Failure of the political system - Batista in power

Illegitimacy of rule

Illegitimate - seized power

First rule

·  1933 – Batista’s coup

·  1934 – 1940 ruled through a succession of puppet presidents

·  1940 became president, however, there was opposition.

Second period of rule

·  Coup march 1952. Promised to end corruption. Promised social reforms leading to an election. Mock elections held in 1954.

·  Actually was authoritarian, a Caudillo.

Lack of support

·  For Batista: Business establishment, left-wing CTC made a deal initially. Officer elite.

·  Against Batista: Student movement and in 1958 the Catholic Church declared opposition to Batista. Other political groups.

·  Regime was not representative of any specific class.

Overconfidence balanced with desperation for support. Perhaps the measures taken were less about arrogance and more about needing support.

·  Released Castro – “anxious to appear benevolent”

·  Allowed Castro to speak out, especially press – more than 25 denunciations were published

·  Claimed Castro was killed after 1956 attack

Tightened repression against upsurge of protest


·  Thousands tortured.

·  Failed to address problems. Corruption. The poor still poor. Unemployment 8.9% to 18% (Jan – Dec 1958)

·  Suspended rights.

Power vacuum

Other possible groups:

·  Military - Army was weak. US arms embargo 1958, no help from America because of the Batista regime’s violence and repression. Also, no effective counter-insurgency measures were taken. In 1956 political support was made necessary for becoming an officer in the army. Thus often the new officers were not properly qualified any more. Military was also divided (Cienfuegos naval mutiny)

·  Elites - unorganised, disunited (held the wealth of the nation)

·  Communists – discredited because of deal with Batista

·  Conservatives – fragmented

·  Auténticos – discredited (did not end corruption as promised) – some wanted violence, others didn’t. Divided over how to overthrow Batista.

·  Ortodoxos – leader killed, ideology not well formed.

How this helped CASTRO

·  Long term violence and repression

·  Anti-Americanism

·  LINK: Cuban development – sugar monoculture. Caught by American intervention. Development halted in part because of the failure of the political system. A power vacuum created. CASTRO filled it.

·  Batista’s weaknesses exploited by Castro.

·  Strong leader wanted. NATIONALISM became a prerequisite for revolutionary success