años (two days, years ago)
ayer por la mañana (yesterday morning)
ayer por la tarde (yesterday afternoon) / 1.  Background/ description
Era una casa muy bonita y había mucha gente.
2.  Ongoing
Yo comía mientras mi hermana dormía.
3.  Habits
Ellos siempre jugaban al fútbol por las mañanas.
4.  Time/ weather as background
Hacía sol y eran las tres de la tarde.
5.  Physical/ mental/ emotional conditions
Paco estaba cansado y quería dormir.
Words that indicate the imperfect include:
a menudo (often)
a veces (sometimes)
cada día (every day)
cada semana (every week)
cada mes (every month)
cada año (every year)
con frecuencia (frequently)
de vez en cuando (from time to time)
en aquella época (at that time)
frecuentemente (frequently)
generalmente (usually)
mientras (while)
muchas veces (many times)
mucho (a lot)
nunca (never)
por un rato (for awhile)
siempre (always)
tantas veces (so many times)
todas las semanas (every week)
todos los días (every day)
todo el tiempo (all the time)
varias veces (several times)

  Words with different meanings in the preterit and imperfect:

Verbo / Pretérito / Imperfecto
conocer / to have met / to have known (fact)
querer / to have tried / to have wanted or loved
saber / to have found out / to have known (familiarity)
tener / to have received / to have had
no querer / to have refused / to have not wanted or loved