Updating 3000 indicators
Technical Bulletin /Product: / SR3000 and XR3000
Topic: / Updating 3000 indicators
Bulletin Number: / B 009
Prepared by: / J R Spray
File: / G:\PROJECTS\Scales\3000\Software\release\UpdatingInstructions.doc
File Date: / 2004-04-29
Version: / 1.1b
Normal Update Procedure
- If you don’t already have it, download the latest software for your indicator from the Internet at
- Connect the indicator to the PC and turn it on.
- Execute the update exe file.
- 99.9% of the time, it is that simple.
- If you know how to unzip a file after you’ve downloaded it, you can use the zipped version from the web site, which will give you a faster download. Otherwise download the .exe file, which is ready to use. Take care to select the correct version of software for your model and language.
- Once you have the .exe file on your PC, do not run it until you are ready to do the update of your 3000 indicator (which is covered in step 6 below). It is a fully self-contained program. It does not extract itself, it does not install anything, it does not touch your registry and it does not access the internet. It does not affect the data or setups in your indicator, with the possible exception of the Current File selection. However, just to be on the safe side, it may be prudent to download any important files in your 3000 indicator to your PC using Link3000 first.
- Connect the indicator to the PC with an RS232 null modem computer interface cable (Tru-Test P/N GCL00006P).
This is the same cable as Link3000 uses. If your indicator came supplied with a serial cable, use that cable.
You can use either CON1 or CON2 on the indicator.
You can use any of COM1, COM2, COM3 or COM4 on your PC depending on what's available. (A COM port on a PC is always male, 9 pins showing.) If your PC has no COM ports, you need to buy a USB to RS232 adapter. Tru-Test supply one that they have extensively tested with the update program.
(Note: Any cable with 9 hole female connectors at both ends should work.)
- Turn the indicator on. If there is a danger that the battery may run flat during the update, put the indicator on charge.
- Ensure there are no other applications running on the PC which use the same COM port e.g. Link3000, HyperTerminal, DOS windows etc.
- The firmware update program has a name in the form 3000_1_1r_English.exe. The software version, 1.1r, is the version that the indicator will be updated to.
The update program can be executed directly from e-mail. (Or you can save the attachment and run it using explorer or make a shortcut in your start menu or desktop.)
The program will automatically find the 3000 indicator on one of the PC's serial ports and then proceed to update that indicator. It will first upload a loader program into the indicator's RAM, then erase the indicator's flash memory, then upload the new firmware into it.
It is recommended that you don't do anything else on the PC while the update takes place.
The update takes approximately 5 minutes.
- When the updating has finished, close the program by clicking EXIT.
- If you wish, you can save the .exe file and create a shortcut icon on the desktop by dragging it onto the desktop.
If the update fails to start
i.e. If the update fails, but the indicator still functions.
- Close down all other applications open in windows in case one of them is using the serial port. This may include an application that has an icon in the system Tray such as a Palm Hotsync.
- If using a USB to Serial adapter, refer to the section below titled USB to Serial Adapters.
- Turn the indicator OFF then ON again.
- Try plugging the cable into another PC COM port if you have one.
- Try using the other indicator CON port.
- Go into the SERIAL screen on the indicator and switch off WEIGHT OUTPUT, CON 1 INPUT and CON 2 INPUT. These can override the port settings preventing communication with the PC, although normally updating can be done without disabling them.
- Ensure that you are not plugged into the PC's parallel port (which has a female connector, pins not showing.)
- Disconnect any devices that are connected to the other indicator CON port, as these may be sending commands which will interrupt the update.
- Change the cable. Make sure you are using a 'computer to computer', 'null modem' or 'crossover' cable. (If DB9's are at both ends it should have pin 2 to pin 3 and pin 3 to pin 2. Pin 5 should be connected straight through. If it has a DB25 at one end, it will have pin 2 to pin 2, pin 3 to pin 3 and pin 7 to pin 5.
- Try using a different PC if one is available.
- Send the file C:\Temp\TrutestUpdate3000Error.TXT to .
Using a USB to Serial Adapter
The current 3000 Update program only tries to use COM1 to COM4 but USB adapters often assign themselves to COM5 or higher. The Update software will be changed in the near future but in the meantime as a workaround, do the following.
1) Click Start
2) Click Control Panel
3) Click System
4) Click the Hardware tab
5) Click the Device Manager button
6) Click the Ports (COM & LPT) + sign
7) Right click BAFO USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM5)
8) Click Properties
9) Click the Port Settings tab
10) Click Advanced
11) Click COM Port Number
12) Select one between COM1 and COM4 that does not say (in use). If all are labelled (in use) you need to try each port (between 1 and 4) to see if you can get one working.
13) Click OK
14) Click OK.
Cable disconnected during update
If the cable between the indicator and the PC is accidentally disconnected, it is not a problem - simply plug the cable back in and the update should start over.
If the update fails part way through
i.e. If the indicator is displaying a popup message saying "Update in Progress".
In the unlikely event that the update fails after the indicator is displaying "Update in Progress" the indicator can not be turned off. It will appear dead but is actually continuing to try to receive new firmware. It will continue to try to do this indefinitely or until its battery goes flat.
A typical cause of this problem is the PC crashing during the update.
- If the update program is still running it should start over automatically.
- If the update program does not start over, quit the update program and run it again.
- If it still does not restart, try using the other CON port on the indicator.
- If it still does not restart, try re booting your PC and starting over.
- Ensure that you are using the latest software. Check the internet at follow the "Electronic Weighing Systems" link then the "Indicator Software Updates" link, register or log in and then check the version of the latest software available.
- If you still cannot get a successful update, you should take the indicator and the update program to a different PC and try again there, because we are getting close to the point where the indicator must be returned to Tru-Test for service.
- If the update still fails, please send the error log file C:\Temp\TrutestUpdate3000Error.TXT to Tru-test, together with the software version that appears in the update program and a description of what happened during each of the steps above. If we are able to resolve the problem, we will send out replacement software as soon as possible.
- Once an indicator is displaying "Update in Progress", a successful update must be completed. It is not possible to return the indicator to normal working order in any other way than returning it to a Tru-Test Service Centre (By the way, no-one has yet had to resort to this.) (Removing the back and disconnecting the battery will NOT restore the indicator, it will only cause the loss of the loader program, resulting in the need to return the indicator to a Tru-Test service centre to have the flash memory restored.
If the indicator loses update mode
I.E. If the indicator is no longer displaying a popup message saying "Update in Progress" and it will not operate.
The indicator must be returned to a Tru-Test Service Centre to have it's flash memory restored.
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