Oldmans Township

Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2013

The regular monthly meeting of the Oldmans Township Committee was held on September 11, 2013. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Moore at 7:05 PM. This meeting was held in compliance with the Sunshine Law. All joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members present: Harry Moore, George Bradford and Cordy Taylor

Previous Minutes:August 14, 2013 Special Meeting

August 14, 2013 Regular Meeting

August 14, 2013 Executive Meeting

Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed to approve the minutes.

Ordinance 2013-05Amendment to Capital Ordinance 2013-03 Authorizing Appropriation of $4,000.00 for the Purchase of Public Works Equipment

Mr. Taylor made a motion to open the ordinance for public hearing, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Public HearingMr. Stewart wanted to know what equipment. Mr. Hackett explained that funds were used to purchase a tilt trailer.

Resolution 2013-97Final Adoption of Ordinance 2013-05

Mr. Bradford made a motion to approve, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed.

Ordinance 2013-06Capital Ordinance Authorizing Emergency Capital Improvements to Oldmans Township Roads Utilizing Funds from the General Capital Fund Appropriating the Amount of $3,000.00 for Said Road Improvements

Mr. Bradford made a motion to open the ordinance for public hearing, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed.

Public HearingMr. Hackett explained that funds were used for an emergency repair on Carolina Drive due to storm damage. No public comment.

Resolution 2013-98Introduction to Ordinance 2013-06

Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Ordinance 2013-07Authorizing Special Emergency Appropriations for Carrying Out the Mandate of NJSA 55D-89 – Master Plan, Oldmans Township

Mr. Taylor made a motion to open the ordinance for public hearing, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Public HearingMr. Hackett stated that this was last done in 2007. The $35,000 will be repaid over five years. The State required ongoing development of the Master Plan. No public comment.

Resolution 2013-99Final Adoption of Ordinance 2013-07

Mr. Bradford made a motion to approve, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed.

Mr. Taylor made a motion to go into Public Session to hear from the State Trooper, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

A Trooper from the Woodstown State Police came to listen to residents’ concerns.

Gary Green -Dog barking at all hours of day. Trooper said to call Animal Control – Ned Shimp. Mr. Green has tried to get ahold of him but no success. Ms. Taylor will follow up.

Dirt bikes/4 wheelers up and down street. Trooper said if you know who they are, Troopers can talk with the parents.

Dee Griffin -Wanted to know if there was another corner watch scheduled as the last one appeared to be quite profitable for the barracks. Trooper will find out.

Ordinance 2013-08Amending Chapter 110 of the Code Entitled “Land Use” (By Title Only)

Mr. Hoffman explained that this ordinance is to vest the Planning Board with the powers of the Zoning Board of Adjustment thereby eliminating the Zoning Board. Additionally this amendment would eliminate the DRAB and increase the number of alternates to the Planning Board from two to four.

Resolution 2013-100Introduction to Ordinance 2013-08

Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Ordinance 2013-09Capital Ordinance to Amend Capital Ordinance 2013-04 Increasing the Authorized Appropriation to $45,000.00 from the Original Appropriation of $30,000.00 for the Emergency Capital Repairs and Improvements to the Auburn Water System.

Mr. Hackett explained that the original estimate for repairs was $30,000.00 to fix the pump at Auburn Water. More problems were found during the repair so the appropriation needs to be increased. This is an interfund loan so the Township will not have to borrow money.

Resolution 2013-104Introduction to Ordinance 2013-09

Mr. Bradford made a motion to approve, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed.

Resolution 2013-101Tax Refund of Tax Sale Premium Payment

Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Resolution 2013-102Setting Costs of Mailing Notices of Tax Sale

Ms. Taylor explained that this cost is borne by those whose properties are going to tax sale. It covers the cost of the advertising/notices.

Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Resolution 2013-103Authorizing Sale of 2002 Foster Flatbed Trailer on Gov Deals

Ms. Taylor explained that the trailer is no longer needed and is considered to be surplus property.

Mr. Bradford made a motion to approve, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed.

Resolution 2013-105Refund Various Escrow Account Balances

Mr. Hackett stated that this resolution is based on the Auditor’s recommendation. These entities no longer require attention by the Township for the intended project.

Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Resolution 2013-106Logan FEMA Grant – Provide Matching Funds

Logan received $33,415 in a FEMA grant which includes a 5.0% match from the Township. This does not affect any of the volunteer organizations budget.

Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Discussion Items:

Resignation of Deputy Treasurer – Rae Walzer Ms. Walzer is retiring from Oldmans Township effective October 31, 2013. Mayor Moore read Mrs. Walzer’s letter of resignation. Mr. Taylor made a motion to accept Ms. Walzer’s resignation with regrets, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Use of Municipal Building – Scholastic Books is requesting use of the municipal building for training (approximately 4 hours). Scholastic Books is willing to pay a rental fee or donate books to the school library. Ms. Taylor has already contacted JIF and a Hold Harmless Agreement would need to be signed as well as a rental agreement. Mr. Taylor made a motion to allow Scholastic Books the use of the building, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Hepatitis B Shot Funding – The State is offering funds for shots to volunteer organizations. Mayor Moore has contacted Mike Moore to see if any of the volunteer organizations are in need of shots so that application can be made. Any count must be submitted to the Township by September 23rd.

Pedricktown Rescue Squad Membership Application – Melissa Jones – Ms. Jones is currently a member of the Penns Grove Ambulance Squad. Mr. Bradford made a motion to approve the application, Mr. Taylor seconded and all agreed.

*Public Comments -

Woodstown State Police

Commander Colucci -Brought August police activity report to share with Committee. Barracks has Project Medicine Drop Off for old meds (pills not liquids); one of two locations in county. Open 24 hours/day. For the month of October, will be collecting old cell phones.

Woodstown Barracks covers 7 municipalities full time, 2 municipalities part-time and Route 295. They have 3 patrol cars out per day. Average response time is 10 minutes.

Dean Sparks -Wanted to know if local tax increased by 19% per his tax bill.

Jim Hackett -Stated yes, local purpose did increase this year due to the new municipal building.

Larry Stewart -Wanted to know the status of drainage problems at Kay Gardens. He is leaving for Florida soon and concerned about flooding while he is away.

Ms. Taylor -Had spoken with Tom Tedesco, Twp. Engineer, stating Tom and Jim Nipe will be going out to Kay Gardens to look for the drainage tile that was shown on the older maps. Ms. Taylor agreed to keep Mr. Stewart apprised of what was happening in Kay Gardens regarding drainage by sending copies of the minutes to his Florida address.

Closed Public Portion

Payment of BillsMr. Taylor made a motion to approve the payment of bills and the added bills list, Mr. Bradford seconded and all agreed.

Mr. Hackett -Congratulations to Rae on her upcoming retirement.

Rae Walzer -Planning Board to meet September 16th

Zoning Board to meet September 23rd

George Bradford -Received letter from County Engineer’s office allowing closure of S. Railroad Avenue for Pedricktown Day.

Thanked Auburn residents for their patience during the Auburn Water repair. Pump was fifteen years old.

Cordy Taylor -Has reports regarding the Fire Company budget year to date and updated construction reports which he will give to Committee.

Harry Moore -JIF – September is fruit and vegetable month

JIF – Service animals are allowed in public buildings

Senior Tax Freeze checks are being mailed from the State.

There being no further business, on motion by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Bradford and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Melinda Taylor

Municipal Clerk