MINK MidwestMD Business Meeting Minutes: 7/27/2014

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MINK MidwestMD Business Meeting Minutes: 7.27.15

Camden on the Lake

Members Present: Mick Allison, Raye Jean Becker, Rob Dinneen, Beth Everts, Greg Gangwich, Debbie Gleason, Ellen Hammock, Marcy Lechner, Nicole L’Hote, Lori Matthews, Christine Meyer, Jill Mick, Terrah Reeves, Brad Strader, Mary Kay Uhing, Janell Wicht, and Collette Zakrzewski.

Welcome and Introductions

Charlene Plotycia, MINK President, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

General Business

Issue or Topic / Review/Approval Minutes of July 2014 Meeting (Kayla Joy)
Points of Discussion / No items for discussion
Moved by / Ellen Hammock
Seconded by / Debbie Gleason
Action Required / None
Issue or Topic / Treasurer’s Report (Marcy Lechner)
Points of Discussion / No items for discussion
Moved by / Janelle Wicht
Seconded by / Beth Everts
Action Required / None
Issue or Topic / Educational Conference (Charlene Plotycia)
Points of Discussion / Charlene expressed appreciation on behalf of MINK to the Educational Conference Committee: Mick Allison – Chairperson; Rob Dinneen - Speaker Panel; Terrah Reeves - On-site Arrangements; Raye Jean Becker - Vendor Partners; Tonya Pehle – Advisor; Lori Gannan - Assistant to Mick Allison

Committee Reports

Issue or Topic / Membership Committee
Points of Discussion / Jill Mick gave a membership update. 76 members to date
Action Required / Please complete the MINK Member SurveyMonkey
Issue or Topic / Educational Conference Committee/Education (Mick Allison)
Points of Discussion / The group was invited to provide feedback regarding this year’s conference. A SurveyMonkey link will be sent to the group.
It was recommended that we create a formal process for considering speakers, to include criteria and an application. Model the process after the ASPR Annual Conference process.
Moved by / Mary Kay Uhing
Seconded by / Mick Allison
Action Required / The 2016 Educational Conference Committee will model the process for speakers after the ASPR process.
Issue or Topic / E-Newsletter Committee (Beth Everts)
Points of Discussion / Beth asked everyone to create a sticky note with “Question we wish candidates would ask the physician recruiter” and place it on the wall poster.
Action Required / Beth will create an article for the newsletter using these questions
Issue or Topic / Marketing Committee
Points of Discussion / MINK Ad Sales – (Terrah Reeves) 2015 ad sales = $700
Vendor Partners – (Raye Jean Becker) Educational Conference had the support of 15 vendors = $9900
Website – (Charlene Plotycia) Some member photos are now on the website.
Advertising – (Paula Johnson)
Career Fair Committee – (Joni Adamson) For 2016, we will register for the Columbia, MO, CareerMD - Nicole L’Hote and Christine Meyer will man the MINK booth at Columbia.
MINK Omaha – (Debbie Gleason) Mark your calendars, more information to be available soon.
Action Required / Please send photos to Charlene Plotycia at . She will have it added to your profile on MINK website.
MINK will register for the Columbia, MO, CareerMD.
Members, please respond to the SurveyMonkey to register for the MINK recruiting events in September.

ASPR Update Presentation (Debbie Gleason)

  • The 2016 ASPR meeting will be held in New Orleans, LA, in May 2016.
  • ASPR continues to search for an Executive Director.
  • New Bench Marking information will be available in August/September 2015. Members are encouraged to participate by completing the Survey.

Other Business

Issue or Topic / CareerMD - Columbia, MOWinter 2016
Points of Discussion / It was agreed that MINK would register to attend the Columbia, Mo, CareerMD in the first quarter of 2016.
Action Required / Joni Adamson and Marcy Lechner will register MINK when the event opens.
Issue or Topic / Upcoming Committee Chair/Office needs
Points of Discussion / In 2016, MINK will need the following positions filled:
Career Fair Committee (vacated by Joni Adamson)
Vice-President (vacated by Paula Johnson)
Action Required / If you have an interest in either of these opportunities, please let Charlene Plotycia know.

New Business

Issue or Topic / Rural Recruitment Committee
Points of Discussion / Jill Mick, will be sending out an email to MINK members inviting them to participate in a Rural Recruitment Committee.
Action Required / Please let Jill know if you have an interest in participating in this group

SAVE THE DATENext Business meeting will be in Omaha, NE, on Friday, September 18th from 8:15 – 9:50am at CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center.