Surplus Management Guide for the University of Cincinnati


Introduction 3

Logging into the system 3

Assets 4

Searching, Viewing and Updating Assets 4

Tagged Asset Detail Screen 5

Change Request 7

Surplus Transfers 8

Creating a Surplus Transfer 8

Surplus Detail 10

Adding Assets to a Surplus 10

Submit for Approval 13

Print Pickup Labels 13

Approve the Transfer 13

Adhoc Reports 15

Web Surplus Site 22

Help 23

Support 23


Welcome to the Surplus Management System by AssetWorks. SMS is web based and can be accessed anywhere internet access is available.

This guide will provide an overview of the system, including examples, screen prints, and how tasks are accomplished. This document will focus on software operation. For answers to questions not covered in this guide, please contact your System Administrator.

Logging into the system

If you have already logged into the UC network via SSO you will get a confirmation page.
Users will click on the “OK” button and are taken to the Welcome Screen within the SMS application.

The top right of the screen contains the following links:
Home - returns you to this main welcome page
Help - opens a window with additional help about the current screen
Support - opens a window that allows you to send a message or question to AssetWorks technical support staff
Sign Out - signs you out of the application when you are finished

User Info - Displays information related to your user account.


Searching, Viewing and Updating Assets

Quick Search - enter any portion of a Tag Number or Description and press the Enter key or click the Search button to retrieve a list of assets that match the search criteria. Note that the Asset Status defaults to Not Inactive, which searches all active statuses. You can also change the Status setting to further refine the search criteria.

Advanced Search - An advanced search and a report are essentially the same feature, so they are combined into this common screen. Please refer to the Adhoc Reports section of this guide for further information.

There are 2 types of assets in the system:

  1. Non-tagged Assets – Assets that have been created as part of a Surplus Transfer.
  2. Tagged Assets –Tagged assets are active assets that have been pre-loaded into the system from UC Access Financials. Once Non-tagged assets are received into the surplus warehouse, the system changes the tag number and they become Tagged Assets.

Non-tagged assets numbers are auto-assigned (surplus number - NT). When non-tagged are received, the Tag Number is: surplus transfer number - 001, 002 etc.

Users can lookup assets by the Tag Number and/or Description and Status.

Once the asset is found, users click the View button to view the Asset Detail.

Tagged Asset Detail Screen

The System Admin is the only user profile allowed to edit asset data. All fields with white backgrounds are editable from the asset detail. In order to save the changes, click the Save Asset button.

Other regions on the Asset Detail include Accounting, Addresses, Documents & Images, Online Auction, History, Validation, and Transfers.

Accounting – This region displays all accounting entries such as the original acquisition and eventually the disposal accounting entry.

Addresses – This region displays the address of the asset when added.

Document & Images – This region enables users to add documents or images to the asset (10 Max). Note: any documents or images added to a received Surplus asset will display on the Web Surplus site.

1.  Under Documents and Images, click Insert File and select an Image to add to the asset. Valid file types are listed below.

2.  Select Save & Close to add to asset or Save &New to add additional Images.

History – This region displays the history of an asset and can be downloaded via the Download link.

Validation – For users of AssetWorks’ Scan & Validate software, the Validation tab displays the historical record of when assets were scanned each year, who scanned them, and what the status was.

Transfers – This region displays the transfer history of an asset and can be downloaded via the Download link.

Change Request

The Change Request feature allows administrators to approve changes to certain fields. Users submit change requests, and the System Admin can approve or reject those changes.

1.  Click on the Change Request Icon for Field you wish to edit.

2.  When the Change Request form appears, enter the new description and the reason for the change.

3.  Click on the Submit button.

Surplus Transfers

This screen allows you to search for surplus transfers or initiate new surplus transfers of assets.

Department Users will only see assets owned by their department(s).

Users with the Department User Role will create Surplus Transfers for the Departments they are assigned and add assets to the transfer.

Those users with the Department Approver Role can create a Surplus Transfer and approve or reject the assets on the Transfer once it has been submitted.
Quick Search Transfers
In order to quickly search for an existing surplus transfer by its Surplus Number, enter a Surplus Number into the field and press the Enter key or click the Search button
Search Surplus
In order to perform a more advanced search of existing surplus transfers, click the > next to the Search Surplus region. This will open up the region and allow you to specify additional criteria.

Creating a Surplus Transfer

In order to initiate a new surplus transfer of one or more assets, click the > icon next to the Create Surplus region.

Required fields have an * next to them.

From Department*: The User’s Assigned Department determines the From Department. Note: this will default to only the Department or Departments the User has been assigned to. If you have Scope for more than one Department, you will have to use the lookup option by typing in the name or clicking on the magnifying glass to search and change to the appropriate From Department.

Notes: Enter any notes into this field.

Pickup Type*: Select from the Pickup Type from the drop down list of Pickup Types available.

Delivery Date: Select a delivery date for the Surplus Transfer. Note that Delivery Date is required when a Pickup Type of “Department Delivery” or “External Movers” is selected.

Building*: Type in the name of the appropriate building.

Room*: Type in the name of the appropriate room number. Note that only valid Building and Room combinations are allowed.

Contact Name*: This will be filled automatically with the contact person for the department. Enter the Contact Name of the person who is the best person to contact regarding this surplus if different from the department contact.

Contact Phone*: Enter the Contact persons Phone Number for this surplus.

Contact Email*: Enter the Contact persons email address for this surplus.

Mail Location*: Type in the Mail Location for the Contact.

Location Notes: Location notes are only for the department. These should not be used to specify where to pick up an asset.

Terms and Conditions Checkbox: In order to create a Surplus Transfer, the user will need to review and click the checkbox. The Create button will not be available until this checkbox is selected.

Once all the appropriate data is entered, click the Create button

Surplus Detail

Once a Surplus Transfer is created, you’ll be taken to the Surplus Detail screen. At the top is the Surplus Detail header. It shows the data that was just entered to create the Surplus Transfer as well as the Surplus Number (auto-assigned) and the Creation Date of the Surplus.

If the Surplus Header/Detail needs to be updated, you can use the Edit button to make those changes.

Adding Assets to a Surplus

After the Surplus Header has been created the user can add assets to the surplus in 3 ways:

1.  Tagged Assets – If the asset is a Tagged Asset, type in part of the tag number in the Tag Number field. When the correct asset appears, click on it and click the Add Asset button. The asset will then appear under the Assets region. Continue this process to add each Tagged asset onto the Surplus Transfer.

2.  If individual non-tagged assets need to be added to the Surplus, click on the Create New Asset button from the Surplus Header.

This will bring up a new window where a non-tagged asset can be created and added. Fill in all of the fields with an * next to it, these are required fields.

Once all required data has been entered, choose Save & Same to duplicate the entire non-tagged asset. Save & New brings up new non-tagged asset screen and Save & Done returns the users to the Surplus Detail Screen.

3.  To add a group of assets at once, click the Transfer by Filter option.

The Transfer by Filter Screen will default to Asset Status of Active and the Department Number used in the Surplus Transfer, additional filtering criteria can be added by clicking Add Filter Row.

Click Preview Results to preview the list of assets you’ve created.

Once you have the list of assets you intend to transfer, click the Add to Transfer Button.

After the user has added assets to the Surplus Transfer, they can remove any assets that have been added incorrectly by clicking on the Remove Asset button seen below. This will allow the user to select the Tag Number of the asset to be removed, and then confirm by clicking the Remove Asset next to the Tag Number field. Note: Assets added incorrectly must be removed before the Surplus Transfer is finalized by clicking on the Submit for Approval Button.

Submit for Approval

Once the Surplus Transfer is complete, the user clicks on the Submit for Approval Button. The system will send an email the Department Approver that the Surplus Transfer is ready to be approved.

Print Pickup Labels

After the Surplus transfer has been submitted. The pickup labels can be printed.

Approve the Transfer

Once the Surplus Transfer is ready for approval the Department Approver will conduct an Adhoc Search for those transfers “Waiting for Approval.”

Once you have found the transfer, click on the View/Edit Icon for that transfer in order to complete the Approval step for the Transfer. In the Surplus Detail Screen click the Approve Button below the Asset Grid.

In the Approve Asset Grid, change the Approved* drop down, select Approved or Rejected (add notes for reason rejected) and any optional notes needed. Then click the Save Button.

The status of the assets is changed to “In Transfer” and an Approve Date is added to the Asset.

If the Surplus Transfer was a Pickup Type of UC Moving Services the Department Approver would print the Pickup Labels for the Transfer and adhere them to all of the assets on the transfer.

Adhoc Reports

An advanced search and a report are essentially the same feature, so they are combined into this common screen. On the left side of the screen is the Edit Report Region, which lists the different features of the report that are available for you to edit. When you click on one of the links in this region, it changes the options available to you on the right side of the screen. Below is a description of the options available for each of the links.

Create a Report – Report
The Report section allows you to assign a name to your report and save it. You can specify a Report Name and a Report Description. Category? The Report Orientation determines if the report will print out in Portrait (vertically) or Landscape (horizontally). You can also choose to make each group begin on a new page by choosing Yes in the Break on Groups field (if you're using the Groups feature listed below). In order to save all changes you've made to the report, click the Save Report button.

In order to completely delete the report so it no longer appears in the list of reports, click the Delete button.

In order to create a new report based on this report, click the Copy Report button.

The Display section allows you to choose which fields you want to display on the report. The box on the right lists all of the fields included on the report. The order in which they are listed is the order in which they will appear on the report. You can adjust the order of the fields by highlighting a field and clicking the up or down arrow to the right of the box to move the field up or down. The box on the left displays additional fields not currently included on the report. You can move fields between the "included" and "not included" boxes by double-clicking on the field (or by highlighting a field and clicking the left or right arrows displayed between the two boxes).