October 17th, 2016

______Jeff Borgens______called the meeting to order at __6:15___ PM.

_____Jeremy Taff ______led the Flag Salute.

_____Jeff Borgens ______introduced and welcomed guest(s):

Committee Reports:

Membership: Bob Lucas

____31_____ current members.

Treasurer / Audit Report: Bob Lucas –

$6.335.55 in bank ( $1,191.79 checking, $5,143.76 savings)

Finance/Fundraising: Jeff Borgens

Baskets for WRCC – confusion at the conference due to miscommunication

We did not raffle/auction our items as CFDD Seattle had their own raffle.


Tonight – Brian Boyce Atty : Business & Commercial law – Judgements – how to collect

November – Kim Eiring from Mutual Materials – Effective Meetings

December – Christmas Social and Silent Auction

January – Rob Cunningham, Docu-Sign E Signatures

Website: Jeff Borgens

Up & Running – no security issues w Microsoft Azure

Minutes are updated (up to September)


Elizabeth Hall won scholarship for Winter Class with NACM BCS (rescheduled from fall)

No new ones at this time.


The meeting temporarily adjourned ____6:23______PM (intermission for dinner)

Meeting Reconvened ___7:02______PM

Introduction of Speakers: Brian Boyce , Attorney

Raffle: Brought in $50.00


Halloween Mini Basket – donated by Elizabeth H. – won by Shoni Tiede

French Syrah Blend Wine – donated by Jeff B. won by Kelly Simon

Flashlight (Breast Cancer Awareness) donated by Sandy F. Won by Diane Brand

Halloween Pumpkin Bucket – donated by Laurie F. Won by Kelly Simon

Seahawks Hat – donated by Kelly Simon . Won by Bob Lucas

Seahawks Bracelet – donated by Sandy F. Won by Kelly Simon

Shower Kit – donated by CFDD . Won by Jeff Borgens

Halloween/Thanksgiving Decoration donated by Laurie F. Won by Jeff B.

There were __10____ members in attendance tonight. (plus one speaker)

The next business meeting is scheduled for November 21st , 2016 at 5:30 PM at Johnny’s at Fife

The next board meeting is scheduled for November 21st, 2016 at 4:30PM at Johnny’s at Fife.

With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at ___8:15_____ PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Secretary President

Jeff Borgens Paulyne Vandersloot