The regular meeting of the Pecos Place Condominiums Board of Directors was held August 23, 2016 at Ernie’s Bar, 44th and Federal, Denver, CO. Directors were present as indicated:

President – Josh Thompson / Absent
Vice President – Michael Ross / Present
Secretary/Treasurer – Andre Fourie / Absent
Director – Tom O’Brien / Present
Director – James Olona / Present

Also present was Phillip Mills, representing Western States Property Services and one homeowner.

Call to Order

Phil Mills called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. A quorum was present.

Homeowner Comments

·  Daryl Carr of 1750-1 noted the south exterior light was not working; A window light next to the west end entry has a broken pane and the sump pump extension on the south side should be buried for most of its length.

·  James Olona, among his other complaints, noted a broken handrail in the basement of the 1740 building.

Approval of Minutes

·  The minutes of the previous meeting held May 17, 2016 were approved as presented.

Property Manager Report

·  Denver Water responded to complaints from residents about over-watering. Emerald Isle presented a schedule of all the clocks with the run times noted.

·  Keen Renovations removed most of the carport lattice and supports. They will finish the remainder and haul off the material this week.

·  Payton Customs quoted a price of between $4,400 and $8,750 to install angle-iron and plastic lattice on the ends of the carports.

·  A spreadsheet of water usage shows 5335 as being the consistently highest water user even discounting the irrigation water.

·  The parking lot has been restriped to include five handicapped spaces. The uncovered spaces are numbered and will be assigned to individual units as soon as Barton finishes constructing ten new spaces on the west side of Quivas St. and by the mailboxes. Only three Visitor Parking spaces will be available.

Financial Reports Phil Mills presented the financial reports for July noting:

·  Operating account balance is $14,709.

·  Reserve account balance is $63,524.

·  Delinquencies were $3,044. Two units have been sent for receivership. Prepaid assessments are $22,235.

·  Disbursements in April were $15,172.

·  Year-to-date expenses are $23,286 over budget due to the balcony and patio railing replacement.

Committee Reports

·  None were due or presented.

Unfinished Business

·  It was noted that the parking portion of the Rules and Regulations need modification due to the recent Adams County requirements. In the absence of Board involvement, the property manager will draft appropriate changes.

·  The Board discussed putting out a newsletter to keep residents informed and to build a “foundation” of community cooperation. There were, of course, no volunteers.

New Business

·  Michael Ross volunteered to have Denver Water check the chlorine content of the sump pump discharge in the 5335 building to make sure potable water is not entering the sump.

·  Michael noted that the new restriping had eliminated the walkway to the 1771 buildings south entrance. Phil will have the stripers move numbered spaces 35-40 east one space, taking over the Visitor Parking space to provide an entry point for 1771.

·  In light of the continual complaints regarding lawn mowing and sprinkler maintenance, additional bids will be solicited for next year’s lawn maintenance contract.

Adjourn There being no further business to consider, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:20pm. The next meeting will be at 6:00 pm on September 29, 2016 at Ernie’s Bar at 44th and Federal or at some other place as may be arranged for better acoustics.

Respectfully submitted,

Phillip Mills, Acting Secretary