Autumn Term 2 Week 6 Newsletter
Focused, hardworking, happy children!!
Christmas has officially started at Gledhow! The tree is up in the entrance, Bing Crosby is crooning and party preparations are underway. The whole school enjoyed their Christmas discos with Mr Shuffles-thank you as always to the PSA for organizing this annual event. Reception and Year 1 children are busily rehearsing their Nativity through Song. The singing, acting and costumes are putting us all in a very seasonal mood.
Christmas Concert
We look forward to many of you joining us at St Edmund’s on Tuesday 13th December. All children from Year 1 to Year 6 will be attending and Year 4 are very excited to perform Christmas Around the World. All parents/carers are welcome- we start at 9.30am. Our rising collection this year is for Candlelighters- a charity which have been helping children with cancer and their families since 1976.
The School Council’s Christmas Charity Collection
At the end of our concert the School Council will ask for donations to the Leeds (North) Food Bank, as this is the other charity they wish to support. Donations (to be taken to Miss Black’s classroom) can be brought into school this week. The type of foods requested include UHT or powdered milk, sugar, fruit juice (cartons), pasta sauces, cereals, tea bags, coffee, instant mashed potato, rice, pasta, jam, biscuits, snack bars, tinned meat/ fruit/ vegetables/ fish/ soup/ sponge puddings/ tomatoes/ rice pudding. Many thanks in advance for your help.
Spectacular Samba Stomp!
Thursday night Gledhow’s Samba Stomp band, led by Miss Black, wowed the audience by opening their annual World of Music Concert! The audience were treated to a cacophony of samba rhythms, including samba reggae, hip-hop and batucada. The spectacular piece of music was put together as part of an on ongoing musical partnership with Allerton Grange along with local primary schools Moor Allerton Hall and Talbot. The children were AMAZING!! Well done!! Thank you once again to our PSA who were able to buy our wonderful Samba Kit! Watch out for more musical collaborations in the future! Miss Black.
A Library to Love
We are pleased to announce the winner of the most ‘Wackiest Reading Spot’…………Lexi Weavers, 2VW. Lexi reads upside down, whilst doing a handstand, on a Twister board! Who would have thought that was a good place? Well done Lexi.
We wish you all a very happy holiday and a very Merry Christmas!
REMINDER-Save the Children-Wear Your Christmas Jumper Day-Friday 16th. All donations gratefully received.
Mark Trudgill, Sue McCann, Louise Jeynes, David Bickley
Dates for Your Diary New items are underlined
Monday 12 December KS1 Christmas parties pm
Tuesday 13 December Christmas Celebration- St Edmunds’ Church 9.30
Reception Christmas Party pm
School Christmas Lunch
Wednesday 14 December Year 1 Nativity through Song 9.45am
KS2 Christmas Parties pm
Thursday 15 December Reception Nativity 2.30pm
Friday 16 December Save the Children-Wear Your Christmas Jumper Day School closes for Christmas Holidays
Tuesday 3 January School Opens Spring 1
Monday 6 January PSA Meeting 7.30pm
Wednesday 18 January Y2 WW2 Workshop
Tuesday 7 February Parents’ Evening
Thursday 9 February Parents’ Evening
Friday 10 February Half Term
Monday 20 February School Opens Spring 1
Wednesday 8 March 5SL Haworth Residential
Wednesday 15 March 5RK Haworth Residential
Friday 24 March Red Nose day
Friday 31 March School closes for Easter
Tuesday 18 April School Opens Summer 1
Monday 1 May School Closed-Bank Holiday
Tuesday 2 May School Closed- Training Day
Monday 8 May Year 6 SATS Week
Friday 26 May School closes for Half Term
Monday 5 June School opens- Summer 2
Wednesday 14/15/16 June Year 4 Malham Residential- one night ONLY
ACHIEVEMENT 9th December 2016
The following children featured in this week’s ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLIESfor work or activities achieved in and out of school:
Nursery / Nursery pupils have a Star Jar which
is filled with rewards earned by
Individuals or groups. When the jar
Is full, the whole Nursery receives a
RAC / Ayda Voong and Zakariyya Khan
Always Club: Barney Nield / RLW / Manjovan Mattoo and Stanley Cooper
Always Club: Elise Dixon
RKJ / Oscar Ross and Frankie Wood
Always Club: Annie Joyce / 1AB / Francesca Melling and Naai’l Malik
Always Club: Rory Woodward
1SH / Evie Wallace and Jude Barron
Always Club: Mia Somerville / 1SS / Alara Haghverdi and Jack Tate
Always Club: Phoebe Booth
2PG / Adam Valley and Lilly Robinson
Always Club: Neath Frank / 2VW / Milo Ensor-Brookes and Lexi Weavers
Always Club: Ella-Rose Lawson
3LF / Zain Chaudary and Emily Glumac
Always Club: Zaara Khan / 3KG / Grace Roche and Amenah Aamer
Always Club: Danniyal Khan
4DB / Jake Warner and Riley Steele
Always Club: Dylan Kennedy / 4SB / Saul Sillers and Amari Norford-Blair
Always Club: Arthur Firth
5RK / Zane Cruise & Ivan Allison
Always Club: Bakhtawar Kamboh / 5SL / Rafi Mihov & Grace Goodwin
Always Club: Alfie Jones Blackett
6EC / Cian Greene and Elisha Gatewood
Always Club: Ricco Digwa / 6KW / David Maiga and Aqsa Ahmed
Always Club: Nat Shaw