PRESENT: Mayor Wilson B. Viator, Jr., Councilman Ken Ritter (Div. A), Councilman A.J. Bernard (Div. C), Councilwoman Dianne McClelland (Div. E)

ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tempore Brenda Burley (Div. B), Councilman Tim Barbier (Div. D)

STAFF: Rick Garner (CEO), Sally Angers, (Assistant City Clerk), Charles Langlinais (City Manager), George Knox (City Attorney), Tim Robichaux (Director of Parks & Recreation)

GUESTS: Dax Douet, Susan Richard, Mark Lalande, Dana Martin, Gary P. Williams, Fire Chief Blair Rivette (YFD), Captain Ted Clark (YFD), Captain Austin Showell (YFD), Joyce & Gene Hamilton, Rickey Boudreaux, Phil Gallet, Darrel Comb, Lynn Guidry, David Hardy, Dana Martin, Pamela Gonzales-Granger, Larry Graffeo, Megan Segura, Linda Meaux, Rhonda McGlothin, Duane McGlothin, Charles Portier, Jamey Abshire, Cyndi Smith, Angie Wade, Ken Stansbury

Mayor Viator called the meeting of May 8, 2014 to order and called on Councilman A.J. Bernard to lead the prayer and pledge. Mr. Bernard asked for a moment of silent prayer for Mr. A.J. “Bud” Lanie who passed away.

AGENDA ITEM 1. Mr. Darrel Comb, Youngsville Middle School Principal, to give update on “Leaders in Me” program. Mr. Comb thanked the Mayor and Council for supporting the “Leaders in Me” program at Youngsville Middle School. He said that because of this program, the Principal’s List has grown and there are 40% less discipline problems. Mr. Comb invited all to attend the Leadership Day on Wednesday, May 14.

AGENDA ITEM 2. Oak Shadows Neighborhood – Request for Sewer Services.

AGENDA ITEM 3. Clarification of process for installation of culverts in open ditches.

Agenda Items 2 and 3 were discussed together.

Mr. Ritter stated that he would like to discuss sewer services for the residents and what would be the procedure for them to get it and also the process to close-in open ditches.

One of the residents, who did not identify herself, stated that the main issue is that the ditch in front of her house and a couple of other houses holds water, which is not sanitary because it is from the sewer systems. She stated they have open ditches in her subdivision even though the City had adopted an ordinance which mandated that all subdivisions have curb and gutters.

Engineer Ivan Diaz said there are some issues with the driveway culverts at 202 & 204 Oak Shadows Drive.

Mayor Viator stated that preliminary plat approval was given prior to the adoption of the ordinance so the developer was not required to follow the ordinance.

Mr. Ritter asked the CEO Rick Garner to get some cost estimates to provide City sewer to this area and also what it would take to put culverts in. He said the subdivision was approved with individual sewer systems and would like these figures to possibly plan for the future.

Mayor Viator stated that the sewer is 1000 feet away and the estimated cost is approximately $575,000, which the residents would have to pay. He said, as far as the drainage goes, the plat states subsurface drainage which means that individuals can put in culverts but must get a permit from the City prior to putting it in.

Mr. Douet said that he would check with Barry Bleicher, who engineered the subdivision, to see how it was designed and what the grades are.

Mr. Ritter stated that everyone needs to speak with one voice when it comes to closing in ditches and requested that the City engineer develop a policy and procedure for all to follow. He said that he would be willing to attend a homeowner meeting to explain what is going on and the process for sewer and putting in culverts.

Mayor Viator said that if several of the residents would get together and want to install culverts at one time then one permit could be issued instead of individual ones, which would cut cost. He said that he would also get the City’s public works to shoot the elevation of 202 & 204 Oak Shadows Drive.


AGENDA ITEM 4. Ordinance No. 368-2014 – An ordinance to ban the use of all tobacco products within the Youngsville Sports Complex and Parking Areas. A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Ritter, to adopt Ordinance No. 368-2014, an ordinance to ban the use of all tobacco products within the Youngsville Sports Complex and Parking Areas, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Bernard, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Burley, Barbier

Motion was approved.


AGENDA ITEM 5. Sewer Project Updates. Mayor Viator stated that all of the sewer projects are complete accept for LA Hwy 89 South and the LCDBG Grant Project. The following is the written report from Engineer Susan Richard:

·  Détente Road Sewer System Project – Contractor: C-D Utilities: The pump station start up and testing was successful. The contractor is installing walks and handrails and dress work. Once complete, a final inspection will be held.

·  La Hwy 89/Fortune Road Pump Station and Force Main Project – Contractor: MP Dumesnil Construction Co. The punch list was completed and the retainage was release. This project is complete.

·  La Hwy 89 South Pump Station and Force Main Project – MP Dumesnil Construction Co.: The pump station and force main are complete with a few remaining items. The control panel has been installed. They are completing the force main and site work. A pump station start up and test should be performed within the next few weeks.

·  Sewer System Improvements Project – LCDBG FY 2013 (Church Street Pump Station Upgrade and Crepe Myrtle Trailer Park Pump Station) – Contractor: E.B. Feucht & Sons, Inc. The expected completion date is August 9, 2014. The contractor has begun laying force main along Guillot Road.

·  Griffin Road Sewer Extension: This work is nearly complete; upon completion, a final inspection will be held.

AGENDA ITEM 6. Sports Complex Activities. Director Tim Robichaux reported:

·  Grand Opening will be Saturday, May 31st

·  First Tournament is May 17th and this will help iron out any issues.

·  BYYA will play the last three (3) weeks of their season at the facility

·  Website goes live on Monday

·  Ricky Boudreaux is in charge of Security.

·  Bill Bryan is scheduling tennis clinics

Mayor Viator reported $680,000 in sponsorships, which span 3 – 5 years, have been garnered and we have just touched the surface. He recommended that the Council approve contracting with Teresa Greene to pursue additional sponsorships because Mr. Robichaux doesn’t have enough time to continue to do it like he was since the facility opened. The Mayor said that Ms. Greene would be working with potential sponsors on a commission bases, not to exceed 10%.

A motion was offered by Mr. Ritter, seconded by Ms. McClelland, to authorize the Mayor to negotiate and enter into an agreement with Teresa Green to pursue sponsorships for the Sports Complex, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Bernard, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Burley, Barbier

Motion was approved.

AGENDA ITEM 7. Savoy Road Improvements Project. Mayor Viator reported that the contractor is laying the final asphalt and the striping should be completed next week. He said that he will call a special meeting for the Council to approve the substantial completion as soon as the engineer, Andre Montagnet, submits the paperwork.

AGENDA ITEM 8. Youngsville Recreation Center. Architect Mark Lalande reported that the contract with Ratcliff Construction has been signed and recorded and suggested a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday May 15th. He said the contractor should start staging equipment by May 19th.

AGENDA ITEM 9. Chemin Metairie Parkway Waterline. Contractor: Bihm Construction. Dax Douet stated that it is a 92 day contract and that the project is 72% complete and ahead of schedule.

Mayor Viator asked the Council to approve a changeorder to run a water line from Chemin Metairie Parkway down Viaulet Road southward. He said that a 10,000 square foot water safety training center for oil field workers will be located there which will bring in 100 to 150 students per week. The Mayor recommended the City install the waterline and charge the business owner only ½ of the front footage cost because of the jobs and tax dollars the business would be bringing into the City. He said the anticipated cost is approximately $35,000 to run the waterline and add a fire hydrant..

A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Ritter, to authorize the Mayor to execute a changeorder with BIHM Construction to run a waterline from Chemin Metairie Parkway down Viaulet Road southward, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Bernard, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Burley, Barbier

Motion was approved.

AGENDA ITEM 10. Reconstruction of Bonin Road and Chemin Metairie – Changeorder No. 3. Dax Douet presented a final Changeorder No. 3 in the amount of $92,401.59 for Council approval. He stated that the original contract was for 150 days but the project took 283 days due to weather and changes.

Mr. Douet explained that there were many changes that went on during the course of the project which warranted additional limestone and inspection time.

Upon questioning by Mr. Ritter about the sidewalk on Chemin Metairie and the bridge on Bonin Road not being installed and not showing up as a credit on the changeorder, Mr. Douet responded that all of this would show up on the Administrative Changeorder. Mr. Ritter stated that he would like to see the Administrative Changeorder before approving Change order No. 3.

Mayor Viator stated that there is only $25,000 left in the budget so additional funding will have to be allocated. He said that he met with the contractor about being reimbursed for limestone that the city paid for, but the City was not credited for it so he cannot recommend to the Council to approve the changeorder until he can review the Administrative Changeorder.

After further discussion, the Council decided to take no action, and the Mayor said that he would call a special meeting for May 13th and put this item on that agenda. He said that he will also speak to the Contractor again about getting a credit for some of the limestone.

AGENDA ITEM 11. Sports Complex Construction Project (Project No. 2043981.3YC). Mr. Douet stated that the Trahan Construction is completing the items on the punch list and the asphalt jogging trail is complete.

AGENDA ITEM 12. Water Storage Tank Project No. 2043891.4WC). Mr. Douet reported that the project is being advertised and the bid opening will take place on June 9, 2014 at 2:00 pm.

AGENDA ITEM 13. Roundabout at LA 89 and Fortune Road (Project No. 2043981.4IC). Mr. Douet said that he will start focusing on this project now that the Sports Complex is almost complete.


AGENDA ITEM 14. April, 2014 Finance Report Approval. A motion was offered by Mr. Bernard, seconded by Mr. McClelland, to approve the April, 2014 Finance Report, and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, Bernard, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Burley, Barbier

Motion was approved.

Prior to the vote, Mr. Bernard said that he would like a report on all of the outstanding bonds to include the interest rate, beginning total, current balance, monthly payment and maturity date.


AGENDA ITEM 15. Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 10, 2014 and Special Meeting of April 21, 2014. A motion was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Ritter, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 10, 2014 and special meeting of April 21, 2014 and the vote was as follows:

YEAS: Ritter, McClelland

NAYS: None

ABSTAIN: Bernard

ABSENT: Burley, Barbier

Motion was approved.


A motion to adjourn was offered by Ms. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Ritter, and unanimously carried.

There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Viator adjourned the meeting.

/s/ Wilson B. Viator, Jr. Wilson B. Viator, Jr., Mayor

/s/ Rebecca L. Gondron

Rebecca L. Gondron, City Clerk

05-08-2014 Regular Council Meeting Page 1