All school rules and district policies will be followed.
Be in your seat ready to proceed when the tardy bell rings.
We have a rigorous schedule, and work intensely from “bell to bell,” students must be ready to go at the beginning of class. This does not mean in the hallway, or even in the room, it means in your seat. DO NOT stand in the hall outside the door and wait for the tardy bell. You will be marked tardy if you are not in your seat. (See grading incentives for 6 weeks.)
Hall passes are given out only in extreme cases and are discouraged during class. Bathroom and water breaks should be taken in the five minutes between classes not during class.
From time to time you will be assigned a project as an assignment. There will be a defined criteria and due date. You will be expected to actively participate with your project to the maximum extent of your abilities. Your grade on projects will depend on the criteria given, the quality of the product, and yourability to follow directions.
Internet Access (rarely used in Accounting)
You will have Internet access within the classroom, and are expected to act responsibility at all times. While you are encouraged to explore the Internet for educational purposes, certain activities are not allowed (without my specific prior approval and when used for educational purposes):
Online Chat Rooms or blog sites such Facebook and Xanga, BETN.
Personal communication applications such as Instant Messenger, or
similiar applications including cell phones.
Objectionable sites such as Porn Sites, Hate or Joke Sites, or other
sites that may contain any obscene or objectionable information,
language, or images.”
Sites or applications that promote illegal activities, including sites that
provide pirated software or copyrighted material (this means KaZaa,
Limewire, or Gnutella, etc.)
Other sites that do not contribute to the educational process.
Acceptable Use Policy
The district has implemented an acceptable use policy, and it is contained in your student packet. In addition, you and your parents will be expected to acknowledge acceptance of this policy before Internet or network access is granted.
Care of Hardware and Software
We have installed a state of the art computer lab that you have the privilege of
using. This lab contains high quality equipment and software. Any intentional damage on your part will result I withdrawal of the privilege. You are not given permission to:
install any software and/or application without my specific instructions.
change or alter any system settings, including system defaults, desktop
settings, screen savers, wallpapers, etc.
other actions that in the instructor’s opinion will damage the consistency
and/or integrity of the computer systems.
You an/or your parents could be held financially responsible for any damage whether intentional or through negligence.
District Policy prohibits eating or drinking in any classroom. This includes gum, candy, cokes, water, breakfast, lunch, etc. Violation of this policy will result in forfeiture of the food or drink, and suspension of computer privileges for the remainder of the period. Recurring violation of this rule will results in suspension of computer privileges for longer periods.
All required supplies must be provided on a timely basis. You must always come to class prepared for the day’s lesson. Failure to be prepared may result in your inability to complete the day’s assignments with a resulting impact on your grade. This is a computer class, but a pencil/pen, folder and paper_are required.
Acknowledgement by Parents
Before students are allowed access to computer equipment, parents must sign and return the
acknowledgement and acceptance of the Acceptable Use Policy, these rules/procedures, and the
grading policy.(found in packet sent home the first day of school)
Grading Policy
General Information
Credit will be based on attendance and the average of 3 six weeks grades and the final exam. There are two semesters in this course for the school year. A passing grade will be a 70 or above. Texas State Law requires 90% attendance in a course in order to be eligible to receive credit for the course, regardless of your grade average in that course. On block schedules, that means that 6 or more absences in the semester could result in loss of credit. The state does not distinguish between excused
and unexcused absences. If at any time you are in danger or accumulating 5 or more absences, contact Mr. Garrett to discuss options to regain credit.
Assignment CategoriesWeight
Daily Assignments (CW/HWO and class participation 70%
Tests 10%
Projects and Presentations 20%
In addition, the district will provide semester exams that provide up to 20% of the semester grade. Students that do not make up detention with me will be required to take the semester exam regardless of their grades or absences.
Late Work/Makeup Policy
Since the skills are generally required to master succeeding topics, all assignments are required. Class time may be unavailable for late assignments; therefore in order to complete your assignments, additional time must be scheduled. It is your responsibility to schedule any additional class time. Late work will be accepted with a reduction of 20 points per calendar day (excluding Saturday & Sunday). Any day(s)I am unable to schedule time will not be counted against the student. If a student is out of school for 2 class periods for a school sponsored activity (AG, Atheletics, etc.), they will have two class period starting the day they return to make it up. After the allotted time, the assignment becomes late and will receive a grade of 70.
Homework will be occasionally assigned, and is expected to be completed on the due date. Late assignments (late is not turned in by class time the day it is assigned) will be accepted the next class period with a maximum grade of 70.
A retest may be taken to improve your grade if you have received a grade below 70. It must be taken within 5 days of the original test, and will have a maximum grade of 70. All re-tests must be scheduled outside of regular class time (usually before or after school).
If a student has completed all assignments and projects, extra points on the six-weeks grade will be available: no tardy = 2 pts.; no absences = 3 pts. A progress report is sent home at the end of three weeks and six weeks. Bringing it back signed by parent or guardian will result in an extra “100” daily grade.
If you or your parent need to contact me, you may call the school (903) 547-2215. My conference period is from 10:25 – 11:55 p.m. on “B” day. My home phone number is at the bottom of this page. Please feel free to call anytime, just please call before 9:00 p.m.
Parent’s/Student’s Acknowledgement and Acceptance
Please provide the requested information and return this form to me.
Yes . . . I have read and understand the Classroom Rules/Procedures, and the grading policy. I agree to be bound by them. I understand my child will be granted Internet access as an integral part of this class for educational purposes. Use of the Internet within the school for other than education purposes may result in disciplinary action.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Student’s SignatureDate
No . . I have read and understand the Classroom Rules/Procedures, and the grading policy. I am unable to accept them and request conference to discuss alternatives.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Student SignatureDate
Print the following information (Please make it legible)
Student Name/ID#
______Parent/Guardian Name
Mailing Address
Home PhoneWork Phone
Parent’s Email Address ______
Carolyn SackettConference: “B” Day 6th Period
Home Phone: (903) 547-9297School Phone: (903) 547-2215