AC7112 Nadcap Fluids Manufacturers Audit Criteria
AC7112/1 Nadcap Hose Manufacturers Audit Criteria
AC7112/2 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Fittings and Other Machined Components
AC7112/3 Nadcap Audit Criteria for Couplings and Formed Sheet Metal Components Including Loop and Saddle Clamps
AC7112/4 Nadcap Hose Assembly Audit Criteria
AC7112/6 Nadcap Ti 3AL-2.5V Alloy, Seamless Hydraulic Tubing Manufacturing Requirements Audit Checklist
AC7123 Nadcap Fluids Distribution Systems Audit Criteria for Value Added Hose Assembly Distributors

The Fluid Distribution SystemsTask Group coversthe following processes:

Notice 1:All times are approximate and subject to change. Please contact PRI for updated information.

Notice 2:At the beginning of each day, the meeting will start with Opening Comments consisting of: Call to Order, Verbal Quorum Check, Introductions (as needed), Routing of the Attendance List (as needed)

Notice 3:Please bring your agenda with you to the meeting. Copies will not be available on-site.

Best Practices: 1) Start all meetings on time. 2) Follow the agenda. 3) No long-winded discussions

Caution: Restricted Export Controlled (e.g. ITAR, EAR) material is prohibited from presentations. It is the responsibility of the presenter to ensure that this material is not included.

Presentations should not contain proprietary information without the approval of the organization which owns the information.

Any non-Nadcap agenda topics require approval by the Director, Nadcap Program and Aerospace Operations.


Audio or video recording of Nadcap meetings is prohibited unless formal approval is received from all attendees and recorded in the minutes. Violators of this policy will be asked to stop recording. Failure to stop recording or repeated attempts to record may result in expulsion from the meeting and/or the Nadcap program.

Fluids Distribution SystemsTask Group Meeting AgendaSEPTEMBER 2016

Closed Meeting in ALL CAPS

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

8:00 am – 9:00 am

PRI G-3 QPG CLOSED MEETING – This is not part of the Nadcap Task Group meeting but is included here for informational purposes.

9:00 am


9:10 am


9:20 am


9:40 am


9:45 am


9:50 am


9:55 am


10:15 am

1.0Opening Comments

10:30 am

8.0Review Membership Status

10:35 am

9.0Staff Report

10:55 am

10.0G-3 QPG Status Report

11:05 am

11.0Supplier Meeting Report

11:15 am

12.0Auditor Consistency

11:20 am

13.02016 Auditor Conference

11:25 am

14.0Meeting Close Out

11:30 am


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Nadcap Task Group Does Not Meet On This Day

Friday, September 16, 2016

8:00 am

1.0Opening Comments

8:10 am

15.0Document/Checklist Revision

9:15 am

16.0New Business

9:30 am


Fluids Distribution SystemsTask Group Meeting AgendaSEPTEMBER 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

(quorum must be verbally established DAILY at the beginning of each meeting)

8:00 am – 9:00 am / PRI G-3 QPG CLOSED MEETING – This is not part of the Nadcap Task Group meeting but is included here for informational purposes. / R. Hainline
1.1Call to Order/Verbal Quorum Check
  • Verify only Subscriber Members are in attendance
  • Introductions
  1. Safety Information:
  2. Review Fire Exits in Meeting Room
  3. Inform PRI Staff person of any emergencies
  4. Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct
  5. Present the Antitrust Video (only @ the first open and first closed meeting of the week for each Task Group)
  6. Review Agenda
/ S. Buri
9:10 am / 2.0AUDITS
2.1Review Scheduled and Conducted Audits
2.2Discuss Problem Audits
2.3Audit Effectiveness / S. Buri
J. Lewis
9:20 am / 3.0AUDITORS
3.1Data Analysis Review – Overall Auditor Performance
3.2OP1117 – Auditor Consistency
3.3Auditor Conference – Confidential Topics / S. Buri
J. Lewis
  • Review the Current Delegation Oversight and Concurrence of Audit Report Reviewers
/ S. Buri
J. Lewis
  • Review Latest t-frm-11s
/ S. Buri
J. Lewis
  • Discussion of Topics That Require Confidentiality
  • Audit Scope
  • How to ensure that scopes are correct as to what is expected
/ S. Buri
J. Lewis
9:55 am / 7.0MEETING CLOSE OUT
7.1Review Action Items Assigned During the Meeting
7.2Set Next Meetings Agenda Topics / S. Buri
J. Lewis
10:15 am / OPEN / 1.0Opening Comments
1.1Call to Order/Verbal Quorum Check
  • Introductions
  1. Safety Information:
  2. Review Fire Exits in Meeting Room
  3. Inform PRI Staff person of any emergencies
  4. Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct
  5. Present the Antitrust Video (only @ the first open and first closed meeting of the week for each Task Group)
  6. Review Agenda
  7. Acceptance of Meeting Minutes
/ S. Buri
J. Lewis
10:30 am / 8.0Review Membership Status
8.1Review Voting Membership
8.2Review Voting Member Meeting Attendance and Voting Participation / S. Buri
J. Lewis
10:35 am / 9.0Staff Report
9.1Auditor Status
9.2Task Group Metrics
9.3Most Common NCR’s
9.4Latest Changes
9.5Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations
9.6Staff Engineer Delegation / J. Lewis
10:55 am / 10.0G-3 QPG Status Report
  • Updates from the G-3 QPG Committee
/ R. Hainline
11:05 am / 11.0Supplier Meeting Report
  • Updates from the Supplier Meeting
/ M. Scatoloni
11:15 am / 12.0Auditor Consistency
  • Report out on Auditor Consistency actions
/ S. Buri
11:20 am / 13.02016 Auditor Conference
13.1Auditor Conference Topics
13.2Combining Audit Checklists and Audit Handbooks / S. Buri
J. Lewis
11:25 am / 14.0Meeting Close Out
14.1Review Action Items Assigned During the Meeting
14.2Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / J. Lewis
11:30 am / ADJOURNMENT

Thursday, September 15, 2016

(quorum must be verbally established DAILY at the beginning of each meeting)

Nadcap Task Group Does Not Meet On This Day

Friday, September 16, 2016

(quorum must be verbally established DAILY at the beginning of each meeting)

8:00 am / OPEN / 1.0Opening Comments
1.1Call to Order/Verbal Quorum Check
  • Introductions
  1. Safety Information:
  2. Review Fire Exits in Meeting Room
  3. Inform PRI Staff person of any emergencies
  4. Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct
/ S. Buri
J. Lewis
8:10 am / 15.0Document/Checklist Revision
15.1OP 1114 App FLU
15.2AC7112 Ballot Comment Resolution
15.3AC7112/2 Review Draft / S. Buri
J. Lewis
9:15 am / 16.0New Business
  • Any other business will be discussed as time allows
/ S. Buri