Fixture Secretary - LHA

Notify LHA Fixture Secretary via email of Division 1 & 2 times – by 8pm on the preceding Monday or a LHA fine is incurred.

Notify Opposition Fixture Secretary of home fixture - by 8pm for Division 1 on the preceding Monday or Friday if a midweek fixture or a LHA fine is incurred.

Notify Opposition Fixture Secretary of any home fixture – Division 3 down – generally by Monday evening at the very latest. Ideally should be done by Sunday evening.

Ensure receipt of away fixture times and pass onto Selectors/Team Captains/managers.

Match times as per LHA rules to be between 11.00 & 17.00 unless agreed between clubs.

Arrange refixes with Opposition match secretaries as necessary with matches postponed due to inclement weather.

Where matches are postponed to another date-please check with the umpires branch first before confirming with leinster and the opposition team a new date.

Confirm with umpires the home and away team colours so they dont clash (either the teams or the actual umpires shirts!

As ladies 1sts are in div 2 next season-umpires may have to be arranged by the team manager if none available from branch-please inform team manager asap so they can ask around.

Write to LHA fixture Secretary with regard to any specific postponements required by the club – note 2 weeks generally is required – min notice is the Tues preceding a Saturday fixture.

Coordinate fixtures at least 4 weeks in advance with regard to teams clashing in respect of playing times and venues. Ie: don’t generally have 4ths and 5ths on at same time unless sure of both umpires and avail players esp. goalkeepers.

Coordinate in advance at least 4 weeks with Avril Haughton (TR Pitch Bookings) with regard to any specific match times required. ie: away teams travelling more than 50 miles to play between 13:00 & 15:00 unless prior agreement between clubs – LHA Rules. Ditto in respect of a TRR team for example playing in Kilkenny, Athy etc.

If an early time is to be agreed esp in respect of such distant away fixture for any TRR then that team needs to be notified well in advance.

Ensure receipt of all scores. These have to be inputted onto the LHA Website by Monday or LHA fine incurred.

Arrange food for visiting teams (ie: travelling from outside Dublin) (usually managers and captains should do this)

For the men;

For the men, 2ndXI always play after the 1stXI unless in different venues – if this occurs then arrangement to play later time for 2ndXi needs to be obtain with opposition and LHA Fixture Committee

For the men note the participation of St Columbus players are affected by early match times as are rugby playing Wesley junior members – coordinate with selectors accordingly in relation to this for specific teams ie: 2ndXI and 4thXI

Fixture Secretary – IHA

Same as for LHA except it only involves the 1stXI & 2ndXI in relation to ISC, IJC & IHL

All indoor correspondence for the men are forwarded onto Liam Canning – liaise with Liam in respect of his requirements for the indoor selection panel – ie don’t arrange any refixes for 1stXI & 2ndXI the same dates as the indoor competition weekend fixtures

There are stricter rules in respect to notification of Umpires and TO’s of fixture times.

Arrange food for visiting teams (ie: travelling from outside Dublin) (again, captains and managers do this on the ladies side)